Major Product Area / RN Live 8.2 / RN Live 7.5 / Comments /
Improved scalability and reliability
Callers (end users) are automatically reconnected with agent if chat session is dropped (for example during less stable dial-up accesses) thus improving their experience. / Not available
Callers place in the queues are preserved in case of disconnects / reconnects improving their experience and meeting their expectations. / Not available
New clustered architecture that eliminates a single point of failure. Agents and callers stay connected even if one of the servers in the cluster experiences a catastrophic failure providing a superior customer experience. / Single points of failure / Clustering also allows for a better scalability. Close to linear throughput capacity increase can be achieved by adding new nodes to the cluster.
New tech stack includes server load balancers and database caching, allowing for a more optimized system operation improving response times and adding greater productivity form the agent. / Not available
7.5 supports load balancing / Part of the new architecture
Improved “round robin” algorithm to ensue proper distribution of new chat sessions ensuring an even workload distribution. / Did not distribute workload appropriately
Much improved scalability (aiming at up to 1000s concurrent chat sessions) / Typically scales up to several hundred concurrent chat sessions / .
New End-user client is HTML providing no download of the client for the end user. / Java client/thin client
Improved Analytics and Reporting
Chat activity metrics introduced such as # of chat sessions, avg. wait time, avg. duration by agent/group of agents etc. This gives the agent and the supervisor a clear view of their chat agent’s performance. / Most metrics available by user but not by group
New supervisor snapshot report allows supervisors to drill down from a group activity into a single agent activity and further into a live chat session for supervision which enables the supervisor to monitor and make adjustments when necessary. / Available, but not through a drill-down discovery process
New historic chat report allows the analysis of the historic chat activity, including drill down to any completed chat session. A high level view gives the management team the ability to understand the current conditions. The drill down gets them to each session as needed. / Available only through a
custom report
New trending report allows a time series / trending analysis of the chat activity. Trend reports to enable the management team to understand if their adjustments are providing the desired results. / Not available
Existing reports have been overhauled to the new chat data model providing the same high level of reporting that has existed in past chat releases. / Same reports where practical / If upgrading – you will have access to old data with old report and new data with new reports
Full integration into the RightNow OnDemand Desktop
With Smart Assistant™, agents see suggested answers based upon chat content with a single keystroke improving agent performance and customer experience. / Available through the suggested solution button
Agents can send a standard response with a single keystroke for speed ,consistency and improving agent performance. / Not available
Supports canned response and hot-key for canned response
Agents can search for answers and paste the answer text or link to the chat transcript which provides the end –user a superior experience while improving agent productivity and answer accuracy. / Available through an url push
7.5 supported agents searching through answers and pasting in text to the chat from that answer
Agents can append chat history to existing incident to better manage customers using multiple channels for the same issue. / Not available
Agents can store the chat session information (including the transcript) for a contact without creating an incident / Not available
Saved in rnl_chats / Chat transcripts not stored in RNTL 7.x
Agents can create an incident at any moment within a chat session (or reuse an existing incident) which provides flexibility for the agent in their daily workflow. / Agent can create an incident at the end of the chat session / Provides easy escalation to contact center management processes
Agents can create an opportunity within a chat session to capture leads at the point of action which will drive additional revenue for the contact center. / Not available / Makes your contact center revenue generating without the overhead
Agents can see the next chat session information automatically displayed in a pop-up toast / Available but not in the form of a toast
Visual indicators tell agents the current session status enabling them to easily manage multiple sessions and increasing their productivity. / Not available
Had visual indicators of activity on a chat (chat tab would flash) / For example, the chat tab changes colors and flashes for a session with a long waiting customer.
Agents can see the caller’s incident history directly on the chat window. No need to leave the chat window and navigate to the contact’s incident history. This gives a full view of the contact. / Not available / Navigating to the contact history can be a major distraction for the agent
RightNow Live is fully integrated into the RightNow 8 workspace feature. The look and feel of the chat screens can be changed in the workspace manager. Chat window buttons, fields, widgets and labels can be added, removed or changed from a drag and drop user interface. / Requires customizations / This requires code changes in 7.x
The new chat sessions will be “pushed or pulled” by the agent. The agent can not reject a chat session. / The agent can only be pushed the chat from the queue. The agent can reject the chat session
7.5 supports both pull and push mode / Removed the “reject” from the agent to subscribe to best practices.
Inline spell check / On the fly Spell check
Improved Administration and configuration
A considerable number of system and session level parameters, such as the chat delivery algorithm (pull, push), maximum number of chats per agent, chat session timeouts etc. are now configurable. This allows for a more flexible chat operation management / Configuration capabilities are more limited
The same capabilities were offered in 7.5:
CS_IDLE_TIMEOUT / See the configuration document for RTN Live
Additional new features
Agents can adjust their maximum number of sessions within the guidelines of the systems settings. Additionally, an agent can not log off until all current sessions are complete. However, the agent can make himself unavailable to complete his active sessions. / Not available
7.5 supports setting number of sessions by agent / Both of these policies are in accordance with industry best practices and ensure the end-user receives the best service.
Wrap up processes allow the agent time to complete a session before being given a new one. This enables better management of the agent’s time and improves task completion rates. / Not available
Agents have the ability to transfer sessions and conference (with private hand-over conversations) when issues are beyond their capabilities. This first contact resolution process improves the end-user’s experience. / Available via an agent to agent session but without the 2 phase hand-over dialog
Features present in 7.5 but not in 8.1
Not available / Collaboration / Will be available via a partnership.
Available during transfer or conference via a sidebar window / Agent to agent chat
Not available / Callback
Queue Position presented to the End User / Same / Enhancement – give the end user their amount of wait time.
Not available / Emotix
Available only during a transfer or conference request / Declining a chat request / This is a best practices enhancement.
Not available / End user picking a specific agent
Available through active links in chat transcripts / URL push
Not available / MA to chat integration / Not very popular with the customers
Not available / Account maintenance / Mostly defining rules under which an email will be sent to the chat contact
Not available / Multi-language tab supports multi-lingual agent
Not available / Canned URL preview
Not available / Whisper from Supervisor – without end user knowing supervisor is in the chat session / This is a future enhancement
Not available / Cut and paste actions / This is a future enhancement