Inherit the Wind Vocabulary List

Distraught: adj. deeply agitated. Example: She was distraught when the prosecutors subpoenaed her home computer.

Extradite: verb. to give up (an alleged fugitive or criminal) to another state or nation at its request. Example: Many countries will not extradite their own citizens.

Saunter: v or n. a leisurely walk or ramble; stroll. Example: The truly efficient laborer will not crowd his day with work, but will saunter to his task, surrounded by a wide halo of ease and leisure, and then do but what he loves best.

Halyards: n. any of various lines or tackles for hoisting a spar, sail, flag, etc., into position for use. Example: Advertising signs should not be fastened to a staff or halyard from which the flag is flown.

Benign: adj. having a kindly disposition. Example: She has a benign smile.

Infidel: n. a person who does not accept a particular faith, especially Christianity. Example: The obligation of holy war therefore begins at home and continues abroad, against the same infidel enemy.

Staunch: adj. characterized by firmness, steadfastness, or loyalty. Example: He delivered a staunch defense of the government.

Chortles: v or n. to chuckle gleefully/a gleeful chuckle. Example: The only human sounds are bestial grunts and chortles .

Hinterland: n. the remote or less developed parts of a country; back country. Example: The hinterlands are usually much more picturesque than the urban areas.

Paraphernalia: n. equipment, apparatus, or furnishing used in or necessary for a particular activity. Example: Skiing has specific paraphernalia such as skis and poles.

Ominous: adj. portending evil or harm; foreboding; threatening. Example: We knew the storm was coming because of the ominous bank of dark clouds.

Virginal: adj. pure; unsullied; untouched. Example: "The traveler, however virginal and enthusiastic, does not enjoy an unbroken ecstasy. He has periods of gloom, periods when he asks himself the object of all these exertions, and puts the question whether or not he is really experiencing pleasure.

Bask: v. to lie in or be exposed to a pleasant warmth; to enjoy a pleasant situation. Example: He basked in royal favor.

Paunchy: adj. having a large and protruding belly; potbellied. Example: She is round-faced and paunchy , with dark hair cut straight across her forehead and straight around her collar.

Placard: n or v. a paperboard sign or notice, as one posted in a public place or carried by a demonstrator or picketer. To publicize, announce, or advertise by means of placards. Example: If you have a placard that was issued prior to this date, it will be honored.

Gaunt: adj. extremely thin and bony; haggard and drawn, as from great hunger, weariness, or torture; emaciated. Example: It stands with its gaunt , unattractive, ancient church, and its new red brick suburb.

Bailiff: n. an officer, similar to a sheriff or a sheriff's deputy, employed to execute writs and processes, make arrests, keep order in the court, etc. Example: Requests for hearing dates are accepted by email sent to the bailiff.

Arrogant: adj. making claims or pretensions to superior importance or rights; overbearingly assuming; insolently proud. Example: We would be arrogant and foolish to think that can never happen.

Tread: v. to step, walk, or trample so as to press, crush, or injure something. to set down the foot or feet in walking; step; walk. Example: Where a non-gambler fears to tread , the compulsive gambler may rush in.

Valise: n. a small piece of luggage that can be carried by hand, used to hold clothing, toilet articles, etc.; suitcase; traveling bag. Example: Luggage to be transported shall be restricted to suitcase and valise type.

Rancid: adj. rank, unpleasant, and stale. Example: There was a strong smell of coffee grounds, a stink of rancid meat.

Patriarch: n. the male head of a family or tribal line. Example: The wisdom character is the family patriarch.

Suffrage: n. the right to vote, especially in a political election. Example: The fight for suffrage was a long one, and there were countless heroes along the way.

Heretic: n. anyone who does not conform to an established attitude, doctrine, or principle. Example: The church burned him at the stake as a heretic .

Sneers: v. or n. to smile, laugh, or contort the face in a manner that shows scorn or contempt. a look or expression of derision, scorn, or contempt. Example: But they sneer at your backward habits and treat you as an outsider.

Scowling: adj. a gloomy or threatening look. Example: The films' tone varied: they could teach with a smile, a scowl or a sneer.

Depot: n. a railroad or bus station; a storehouse or warehouse, as a building where freight is deposited. Example: In essence, the shelves in its shops are a highly efficiently managed depot.

Caricatured rubes: n. ludicrously exaggerating the peculiarities or defects of an unsophisticated person from a rural area. Example: The audience broke into indulgent laughter, humoring the rube savant.

Oratorical: adj. a speech of great eloquence. Example: His oratorical prowess has led to political success.

Haughtily: adj. disdainfully proud; snobbish; scornfully arrogant; supercilious. Example: Sometimes her horse pranced haughtily before an immense crowd unable to contain its applause.

Sheepish:adj. Embarrassed or bashful, as by having done something wrong or foolish. Example: She felt sheepish when she realized that her surprise party was the reason for the delay.