Local Environmental Services / Service:
Waste Services & Grounds Maintenance / Section:
Neighbourhood Services / Lead officer:
Colin Huntington
Support officers:
Louise Hayward, David Carpenter / Completion date: 07/01/2013
Review date: 18/02/2013
General information
(1) Name of Proposal/ Policy/Function: / LES 4 - Self management and/or the closure of bowling green facilities and playing fields
Briefly describe the aims, objectives and purpose of the policy / A saving of £80,000 with a reduction of 4 FTE’s could be realised through the self management or closure of bowling greens and playing fields in 2013/14.
Cost Centre: LE*
(2) Is this new or existing? / New proposal for reducing existing services and maintenance standards.
(3) Who are the main customer groups affected by this Policy / Function / Residents from a wide range of age groups that currently use the facilities.
(4) Groups affected by Proposal/Policy/Function: / (5) Geographical areas affected by the Proposal/Policy/Function:
Age - (Children 0-16, Young people 16-24, 25-59 year olds, 60+ Year olds)
Disability - (Physical/mobility, Sensory impairment, learning difficulties, Mental health, Other)
Gender and gender identity - (Men/Women/Transgender people)
Lesbians, Gay men, Bisexuals (LGB)
Race – (BME groups, Gypsies and travellers, Asylum seekers and refugees, new and emerging communities)
Religion or belief groups – (Including those of no religion or belief)
Socio-economic groups
Geographic communities – (Urban, Rural, Neighbouring areas)
Visitors or those working in the Borough
Elected Members
Council Employees
Everyone in Gateshead / Y
Y / Central
Lobley Hill & Bensham
Pelaw & Heworth
Wardley and Leam Lane
Windy Nook and Whitehills
Inner West
Dunston Hill & Whickham East
Dunston & Teams
Whickham North
Whickham South and Sunniside / Y
Y / South
High Fell
Low Fell
Chopwell & Rowlands Gill
Crawcrook & Greenside
Ryton, Crookhill and Stella
Winlaton and High Spen / Y
All Wards
No Wards / Y
(6) Who has been consulted in the development of the proposal/policy/function, and what has changed as a result?
At this stage, the proposal has been only discussed at management level with proposals then being forwarded to Members for consideration.
Should these proposals be selected by Members for implementation then there will need to be public consultation and information campaigns; consultation with staff and Trade Unions as there will be a significant change to working practices; and consultation with TGHC, contractors and suppliers, community groups, football and bowls teams, parks Friends of groups, service users, schools & partnerships.
(7) Data analysed during development of the proposal/policy/function and key issues
(Service Data – e.g. Comments and complaints, user surveys, database statistics, etc. Local –Strategic Needs Assessment, JSNA, Household Survey, viewpoint, etc. National – e.g. Census, Labour Force Survey, etc.)
Analysis of service budgets, grounds maintenance and other service standards, perceived impacts on the service users and wider community.
(8) Equality / Impact / Description of Impact / Mitigation
+2, +1, 0, -1, -2
What impact will this proposal/policy/function have on;
·  Equality of opportunity across all diverse groups
·  Eliminating discrimination, harassment, and victimisation
·  Relations between groups
·  Access to services / facilities / information / 0
-1 / This proposal will have a neutral impact.
This proposal will have a neutral impact.
This proposal will have a neutral impact.
There could be a reduction in the quantity of bowling green facilities and playing fields available if self-management by the user groups proves to not be viable in practice through lack of overall will, time or funds. / Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Encouragement of user groups to self-manage.

When describing impact specifically consider the effect of the proposal/policy/function on groups identified in question 4

(9) Environment / Impact / Description of Impact / Mitigation
+2, +1, 0, -1, -2
What impact will this proposal/policy/function have on;
·  Energy and Carbon Emissions
·  Built Environment
·  Transportation
·  Natural Environment
·  Waste Management / 0
0 / This proposal will have a neutral impact
This proposal will have a neutral impact
This proposal will have a neutral impact
There could be a deterioration in appearance of the environment
This proposal will have a neutral impact / Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Cost neutral mitigation not possible
Not applicable
(10) Health and Wellbeing / Impact / Description of Impact / Mitigation
+2, +1, 0, -1, -2
What impact will this proposal/policy/function have on;
·  The physical and mental health of residents
·  The health related behaviours of residents
·  Social elements of health
·  Economic well-being and it’s role in promoting good health
·  Physical environment and it’s role in promoting good health
·  Capacity of health and social care systems / -1
0 / The potential loss of bowling green facilities and playing fields adversely impact on both mental and physical health of visitors and users of these services and amenities
The potential loss of bowling green facilities and playing fields could result in a decrease in healthy activities amongst the users
The potential loss of bowling green facilities and playing fields could result in a decrease in social activities amongst the users
This proposal will have a neutral impact
The potential loss of bowling greens and playing fields around the borough will result in a deterioration in appearance and physical fitness facilities of the borough that previously helped promote healthy activities
This proposal will have a neutral impact / Encourage volunteers, Friends Of Groups and self-management.
Encourage volunteers, Friends Of Groups and self-management.
Encourage volunteers, Friends Of Groups and self-management.
Not applicable
Alternative physical activities, especially for the elderly members of the bowling clubs, will have to be suggested in publicity
Not applicable
(11) Economy / Impact / Description of Impact / Mitigation
+2, +1, 0, -1, -2
What impact will this proposal/policy/function have on;
·  Deprivation and disadvantage
·  Child and family poverty
·  Financial inclusion
·  Aspirations and enhancing life chances
·  Supporting people into employment
·  Economic performance and growth – supporting business start-up development and survival, including social enterprises
·  Investment and development / 0
0 / This proposal will have a neutral impact
The potential loss of bowling greens and playing fields around the borough could result in a lost opportunity to develop sporting excellence
This proposal will have a neutral impact
This proposal will have a neutral impact
This proposal will have a neutral impact / Not applicable
Encourage volunteers, Friends Of Groups and self-management.
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
(12) Community Safety / Impact / Description of Impact / Mitigation
+2, +1, 0, -1, -2
What impact will this proposal/policy/function have on the Council’s statutory duty to address;
·  Crime and disorder
·  Anti-social behaviour
·  Substance misuse
·  Behaviour adversely affecting the local environment
·  Reducing re-offending / -1
0 / Closed facilities may attract criminal activity
Closed facilities may attract anti-social behaviour
Closed facilities may provide a location for substance misuse
Closed facilities may encourage behaviour that affects the local environment
This proposal will have a neutral impact / Closed facilities would have to be made secure. Monitoring of facilities.
Closed facilities would have to be made secure. Monitoring of facilities.
Closed facilities would have to be made secure. Monitoring of facilities.
Closed facilities would have to be made secure. Monitoring of facilities.
Not applicable
(13) Community Cohesion / Impact / Description of Impact / Mitigation
+2, +1, 0, -1, -2
What impact will this proposal/policy/function have on;
·  Local integration and cohesion
·  The visibility of social justice and equality between groups
·  Understanding across different groups
·  Engagement with residents / community leaders / young people / -1
-1 / The potential loss of bowling greens and playing fields will result in fewer opportunities for residents of all ages to get together and socialise in association with a shared interest
This proposal will have a neutral impact
This proposal will have a neutral impact
The potential loss of bowling greens and playing fields will result in fewer opportunities to engage with residents of all ages. / Alternative activities could be suggested
Not applicable
Not applicable
Alternative activities could be suggested
(14) Workforce and Assets / Impact / Description of Impact / Mitigation
+2, +1, 0, -1, -2
What impact will this proposal/policy/function have on;
·  The Council workforce
(changes to; numbers of employees; working practices; IT systems; training needs)
·  Does the proposal have a greater adverse impact on any group of employees sharing a protected characteristic
·  Council Assets / -1
-1 / This proposal will result in the loss of 4 FTE
This proposal will affect LES / NS workforce which at present are predominantly white British males.
This proposal will have an adverse impact on bowling green and playing field facilities. Bowling greens in particular take a lot of cumulative effort to achieve the current high standard / ER/VR to be explored before CR, and use of redeployment register.
Not applicable
Self-management by associations and Friends Of groups
·  Which group of employees will be affected? / Local Environmental Services / Neighbourhood Services / ER/VR to be explored before CR, and use of redeployment register.
15. Cabinet decision
Should the proposal require Cabinet approval, an analysis of the issues raised in the CIA must be included in the relevant implications section of the Cabinet report. Because of the specific legal duty (the public sector equality duty) regarding the protected characteristics (as set out in paragraph 37 below), please set out in the CIA the Equality and Diversity implications to be transposed into Appendix 1 of the Cabinet report.


Completing Officer: David Carpenter


Service Director: Colin Huntington

Strategic Director: John Robinson

When describing impact specifically consider the effect of the proposal/policy/function on groups identified in question 4