PrefixNumberCourse Title Cr.Hrs.

Instructors: Sharon OlsenPhone : 727-394-6225


Office: LI-205F

A.Course Description:

Prerequisite: REA 0001. Under the supervision of an instructor, the student (hereafter called "tutor") does peer tutoring/proctoring in individualized classroom or laboratory learning situations. The emphasis is on the one-to-one helping relationship in an academic area in which the peer tutor/proctor has competence. A maximum of 8credits can be received for this course. 4 contact hours per week =2 credit hours; 6 contact hours per week = 3 credit hours.

For this course, you will serve as a tutor for students enrolled in SLS 1101. This will require that you arrange a specific, designated time to work with students. Meetings may be held in the Student Support Center, the Learning Support Commons or another agreed-upon area. Tutors will provide a schedule of availability. Your tutoring actives may include such tasks as: assisting students with using MyCourses, MyStudentSuccessLAb, or other technology; work-shopping course assignments;clarifying course expectations; conducting college resources orientations; reviewing success strategies; assisting tutors, librarians, and staff in the Student Support Center and/or Learning Support Commons; etc.

B.Major Learning Outcomes:

1.The tutor will understand the principles of the subject in which he/she tutors/proctors.

2.The tutor will develop and maintain high ethical standards when working with other students.

3.The tutor will learn how to explain to peers the principles of the course subject-matter in which he/she tutors/proctors.

4.The tutor will demonstrate knowledge of the rewards and the problems of teaching individuals.

5.The tutor will help the instructor discover any weaknesses in the course materials or in the instructional strategies, as identified by the students in the individualized class/lab.

6.The tutor will appreciate the importance of consistent attendance in the role of peer helper.

C.Course Objectives Stated in Performance Terms:

1.The tutor will understand the principles of the subject in which he/she tutors/proctors by:

a.scoring a minimum of 90 percent on 90 percent of the unit tests in the course in which he/she is tutoring.

b.discussing to the instructor's satisfaction all of the instructional objectives of each unit of study.

2.The tutor will develop and maintain high ethical standards when working with other students by

  1. maintaining a professional relationship with the students.
  1. showing respect for the students’ cultural background and personal value system.
  1. seeking assistance in finding answers to questions when necessary.

3.The tutor will learn how to explain to peers the principles of the course subject-matter in which he/she tutors/proctors byexplaining answers to returned-test questions in hopes that 50 percent of the classroom students will improve their scores on the first re-test.

4.The tutor will demonstrate knowledge of the rewards and the problems of teaching individuals by:

a.listing at least three personal rewards and three personal problems he/she identified in teaching.

b.qualifying for re-enrollment in the course.

5.The tutor will appreciate the importance of consistent attendance in the role of peer helper by meeting all of his/her scheduled class hours unless excused by the instructor.

D.Criteria Performance Standard:

  1. Submit weekly schedule: Share weekly schedule with the SLS1101 professor, your Learning Support Commons Supervisor (Jennifer Gregor) and Professor Olsen (include classroom and Learning Support Commons hours). Post your schedule into the Weekly Schedule drop box. Any changes to the weekly schedule should be communicated within a timely manner to SLS1101 professor, Professor Olsen, and Learning Support Commons supervisor (Jennifer Gregor).

10 points

  1. Weekly Logs: Students are required to maintain a weekly average of four classroom/lab contact hours by maintaining a log that includes the following information: Day, Start Time, End Time, and Task/Agenda. You will post this information weekly into the appropriate discussion in MyCourses. (See details in Assignments tab).

65 points (5 points per week)

  1. INSTUCTOR MID-TERM PROGRESS MEETING: Prior to the 60% point of the term, arrange to meet with your Instructor (Professor Olsen) in order to provide a status update on the work you have accomplished to date.

20 points

  1. END OF TERM FINAL MEETING: Within the last two weeks of the semester, arrange to meet with your instructor (Professor Olsen) in order to provide a final review of your term activities.

20 points

  1. END OF TERM REFLECTION: At the end of the semester, you will complete a reflection of your experiences throughout the semester. You will post your reflection into the specified discussion in MyCourses.

50 points

Total Points Possible: 165

Late Policy:

1 point per day will be deducted for late assignments. Please submit your weekly logs by Sunday night at 11:55 p.m. (except holiday weeks), and please review the calendar tab for end of term reflection due date. Progress meetings should be scheduled as outlined in the Calendar tab. You have ample time to schedule these meetings. If you fail to schedule one of these meetings within the specified time frame, you will receive a zero for that meeting.

E. Grades: A= 90%-100%, B= 80%-89%, C= 70%-79%, D = 60%-69%, F= 59% or less

F. Active Participation: Active participation is determined by holding the scheduled weekly hours in the Student Support Center and completing the weekly online student log. If you miss two weeks of activity prior to the 60% deadline, 3/22/2017, you will be identified as no longer active in the course, resulting in a grade of “WF”. If your third week missed occurs after the 60% deadline of 3/22/2017, you will receive a “F” in the class.