Committee for 2012/13:

President: Clive Groves

Chairman: Ann Martin

Vice-Chairman: Joan Dyson

Treasurer: Marnie Shaw

Secretary: Sonia Rose

Exhibition Organiser: Val Corgan

Publicity Officer: Elise Miles

Committee: Keith Cast, Eileen Dearden,

Phillippa Grier, David Jack,

Allen Rose, John Stevens


Ann Martin welcomed all who attended the AGM and thanked the committee for their hard work and keeping the wheels rolling, particularly Val, our Exhibition Organiser, who puts in a great deal of work to produce our superb Exhibitions.

John Marlow Memorial Annual Competition: The theme this year was “Dreams” and was judged by Ray Gray – a local artist.

·  1st prize: £30 and the John Marlow award – Jennifer Bembridge

·  2nd prize: £20 - Pat Snelgrove

·  3rd prize: £15 - Anthony Hurst

A sale of donated art materials and books was held and raised £277.45 for the Society.

The Treasurer distributed the audited accounts and reported that the Society has had another successful year and continues to hold a healthy financial reserve.

New Members: Current membership is approximately 145. Welcome to the following members who have joined since the last Newsletter: Mrs Margaret Rathbone, Ms Anne Rathbone, John Seogalutze, Keith Groves, Michael Taylor, Elaine Butcher, Paul Richmond-Darbey and Tony Chaffey.

Bridport Arts and Crafts

Bridport Arts and Crafts have, in the past, given our members a 10% discount and have now generously informed us that they are giving out a new 15% discount card, which is available for members to use in their shop. You can collect your discount card from the shop in East Street by showing your new membership card. The discount cards are valid for one year from the date of issue and can be used on any items, except products already reduced and original paintings. Present your card when making a purchase as they will need to make a note of the card serial number.


Please make sure that you read all information and that you send a separate form for cards and prints. These can be downloaded from the website, if you haven’t got a form. Just to clarify, that by “prints” we mean reproductions of your own painting , not a block print or a screen print. Block/screen prints will have had some personal hands on attention and are therefore able to be hung if framed or put in a folio stand if not. They are pieces of art on their own. A separate folio stand will carry any prints (reproductions) and if the original is hung then we will put a sticker beside it to indicate that “prints are available”.

We have a new venue arranged for our autumn exhibition, the Town Hall in Bucky Doo Square, so exciting stuff. Our major problem will be no wall space apart from the stair well, so we will need extra help on stewarding to watch that area. More cards and prints of your work please. Wishing everyone a successful year. Val

West Bay Exhibition – Old Salthouse - Easter:

All entry forms should now be in.

Entry Forms to Val Corgan by 26th March:

Hand-in Thursday 5th April 12.00 – 2.00pm

Collection Monday 9th April 5.00 – 6.00pm

Annual Exhibition – Allsop Gallery – Wednesday 27th June to Saturday 7th July

Entry Forms to Val Corgan by Friday 15 June;

Hand-in Sunday 24 June 10.00 – 12.00 noon

Preview 26th June 7.00 – 9.00pm

Collection 7th July 3.30 – 4.30pm

The Town Hall – Bridport Exhibition – Wednesday 1st August to Sunday 5th August

Entry forms to Val Corgan by Tuesday 24 July

Hand in Tuesday 31st July 4 – 5 pm

Collection Sunday 5th August 3.30 – 4.30 pm

Please note if entering cards at the exhibitions, these must be clearly labelled and priced in multiples of 50p, ie £1.50/£2 etc.

Bridport Open Studios 25/26/27th August 2012-03-05

This year the BOS are going to run for three weekends in August in line with “The Spirit of Bridport” celebrations.

We cannot do all three weekends so have booked the St John’s Hall for three days over the Bank Holiday weekend. We need lots of help, at least six people for each am and pm slot. If you would like to take part, please send in the form enclosed to Ann Martin,.

Workshops and Trips 2012/13

1.  27 March 2012 – Beginners Acrylics - Ann Martin

2.  17 April 2012 - Batik on Paper – Deborah Vallance

3.  29 May 2012 – Mono Printing with Sue Warren

4.  Late June (date to be finalised) Summer Open Air Workshop at the Walled Gardens in Little Bredy, retreating to the Village Hall if the weather should turn wet..

5.  November/December - Visit to Bristol – RWA Art Exhibition and Christmas Shopping – Date to be advised.
