1. Which of the following accurately explains the founding of Britain?

a. King Constantine wins the island from the invading Saxon and names it Britain, which means victory.

b. Brutus is banished from Italy and, along with sons of Troy, sails from Italy until they find the island, which he names “Britain” after himself.

c. Arthur claims the sword at 15 and unites all the Barons under his rule, naming their nation “Britain” which means united.

d. Aurelias Ambrosias (Arthur’s uncle) defeats the Saxons, builds Stonehenge, and names their new nation “Britain,” which means holy place.

2. For what reason does Arthur decide to pull the sword from the stone?

3. Why does the sword in the stone appear in the churchyard in London?

a. Merlin summons it there to help prove that Arthur is the true king.

b. It was established by the local monarchs as a way to help find a noble king.

c. Merlin summons it there (or God “miraculously” makes it appear) to help unify Britain before it can fall to foreign armies.

d. It had existed there before Britain was founded and was thought of as a relic of the gods.

4. In the story, what is the significance of Carleon?

a. This is the birthplace of Arthur and the home of his father, Uther.

b. This is the city King Arthur ruled that was a place of perfect chivalry and peace.

c. This is the battle ground where Arthur met Lucius Hiberius.

d. This is the city where Arthur has a great feast after he is crowned King, only to have the dukes of Northern Britain threaten war.

5. Who is Igraine and what role does she play in the story?

6. Which of the following accurately explains the manner in which Arthur first pulls the sword from the stone?

a. Arthur was in town for a knightly tournament and had forgotten his sword, so he went to the churchyard to claim a new sword.

b. Merlin leads Arthur to the stone and calls nobles together to witness Arthur’s ability to pull the sword that no other knight could pull.

c. Sir Kay’s sword is broken in battle. As his squire, Arthur has to find a replacement, so he decides to get the one from the churchyard, hoping it will be good enough for now.

d. Sir Ector and Sir Kay bring Arthur to the churchyard to pull the stone because they know he is the one true king.

7. At king Arthur’s “secret” birth who gives him gifts of intelligence, courage, strength, generosity and long life?

a. His mother, Igraine, who is a sorceress

b. Merlin, who blessed him and then helped secret him away

c. His Father, UtherPendragon, who knew Arthur would have to face many enemies in his life

d. Magical elves who were actually present at his birth

8. According to King Arthur’s tale, which of the following is true about Stonehenge?

a. The stones originated in Africa and were brought to Ireland by Giants

b. The stones were placed by the great gods to be a healing place for mortals

c. The stones were brought from Africa to Ireland to be a part of a burial memorial

d. The stones are bones of the old Giants that used to live in Ireland

9. Which of the following judgments about UtherPendragoncould be supported by the text?

a. He was a caring and loving father who sacrificed much to help his son have a possible future as King of Britain.

b. He was a tender husband who did all that he could to protect his wife, Igraine.

c. He represents the typical arrogance of power; his relations with Igraine illustrate how he feels he deserves he can take whatever he pleases.

d. He represents the bridge between the mortal and the divine because he worked with Merlin to accomplish magical deeds.

10. Who is Sir Pellinor?

a. The knight whose sword broke, causing Arthur to pull the sword from the stone.

b. The king of Ireland who Merlin’s army fought when they retrieved the stones for Stonehenge.

c. A knight who almost beats Arthur in a dual before Merlin puts the knight into a magical sleep.

d. Merlin’s apprentice who becomes Arthur’s personal guard and escort.

11. What is the name of the emperor of Rome, whom Arthur defeats in battle?

12. What great feat does King Arthur complete while in Gaul before battling Rome?

a. He intimidates the emperor of Rome into surrender before the armies ever even meet on the battlefield.

b. He sneaks away in the middle of the night and goes to slay a giant that has been ravaging the country side for eleven years.

c. He fights side by side with Lancelot and overcomes 60,000 Roman soldiers with only a small army.

d. He sneaks into Rome in the dead of night and slays the Roman emperor and his close guard.

13. For what two reasons do Arthur and his knights leave Rome after they have conquered it?



14. Which of the following properly explains Lancelots experience with “The 4 Queens”?

a. Lancelot falls asleep under a tree, is imprisoned by the 4 Queens, and is told he will be put to death if he doesn’t choose one of them over Guinevere.

b. Lancelot falls asleep under a tree, wakes up in a castle protected by two giants, and must slay the giants in order to save the 4 Queens from imprisonment.

c. The 4 Queens cast a spell on Lancelot to make him forget Guinevere, he escapes their palace, and he finds a hermit to cure him of the potent spell.

d. The 4 Queens kidnap Lancelot because of his love affair with Guinevere, but Lancelot claims that Guinevere is true to her lord and he will die before he shames her name.

15. Which of the following details is an accurate detail concerning Lancelot and Guinevere?

a. Guinevere sends Lancelot on many adventures to keep him away from the women of court.

b. King Arthur sends Lancelot on many adventures to keep Lancelot away from his wife.

c. Sir Lancelot sleeps around with many other women on his quests, which upsets Guinevere.

d. Sir Lancelot and Guinevere are having a love affair without any of the court of Camelot being aware.

16. Guinevere prepares a feast for all the great knights to prove she loved other knights as much as she loves Lancelot. What happens at this feast that leads to Guinevere being threatened with death?

a. Mordred and Agraivaine decide to expose the truth of Guinevere and Lancelot’s affair.

b. King Arthur, because Mordred revealed the true nature of Guinevere’s affair, announces that Guinevere will be put to death unless a true knight can prove her innocence in combat.

c. Lancelotchooses not to come to the feast, which angers Guinevere so much she admits to her affair in order to lead to Lancelot’s destruction.

d. One of the knights eats a poisoned apple; because Guinevere prepared the feast, she is considered guilty unless a knight can prove her innocence in combat.

17. Which of the following best captures King Arthur’s mentality once Guinevere & Lancelot’s affair has been exposed?

a. He is outraged that his right hand knight has betrayed him and heart-broken that the love of his life has cheated on him.

b. Arthur was tormented because he was aware of the affair all along, but now, because of his duty as king, he would be forced to punish the two he loved most.

c. Arthur was not surprised or concerned—he knew it would happen because Merlin had prophesied the affair when Arthur first met Guinevere.

d. Arthur was greatly saddened and could not confront either his trusted knight or his beloved lady.

18. How is Guinevere saved from death after she has been accused of killing one of Arthur’s knights with a poisoned apple?

19. Why do the barons support Sir Mordred when he claims the throne of Britain?

20. King Arthur and Sir Mordred meet to make peace for a time. Why is Arthur willing to offer a great reward if Sir Mordred relents for the time being?

21. What does Gaiwan ask of Lancelot—in a letter—as he lies dying from Lancelot’s blow?

22. What causes Arthur and his knights to leave the battle with Lancelot at Joyous Gard?

23-25. Explain three different ways Merlin has impacted (maybe even manipulated) Arthur’s tale or life throughout this story.





26. UtherPendragon:

27. Sir Bedivere:

28. Sir Pellinor:

29. Gareth & Gaheris:

30. Sir Ector:


31. Tintagel:

32. Dover:

33. Carlisle Castle:

34. Gaul:

35. London:

For the following questions, explain your answer as thoroughly as you can by using specific text references—not quotes, but detailed summary references…(10 points each)

1. How are the ideas of the Arthurian Hero shown throughout this story?

2. What can King Arthur’s tale reveal to us about Human Nature and the ideas of betrayal, love, loyalty and/or tragedy?