Name______Date: ______

English 7

Academic Vocabulary Unit C – Words 1 – 5

Directions: Use the context clues to create a definition for the following words:

1.Brianna practices every day to be able to achieveher dream of being a world class skater.

•Guess: ______

•Definition: ______


2.The rainy weather affected my hair – now it’s all frizzy!

•Guess: ______

•Definition: ______


3.Joe argued that, because of its plot, characters, humor and suspense, Guardians of the Galaxy the best movie of the summer.

•Guess: ______

•Definition: ______


4.The judge always looked at each aspect of a situation before making his ruling.

•Guess: ______

•Definition: ______


5.My teacher reminded me to cite the sources of information for my research paper.

•Guess: ______

•Definition: ______


Academic Vocabulary Unit C – Words 6-10

Directions: Use the context clues to create a definition for the following words:

6.Inappropriate conduct will result in a visit to Mr. Agovino and a call home!

•Guess: ______

•Definition: ______


7.No one was surprised when, consequent to her bad behavior, Olivia was grounded.

•Guess: ______

•Definition: ______


8.The story depicts the hero in the middle of a fierce battle.

•Guess: ______

•Definition: ______


9.Warmer than average weather was the deciding factor in cancelling our ski vacation.

•Guess: ______

•Definition: ______


10.When he said "boomerang," he didn't mean it literally; it was a figurative use, meaning that the problem would come back to him.

•Guess: ______

•Definition: ______


Academic Vocabulary Unit C – Words 11-15

Directions: Use the context clues to create a definition for the following words:

11.a. The meteor’s impact on the water caused a tidal wave to form.

b. Families have a major impact on your personality.

•a. Guess: ______

•b. Guess: ______

•a. Definition: ______


•b. Definition: ______


12.Since Brian knew that his cat, Fluffy, liked to jump on the table and push things around, he inferred that Fluffy broke something when he heard the crash.

•Guess: ______

•Definition: ______


13.Surprisingly, the narrator of “Charles” is Laurie’s mother, although the story is not about her.

•Guess: ______

•Definition: ______


14.It is not normal for a human to have a body temperature of 104º, however, it is normal for a bird.

•Guess: ______

•Definition: ______

15.Melissa was able to obtain money when she took a job babysitting.

•Guess: ______

•Definition: ______


Academic Vocabulary Unit C – Words 16-20

Directions: Use the context clues to create a definition for the following words:

16.My science teacher gave us a general outline of the lab procedure that we would be using; the details would follow later.

•Guess: ______

•Definition: ______


17.Howard didn’t see how history was relevant to him, so he decided he didn’t need to study for his test.

•Guess: ______

•Definition: ______


18.Alice and Natasha surveyed the 7th graders to determine what foods they would like to see served in the cafeteria.

•Guess: ______

•Definition: ______


19.The American flag symbolizes both our country and freedom.

•Guess: ______

•Definition: ______


20.“Have a nice day!” can have many different meanings, depending upon the tone of the speaker.

•Guess: ______

•Definition: ______