MINUTES OF THE Council Meeting

HELD AT THECouncil Chamber, Moreland Civic Centre, 90 Bell Street, Coburg

ONMonday 24 July 2017

The meeting commenced at 6 pm and closed at 6.45 pm.

Present: / Time in / Time out
Cr Helen Davidson (Mayor) / 6 pm / 6.45 pm
Cr Samantha Ratnam (Deputy Mayor) / 6 pm / 6.45 pm
Cr Natalie Abboud / 6 pm / 6.45 pm
Cr Sue Bolton / 6.04 pm / 6.45 pm
Cr Annalivia Carli Hannan / 6 pm / 6.45 pm
Cr Ali Irfanli / 6 pm / 6.45 pm
Cr John Kavanagh / 6 pm / 6.45 pm
Cr Dale Martin / 6 pm / 6.45 pm
Cr Mark Riley / 6 pm / 6.45 pm
Cr LambrosTapinos
Cr Oscar Yildiz JP


Cr Yildiz.
Cr Abboud moved, Cr Irfanli seconded that the apology for Cr Yildiz be accepted.

Cr Carli Hannan moved, Cr Kavanagh seconded that Council approves the request for a leave of absence from Councillor Irfanli for the period from 4 August 2017 to 5September 2017.


Leave of absence has been granted to Cr Tapinos from 19 June 2017 to 3 August 2017 inclusive


Chief Executive Officer – Nerina Di Lorenzo

Director Corporate Services – James Scott

Director City Infrastructure –Grant Thorne

Director Social Development – Arden Joseph

Director Planning and Economic Development - Kirsten Coster

Executive Manager Organisation Development - Anita Craven

Unit Manager Governance – Sally Curran




EMOD8/17Council Plan 2017-2021, Strategic Resource Plan 2017-2022 and 2017-2018 Council Action Plan (D17/253529)
The development of the Council Plan 2017-2021, Strategic Resource Plan (SRP) 2017-2022 and the 2017-2018 Council Action Plan (CAP) have been informed by a number of key inputs, including working with Councillors to determine their priorities for the next four years and a focused community consultation process carried out during February and March 2017.
The draft Council Plan 2017-2021 and SRP 2017-2022 were presented to Council on the 22May 2017 and subsequently went out to Public exhibition for 28 days. 10submissions were received for the Council Plan 2017-2022. Not all require a response within the Council Plan and can be progressed separately. No submissions were received in relation to the proposed SRP 2017-2022. Changes were made to actions relating to waste and recycling as a result of the public submission process.
Additionally, officers have drafted the 2017-2018 CAP, which is a more detailed implementation plan to deliver the first year of the Council Plan 2017-2021. It includes specific actions, measures and targets to be achieved. All actions documented in the 20172018 CAP are resourced through the 2017-2018 Budget.
6.04 pmCr Bolton entered the chamber.
That Council:
1.Adopts the Council Plan 2017-2021, Strategic Resource Plan 2017-2022 in accordance with legislative requirements of the Local Government Act 1989.
2.Adopts the 2017-2018 Council Action Plan as the first year of actions to deliver against the Council Plan 2017-2021.
3.Authorises the Executive Manager Organisation Development to finalise the Council Plan 20172021 and 2017-2018 Council Action Plan, including any minor administrative changes, professional design of the documents and distribution and implementation.
Cr Ratnam moved, Cr Abboud seconded that –
That Council:
1.Adopts the Council Plan 2017-2021, Strategic Resource Plan 2017-2022 in accordance with legislative requirements of the Local Government Act 1989, subject to the following amendments:
a)On page 3 of the Council Plan 2017-2021 (Mayor and CEO Forward) - paragraph 3 - add additional factor to list of global factors to read 'Global economic, political and environmental factors are driving large scale global migration, a shift to more people living in higher density environments and 'the need to plan for sustainable urban neighbourhoods that can mitigate the impacts of climate change'.
b)On page 4 of the Council Plan 2017-2027 (Mayor and CEO Forward):
  1. Reword paragraph 2: We will continue to be a local government leader in environmentally sustainability (additional words) with a goal for zero net carbon emissions by 2040. We will take a lead on social issues....
  2. Second paragraph - replace 'unashamedly' with 'proudly'
  3. Second last paragraph - delete 'are' before the words ‘have been’.
c)On page 17 of the Council Plan 2017-2021 – change the final measure from 'People feel safer in our neighbourhoods' to ‘Council supports family violence prevention, public lighting and other crime prevention initiatives’.
d)On page 19 of the Council Plan 2017-2021:
  1. Reword point 4 to ‘Create at least 2 new parks in areas with the least access to open space and experiencing the greatest development pressures. Set targets for the number of new parks to be created across the city
  2. Modify point 6 by removing 'working towards' in both the measure and strategic indicator.
e)On page 23 of the Council Plan 2017-2021 - C1c) - Reword to include 'And implement' after 'scope'.
f)On page 30 of the Council Plan 2017-2021, modify:
  1. P1f) - in year 1 action to add 'and implement' to read 'design and implement'
  2. P1g) to include in year 1 activities – ‘Seek opportunities for the pilot project’
g)On page 36 of the Council Plan 2017-2021, modify P6b) by adding $305,000 in budget Financial Year 2018 column.
h)On page 38 of the Council Plan 2017-2021, modify P8b) in financial years 2019/2020/2021 by adding $50,000 seed funding each year with full funding amount to be determined following the feasibility study.
i)On page 42 of the Council Plan 2017-2021 modify R4c) by adding 'environment management system’ before the reference to EMS.
  1. Authorises the Chief Executive Officer to make the necessary changes in the 20172018 Council Action Plan to reflect amendments above.
  2. Adopts the 2017-2018 Council Action Plan as the first year of actions to deliver against the Council Plan 2017-2021.
  3. Authorises the Executive Manager Organisation Development to finalise the Council Plan 20172021 and 2017-2018 Council Action Plan, including any minor administrative changes, professional design of the documents and distribution and implementation.
DCS40/17Adoption of the Council Budget 2017-2018 (D17/249922)
The purpose of this report is to present to Council a final Budget for adoption for the financial year 2017-2018. The issues raised at the Council meeting held on 3 July 2017 have been considered and responses are contained within the report.
A number of amendments have been made to the proposed Budget including those resolved at the Council meeting on 22May 2017, and changes made based on new information and budget submissions received. Details of the changes are provided inSection 3of this report.
There were 78 submissions made to the Budget and Council Plan process which addressed 24 topics. Attachment 2 contains a summary of submissions and responses to the issues raised.
Changes have been made to the Budget relating to the following items:
Merri Creek Bridge – This project is not yet ready to start construction. However, an additional $900,000 has been transferred to the Bridge Reserve which can be accessed when this project is ready to start construction.
Fleming Park – This project will undergo a ‘refresh’ which will include further community consultation. An amount of $100,000 has been allocated to this stage of the project. $1.0million has been allocated in the 2018-2019 capital works budget.
Coburg Community Information Centre - $13,000 has been allocated.
Social cohesion - $90,400 has been allocated to continue the work of the Fawkner neighbourhood house employment and welcome dinner projects.
Count Me In sports participation - $30,000 has been allocated.
Brunswick Hockey Ground replacement – The result of the grant application is not yet known and so the project has not been funded in the budget. However, this report seeks authorisation for work to begin and for the funding to be resolved in September when the results of the 2016-2017 financial year are reported to Council and the result of the grant application is known.
$70,000 funding for a study into the best level crossing removal options.
Funding from the Public Resort and Recreation Land Fund to resource proactive land procurement as per the ‘Park Close to Home’ framework.
$200,000 for the Coburg Toilet project.
A reduction of $192,000 in the Victoria Grants Commission funding.
Removal of the need for $500,000 in loan repayments as a loan will not be required for the Oak Park Aquatic Centre redevelopment.
Note that Council received 50% of the Financial Assistance Grant ($2,829,052) for 20172018 from the Commonwealth Grants Commission via the Victorian Grants Commission in June 2017. As a result, the cash result for the 2017-2018 Budget shows a deficit of $2.83 million. However, Council has received the grant and will be able to fund its operations from the cash held at the start of the financial year.
That Council:
1.Having received and considered submissions on the Proposed Budget, adopts the 2017-2018 Budget as detailed in Attachment 1.
2.Authorises the Director Corporate Services to give public notice of this decision in accordance with section 130(2) of the Local Government Act 1989.
3.In accordance with section 223(1)(d)(ii) of the Local Government Act 1989, notifies in writing all people who lodged separate submissions (and in the case of submissions lodged on behalf of a number of people, notify in writing one of those people) of Council’s decision, the reasons for the decision and thank them for their submission.
4.Formally declare the Rates Levies and Annual Service Charges for the 2017-2018 rating year as follows:
a)Declaration of Rates and Charges:
In accordance with section 158 of the Local Government Act 1989, the following rates and charges are declared for the rating year commencing 1 July 2017 and ending 30June 2018.
b)Amount Intended to be raised:
An amount of $143,038,476(or such other amount as is lawfully raised as a consequence of this Resolution) be declared as the amount which Council intends to raise by general rates and the annual service charge, which is calculated as follows:
Category / Amount
Residential properties / $112,353,224
Commercial properties / $7,292,166
Industrial properties / $4,877,386
Vacant land * / $5,562,905
Unoccupied land and buildings / $72,420
Municipal charge / Nil
Service charges / $12,862,820
Charge in lieu of rates on cultural and recreational lands / $17,555
Total / $143,038,476
* Rate revenue shown includes estimated rebates
i.General rates:
A general rate to be declared for the 2017-2018 Financial Year.
It be further declared that the general rate be raised by the application of differential rates.
A differential rate be respectively declared for rateable land having the respective characteristics specified below, which characteristics will form the criteria for each differential rate so declared.
ii.Vacant land:
Any land on which no dwelling or other building designed or adapted for permanent occupation is constructed.
iii.Unoccupied land:
Any land on which a dwelling or building is erected but which dwelling or building:
Is not designed, adapted or intended for permanent occupation; or
Does not have connected to it means for the transmission of electricity or water; or
Is by reason of its condition, unfit for human habitation.
iv.Other land:
Any land which is not:
Vacant land; or
Unoccupied land
v.Each differential rate will be determined by multiplying the Capital Improved Value of each rateable land (categorized by the characteristics described in this Resolution) by the relevant percentages indicated in the following table:
Category / Rate
Residential properties / 0.0025681
(0.25681 cents in the dollar of Capital Improved Value)
Commercial properties / 0.0025681
(0.25681 cents in the dollar of Capital Improved Value)
Industrial properties / 0.0025681
(0.25681 cents in the dollar of Capital Improved Value)
Vacant land properties / 0.0102724
(1.02724 cents in the dollar of Capital Improved Value)
Unoccupied land and building properties / 0.0102724
(1.02724 cents in the dollar of Capital Improved Value)
vi.It be recorded that Council considers that each differential rate will contribute to the equitable and efficient carrying out of Council functions, and that:
the respective objectives of each differential rate be those specified in section 4 (Note 1.2.10) of the Final Budget 2017-2018 (Attachment 1);
the respective types or classes of land which are subject to each differential rate be those defined in section 4 (Note 1.2.10) of the Final Budget 2017-2018;
the respective uses and levels of each differential rate in relation to those respective types or classes of land be those described in section4 (Note 1.2.10) of the Final Budget 2017-2018; and
the relevant:
uses of;
geographical locations of;
planning scheme zonings of; and
types of buildings on the respective types or classes of land be those identified in Section 4 (Note 1.2.10) of the Final Budget 2017-2018.
vii.It be confirmed that no amount is fixed as the minimum amount payable by way of general rate in respect of each rateable land within the municipal district.
c)Municipal charge:
No municipal charge is declared in respect of the 2017-2018 Financial Year.
d)Annual service charge:
i.An annual service charge, for the collection and disposal of refuse, be declared in respect of the 2017-2018 Financial Year.
ii.The annual service charge be in the sum of, and be based on the criteria, set out below:
60 litres of capacity / $58.02
80 litres of capacity / $154.73
120 litres of capacity / $348.14
120 litre bin (shared 240L) / $261.11
160 litres of capacity / $502.88
160 litres of capacity (concession approved) / $251.44
200 litres of capacity / $618.92
200 litres of capacity (concession approved) / $309.46
240 litres of capacity (residential properties) / $734.97
240 litres of capacity (shared) / $116.05
240 litres of capacity (residential property concession approved) / $367.49
e)Cultural and recreational land:
In accordance with section 4(4) of the Cultural and Recreational Lands Act 1963, the following amounts be declared as a charge in lieu of the general rate (which would otherwise be payable):
Glenroy Road, Glenroy / Northern Golf Club / $15,500
Outlook Road, Coburg / Vic Amateur Basketball Association / $2,055
Total: / $17,555
f)Rebates and Concession:
i.It be recorded that, in accordance with section 169 of the Local Government Act 1989, Council may grant a rebate in respect to land which is classified as:
Vacant land; or
Unoccupied land;
ii.The rebate be granted to assist the proper development of the municipal district, and more specifically:
To provide incentives designed to promote the responsible management of land (or land including buildings) with the characteristics of vacant landand unoccupied land; and
To ensure that such land (or land including buildings) does not pose a risk to public safety or adversely affects public amenity
iii.The rebate will be:
granted in accordance with the objectives and performance criteria outlined in the Vacant and Unoccupied Land and Building Management Rebate Policy as amended from time to time for the proper and responsible management of the land:
in an amount of 62.5% for vacant land and unoccupied land and buildings that meet the performance criteria; and
in an amount of 75.0% for properties that meet the performance criteria and also have a current building permit and are developing the land.
No incentives are declared for the payment of general rates (and annual service charge described earlier in this resolution) before dates fixed or specified for their payment under section 167 of the Local Government Act 1989.
h)Interest on Rates and Charges:
i.Council declares that interest is to be charged in accordance with section 172 of the Local Government Act 1989, on any amounts of rates and charges which have not yet been paid by the instalment dates fixed by the Minister in accordance with section 167 of the Local Government Act 1989;
ii.That the interest to be charged is at the rate fixed under section 2 of the Penalty Interest Rates Act 1983, that applied on the first day of July immediately before the due date for payment; and
iii.Interest on rates and charges is to be calculated from the date on which the instalment was due.
i)Interest on Unpaid Monies:
i.Council declares that interest is to be charged on any amounts of money (other than rates and charges) which a person owes to the Council, and which has not been paid by the due date;
ii.The interest rate shall be determined by Council from time to time and shall not exceed the rate fixed from time to time by the Order-in-Council; and
iii.That such interest is to be applied in accordance with the provisions of section 227A of the Local Government Act 1989.
5.Notes that $15.5 million has been allocated to the 2018-2019 financial year to complete the Oak Park Aquatic Centre redevelopment and authorises the Chief Executive Officer to bring forward funding from the Oak Park Sports and Aquatic Redevelopment Reserve account up to the full balance of the Reserve if the project expenditure is ahead of schedule.
6.Notes that $75,000 has been included in the budget to complete the design of one additional Shopping Strip Renewal Project.
7.Authorises the Chief Executive Officer to bring forward funding for up to half the cost of completing the ‘missing link’ in the Upfield Shared Bike Path if the State Government matches these funds to complete the project.
8.Notes the following grant funding applications have been submitted and Council has committed matched funding where successful:
a)Sumner Park – Sports field lighting.
b)Morris Reserve – Sports field lighting and change rooms facilities upgrade.
c)Campbell Reserve – Pavilion refurbishment.
d)Clifton Park West – Sports field lighting. If the relevant grant application is not successful, Council will refer this project to the mid-year budget review.
e)Brunswick Hockey Ground – refurbishment of pitch.
9.Authorises the Chief Executive Officer to start the project to refurbish the Brunswick Hockey Ground pitch and, if the relevant grant application is not successful, present a funding proposal to Council in September 2017. This will enable the project to be delivered during the December/January school holidays.
10.Notes the process to refresh the masterplan for Fleming Park and to authorise the Chief Executive Officer to initiate the project following public consultation and to bring forward funding from the 2018-19 financial year up to the full value of the project in that year ($1,000,000). This will enable the project to gain community input and also minimise any delay in beginning the implementation of the agreed project.
11.Notes the creation of a Bridge Reserve (to fund the Merri Creek bridge near CERES and Edgar’s Creek bridge near Coburg Hill) and initial allocation of $500,000, together with a transfer of a further $900,000 to the Reserve. When the Merri Creek bridge project reaches construction readiness, a report is to be presented to Council to allocate funding from the Reserve.
12.Notes the implementation of the Open Space Acquisition project scheduled to commence in 2017-2018 is wholly funded by the Public Resort and Recreation Fund Reserve.
13.Notes that consultation is being undertaken on the location(s) for dog agility parks within Moreland. If there is clear support for the construction of the dog agility park that Council Officers be authorised to commence the construction with funding to be sought via the mid-year budget review.
14.Adopts the Moreland City Council Rating Strategy 2017-2018 as at Attachment 3 to this report.