Sigma Chi Theta Omicron Chapter

Official Risk Management Policy

Table of Contents:

-Important Contacts 2

-Alcohol Policies and Event Guidelines 3

-House Hazard and Risk Prevention 9

-Catastrophe Awareness/ Action Plan 11

-CPR and First Aid Certified Brothers 12

-Signs of Depression and Suicide Prevention 13

-Signs of Drug Addiction and Prevention 14

-Social Networking Risks 16

-Fights 17

Important Contacts

Emergency Contacts:

-All emergencies dial 911

-City of Davis Police(530) 747-5400

-UC Davis Campus Police(530) 752-1727

-UC Davis Fire Department(530) 752-1236

Sigma Chi Contacts:

-Consul: Geoff Dodson(650) 906-2292

-Risk Manager: Scott Torres (650) 279-3481

-Chapter Advisor: Carson Wilcox(916) 806-6679

-Grand Praetor: Jeff Twibell(925) 324-0090

-National Headquarters: (847) 869-3655

Campus Departments:

-UC Davis Student Health and Counseling Services

  • General Information (530) 752-2300
  • Advice Nurse (530) 752-2349

-Greek Life Advisor: Joaquin Feliciano (530) 752-4606

National Help Hotlines:

-Alcoholics Anonymous: (212) 870-8400

-Narcotics Anonymous: (818) 773-9999

-Marijuana Anonymous: (800) 766-6779

-National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependancy: (800)622-2255

Alcohol Policies and Event Guidelines

The Following contains the mandatory procedures followed in social events carried out by the Theta Omicron Chapter of Sigma Chi. Social Events are scaled in terms of the guest attendance and risk level to the Chapter and the Chapter Property. All events must be classified under one of the following six categories. Breaking of any of the following policies by a member of the Chapter will result in a referral to Judicial Board, and possible suspension from social events of the chapter. It is to be expressly clear, that NO ONE under the age of 21 will be served or provided alcohol at ANY TIME WHATSOEVER.


An event is considered a Welcome Week Party if: The event has been publicized on Facebook, flyering, or any other mass communication method. OR The amount of people at the event totals to 200 or more.

Requirements to hold such an event: Two weeks notice shall be given to the brothers that the event is planned. A Noise Permit and Event Permit, both of which need to be submitted more than 2 weeks in advance to insure approval by Tandem and Student Housing. The top seven elected officers (Consul, Pro Consul, Annotator, Queastor, Magister, Recruitment Chair, Risk Manager), and all current pledges shall remain sober. If the number of sober brothers (officers plus pledges) does not total to at least 25, then additional members of the executive council shall be added until the minimum requirement of 25 sober brothers is met. The additional officers shall be added based on descending the order of Executive Reports. In addition the Risk Manager shall designate two of the Brothers who are sober to be ready to drive guests home when needed.

Preparation: All Bathrooms, entrances, and exits shall be clearly labeled. In addition, any areas that are blocked off from the event shall be appropriately labeled or clearly blocked off. A schedule for sober brothers to take shifts watching different areas of the house shall be drawn up. A description of beverages to be served shall also be submitted. These shall be submitted two weeks prior to the event to exec.

Entrance: In order to control the number of guests at an open party, three brothers shall remain stationed at the entrance gate and let in individuals with valid campus ID as space permits. Two additional brothers shall remain stationed near the exit to ensure that guests have an easy way out, yet no individuals from outside are able to enter at a location other than the main entrance.

Beverages: All alcohol distribution shall be controlled by a sober brother. Only guests given a unique stamp at the door and having valid ID and proof of age shall be served. No Kegs will be allowed on Chapter Property. Hard alcohol will not be served by the house. No hard alcohol shall be distributed by the house or any brother on the property during the event (typically 10pm-1am). Best efforts shall be made to have drinks available other than beer but with alcohol content under 7%, to discourage the distribution of alcohol behind closed doors. These beverages will also be monitored by a sober brother. Water shall be available in proportion to the amount of people attending the event. No beverages shall be brought onto chapter property by guests, nor house beverages carried off of the property. Those under 21 who appear intoxicated will be asked to leave immediately.

Police: Only the Consul or Event coordinator if the Consul is not present shall have contact with the police. If authorities arrive, a brother will ask them to wait at the door, and have a different brother go and find one of the above. The police will never been invited onto the property while an event is in progress.

Map of locations to have sober brothers stationed, entrance, exits, etc. for open parties;


An event is considered a Large Guest List Event if: The event has been publicized via private invite on Facebook or personal invite, the members of the Chapter have been delegated a defined number of guests allowed, or the total number of guests reaches 100 or more.

Requirements to hold such an event: Two weeks notice shall be given to the brothers that the event is planned. A Noise Permit and Event Permit, both of which need to be submitted more than 2 weeks in advance to insure approval by Tandem and Student Housing. The top seven elected officers (Consul, Pro Consul, Annotator, Queastor, Magister, Recruitment Chair, Risk Manager), and all current pledges shall remain sober. If the number of sober brothers (officers plus pledges) does not total to at least 20, then additional members of the executive council shall be added until the minimum requirement of 20 sober brothers is met. The additional officers shall be added based on descending the order of Executive Reports. In addition the Risk Manager shall designate two of the Brothers who are sober to be ready to drive guests home when needed. A guest list shall be completed within 4 hours of the announced start time for the event, consisting of all invited guests and the brother’s name who invited them. The only people allowed into the house shall be those listed on the Guest List. All other party-goers will be turned away at the gate.

Preparation: All Bathrooms, entrances, and exits shall be clearly labeled. In addition, any areas that are blocked off from the event shall be appropriately labeled or clearly blocked off. A schedule for sober brothers to take shifts watching different areas of the house shall be drawn up. A description of beverages to be served shall also be submitted. These shall be submitted two weeks prior to the event to exec. Two copies of the guest list shall be printed and brought to the brothers stationed at the main entrance.

Entrance: In order to control the entrance of invited guests to the party, two brothers will remained stationed at the main gate with the guest list, and only allow guests inside once they have been checked for valid identification.

Beverages: All alcohol distribution shall be controlled by a sober brother. Only guests given a unique stamp at the door and having valid ID and proof of age shall be served. No Kegs will be allowed on Chapter Property. Hard alcohol will not be served by the house. No hard alcohol shall be distributed by the house or any brother on the property during the event (typically 10pm-1am). Best efforts shall be made to have drinks available other than beer but with alcohol content under 7%, to discourage the distribution of alcohol behind closed doors. These beverages will also be monitored by a sober brother. Water shall be available in proportion to the amount of people attending the event. No beverages shall be brought onto chapter property by guests, nor house beverages carried off of the property. Those under 21 who appear intoxicated will be asked to leave immediately.

Police: Only the Consul or Event coordinator if the Consul is not present shall have contact with the police. If authorities arrive, a brother will ask them to wait at the door, and have a different brother go and find one of the above. The police will never been invited onto the property while an event is in progress.


An event is considered a Kick-Back if: individuals at the event total 40 or more; more than one third of the live-in brothers are present and involved in the event; the number of individuals of no affiliation to the house total 25 or more; the event has developed within three days of the event date; the event has no specific theme, purpose, or specific invited group.

Requirements to allow such an event: The Social Chair, or individual responsible for organizing the event, shall consult the Risk Manager immediately after announcing such an event to the Chapter to discuss the nature of the event. The Risk Manager shall then decide how many sober brothers to designate, never being fewer than two.

Preparation: The Social Chair or individual responsible for planning the event shall work with the Risk Manager at least one hour before the event start time to secure the Chapter Property from any specific threats: This includes ensuring all doors are locked and entrances are minimal, the event’s music and activities shall not disturb the houses surrounding the Chapter Property nor any live-in’s who request lesser volume, all necessary windows are covered with black sheets, and individuals planning to attend the event are made aware of the RMF policy.

Beverages: At a Kick-Back scale party, the Chapter shall not provide any alcohol of any type. This means no funds of the Chapter shall be used to furnish any type of alcohol to the guests in attendance. The RMF Chair is responsible to monitor the amount and type of alcohol provided by individuals’ personal funding. No beverage shall leave the Chapter Property at any time. No kegs shall be allowed on the Chapter Property.

Police: Only the Consul or Event coordinator/ Risk Manager if the Consul is not present shall have contact with the police. If authorities arrive, a brother will ask them to wait at the door, and have a different brother go and find one of the above. The police will never been invited onto the property while an event is in progress.


Definition: A cocktail is an event in which the attendees are all members of the chapter, or a set number of dates that each brother is allowed to bring.

Requirements to hold such an event: Two weeks notice shall be given to the brothers that the event is planned. A Noise Permit and Event Permit, both of which need to be submitted more than 2 weeks in advance to insure approval by Tandem and Student Housing. The Consul, Pro Consul, and Risk manager shall stay sober, in addition to at least two other brothers who will act as sober drivers.

Preparation: All Bathrooms, entrances, and exits shall be clearly labeled. In addition, any areas that are blocked off from the event shall be appropriately labeled or clearly blocked off. A schedule for sober brothers to take shifts watching different areas of the house shall be drawn up. The event coordinator shall submit how many dates so all brothers are aware how many guests they are allowed to have. This shall be submitted two weeks prior to the event to exec.

Beverages: All alcohol distribution shall be controlled by a sober brother. No Kegs will be allowed on Chapter Property. Shots will not be served by the house. A bar to regulate the distribution of all drinks will be manned for the duration of the event by at least one sober brother. Water shall be available in proportion to the amount of people attending the event. No beverages shall be brought onto chapter property by guests, nor house beverages carried off of the property. No one under 21 will be served alcohol, and those underage who appear intoxicated will be given a ride home immediately.

Police: Only the Consul or Event coordinator/ Risk Manager if the Consul is not present shall have contact with the police. If authorities arrive, a brother will ask them to wait at the door, and have a different brother go and find one of the above. The police will never been invited onto the property while an event is in progress.


Description: An exchange is an exclusive event between the chapter and a specific organization.

Requirements to hold such an event: Two weeks notice shall be given to the brothers that the event is planned. The risk manager shall designate 2 brothers to be sober, in addition to two brothers who will be drivers.

Preparation: All Bathrooms, entrances, and exits shall be clearly labeled. In addition, any areas that are blocked off from the event shall be appropriately labeled or clearly blocked off. A description of beverages to be served shall also be submitted. This shall be submitted two weeks prior to the event to exec.

Beverages: All alcohol distribution shall be monitored by a brother. No Kegs will be allowed on Chapter Property. Water shall be available in proportion to the amount of people attending the event. No beverages shall be brought onto chapter property by guests, nor house beverages carried off of the property. No one under 21 will be served alcohol, and those underage who appear intoxicated will be given a ride home immediately.

Police: Only the Consul or Event coordinator if the Consul is not present shall have contact with the police. If authorities arrive, a brother will ask them to wait at the door, and have a different brother go and find one of the above. The police will never been invited onto the property while an event is in progress.


Description: An offsite exchange is an exclusive event between the chapter and a specific organization at a location other than the Chapter House.

Requirements to hold such an event: Two weeks notice shall be given to the brothers that the event is planned. The risk manager shall designate two brothers to be sober, in addition to three brothers who will be drivers.

Preparation: All Bathrooms, entrances, and exits shall be clearly labeled. In addition, any areas that are blocked off from the event shall be appropriately labeled or clearly blocked off. A description of beverages to be served shall also be submitted. This shall be submitted two weeks prior to the event to exec. A detailed description of the event location shall be made available to the Chapter. A list of all important contacts referenced in the “Important Contacts” Section under the subheading “Sigma Chi,” in addition to the names of the sober brothers and drivers, shall be posted at the location of the event.

Beverages: All alcohol distribution shall be monitored by a brother. No Kegs will be allowed at a Chapter. Water shall be available in proportion to the amount of people attending the event. No beverages shall be brought onto chapter property by guests, nor house beverages carried off of the property. No one under 21 will be served alcohol, and those underage who appear intoxicated will be given a ride home immediately.

Police: Only the Consul, Event coordinator, and/or owner of the property shall have contact with the police. If authorities arrive, a brother will ask them to wait at the door, and have a different brother go and find one of the above. The police will never been invited onto the property while an event is in progress.

Concerning General Practices:

Regardless of age, no pledge shall be allowed to drive any other brother, pledge, or guest from an event at any time whatsoever.

The Risk Manager shall make clear to the chapter by at least one week in advance to an event who will be a sober brother/ designated drivers: this is to ensure that sober brothers are assigned to at an event, and the brotherhood is aware who to contact if they need a ride.

A designated driver is responsible to transport brothers to or from an event. They are not a house taxi. Sober Drivers are required to stay sober and available until at least 1:00am, unless given permission by the Risk Manager to leave early.

Broken glass shall be clean up as soon as possible to insure the safety of those present. If a guest or brother is breaking glass on purpose, they will be asked to leave the event, and referred to Judicial Board if the activity continues.All spills and messes shall be cleaned up promptly by a sober brother.

While every precaution shall be made to protect the chapter house, an individual’s life is more important. Therefore if the situation demands it, the proper authorities shall be called in the event of injury, sickness, violence, etc. This shall be decided by the Consul and RMF team for the event.

Alumni that are destructive to chapter property will be asked to leave the property. Exec may determine that if an alumnus is repeatedly a hazard to the Chapter or Chapter Property, then the alumnus brother will no longer be allowed on the property or chapter events.