The Midland Counties Field Trial Society NoviceA/V Spaniel Field Trial at TheGrimsthorpe Estate

The Midland Counties Field Trial Society held a 16 dog A/V SpanielTrial on11th November 2015 at the GrimsthorpeEstate and by kind invitation of Michael Parker and the Grimsthorpe Syndicate

The judges were Mr D Chudley(A1849) and Mr G Devine-Jones (A3180)and the dogs competed for The Bowlby Challenge Trophy and The Carlton Challenge Cup (Winner) and The Packwood Challenge Cup (Second Place)

Dodson & Horrell Limited through their "CHUDLEYS" product had once again most generously agreed to sponsor the prize money for all of the Society’s stakes and the dogs placed 1st to 3rdreceived a bag of "CHUDLEYS" dog food, the Bowlby Endowment for dogs placed 1st to 3rd, in addition all competitors received a “CHUDLEYS” goodie bag.

The day started in woodland with white grass, bramble and fallen trees. Birds came steadily as we moved through the woodland. The beat then moved through a field of white grass into more woodland which consisted of white grass and bracken. The bracken was quite high which made it difficult for dogs to mark retrieves. There was an extremely high standard of dogs with only 2 being lost throughout the day.

The results were as follows –

1st Simonside Doris of Laysan - B Watkins
2nd HelmswayHellraiser - I English
3rd Syncerus Skye - P Forder

4th Esgob Esteem - W Clulee4th Esgob Esteem – W Clulee

COM Willowsaul Dirty Trick – S Lundy

COM Guns Choice – Helmsway Harlequin – S Black

COM TygoreKlass – S Blackman

Brekswood Isla – N Thorpe

4th Esgob Esteem - W Clulee
COM's Willowsaul Dirty Trick - S Lundy
Gun's Choice and COM Helmsway Harlequin - S Black
Tygore Klass - S Blackman
Brekswood Isla - N Thorpe

4th and Guns Choice Edgegrove Orb - J Organ
COM's Countryways Newton - D Massey
Flaxdale Max of Witchwillows - G Wilson
Chyknell Jackdaw of Breezybrook - J Ward Congratulations to the winner and to all in the awards and a very special thank you to everyone who supported this trial