Nepean Girls Hockey Association

2012-2013 Board Meeting Minutes

Date: October 17, 2012

Time: 7:00

Place: Walter Baker

Present: Phil Clark, Tracy Lafreniere, Jason Corrigan, Trina Lepine, Joanne Erbach, Trish Calof, Les Banks, Andrew Thompson, Pat Coady, Jen Capes, Rod Embry,

Absent: Heather McEwan, Cathy Devenny, Mike Doiron, Monica Armstrong, Jay Greco, Dom Bueti, Ali Speer, Sonia Crites

Special Guests: Pat Nicolls, Fran Ryder from the OWHA

1.0 Call to Order

·  Meeting called to order at 7:08 p.m. – Chaired by Phil Clarke

2.0 Previous Meeting Minutes

·  The May, June & September board meeting minutes were approved.

o  A motion by Pat Coady was tabled to approve the minutes

o  2nd by Trina Lepine

o  Unanimous


a)  President’s – Phil Clark


o  Fran and Pat joined the meeting this month

o  Looking for volunteers with Provincials

o  A few volunteers are coming into Ottawa to help but still need more volunteers

·  Thursday: All day – until 11 pm

·  Friday – IIHF championships

·  Saturday: All day until 11 pm

·  Sunday: All day until 5 pm

o  Logistics

·  All Ottawa venues booked

·  Aylmer facility

·  Rockland booked but not sure if it is too far

·  Want to keep people centralized

o  Hope to have schedule template out by January

·  This will help facilitate hotel reservations

o  OWHA working on concussion research

·  Think First website (video on this site should be seen by all coaches, parents & kids)

·  Critical for Return to Play guidelines

·  If in doubt, sit them out

o  Form A and Recats

·  Form A is online and team statisticians have access to them to fill out

·  As a home team, we would fill them out

·  Recat – we have a responsibility to complete the recats so that the OWHA can make the proper decisions based on these

·  The system relies on the people out there that know the teams in order to help them make the right decisions – they work with what they get. If no comments come from other teams, then there seems to the OWHA that there are no issues

·  Some organizations work together as a committee and submit it as an organization rather than individual coaches doing it

o  Playdowns

·  Will start February 2

·  Most associations plan ahead for ice scheduling for playdowns

o  Tournaments

·  When approving new tournaments, OW will look at the schedule for conflicts

·  When there is a conflict, OW will try to work with the two teams to resolve any conflicts i.e like splitting divisions

·  Development Stream team

o  Tryouts or invite – done at many organizations both of these ways

o  Best to do a skate to have the girls come out

o  17 players to make roster but can have a up to 25

o  Not a level of hockey – it is a development program

o  An option for the girls to have a taste of what competitive would be like

o  Can not have players play DS and house in the same tournament


o  NGHA fundraiser initiative

o  Goal is to make Women’s hockey more prominent

o  The more we have people pushing it, the better is it going to be

o  This event will bring more awareness and help build up women’s hockey

o  Legacy fund

·  It comes through provincially

b) House League – Les Banks

·  Hockey Canada Program

o  15 girls in total

o  Did development with CSM

o  Worked to get them on teams within the NGHA

o  Jen and the FUN coaches going to a few of their practices to help these girls with skating development

o  Looking at additional ice to possibly implement a “Learn to skate” program for them

o  Investigating funding for this program

·  Royal Bank has a grant program – someone can look into it

c) Competitive – Jay Greco & Dom Bueti

·  We have one team that has not had a win so far (ACC)

·  Injuries

o  Several girls out

·  Concussion testing

o  Can be expensive to implement

o  Concussions numbers will increase

d) Fundamentals – Jen Capes

·  We have 65 registered – 70 is the maximum

·  Great feedback from parents

·  Everything is going really well

·  IIHF fundraising is being done at this level

·  Forfeit entry fee if they win the fundraiser lottery

·  Hockey Canada program kids

o  Jen helping out by setting up a couple skating sessions

o  Use CSM for development, as well

·  No issues

e) Development – Ali Speer

·  Goalie Clinics

f) Equipment – Trish Calof

·  Most socks are in

·  Others coming in on Monday

·  Should be out to all team by Monday

·  We will put in a separate order for those who want them - $20 / pair

·  Suggested that each team having a separate set for the manager to keep on hand for emergencies

·  Jerseys

o  Inventory needed

o  Need to closely inspect the jerseys when they come back in the Spring

o  We have an excess of XXL jerseys

g) Registration – Joanne Erbach

·  No updates to report

h) Ice – Andrew

·  Asked OWHA (Fran and Pat) about any magical formulas to get more ice for girls hockey

o  Level Playing Field book – they will send it to us

o  Several organizations have brought their cities to court to get more ice for girls

i) Communications, Promotion & Social Networking – Sonia Crites

·  Business cards are ordered for head coaches to give out at tournaments

o  Will have our website address and social media links

·  New website to be done through Goalline

o  A father (Darryl Halliday) from the IAA team offered to set it up for us since he did the IAA site

·  Need an effective way to communicate messages out to the teams

o  See if we can get the convenors to help communicate to coaches and managers to send out to their teams

o  Joanne will put together distributions lists for the convenors

j) Policy & Procedures – Monica Armstrong

·  Board Job Descriptions

o  Still some missing member’s

·  PRC / Speak Out – November 3

o  Doing this with Nepean boys (NMHA)

·  New policies

o  Completed the first draft of the abuse and neglect policy

o  Also a harassment and bullying policy – sent to Jason and Phil to review

o  A lot of information around these policies

·  Cell phones are NOT ALLOWED in the dressing rooms

o  This is a CITY OF OTTAWA policy statement

o  Also there should be NO technology allowed in the dressing rooms

o  The issue is that NO cameras are allowed to be used in the dressing room

ACTION: Phil to follow up with Derek at Kanata to see how their PRC clinic went

ACTION: Monica will send out draft policies to Fran and Pat (at OWHA)

i) Finance – Trina Lepine

·  A motion was brought forth by Pat Coady to approve an amount up to $2000 for bookkeeping services (already planned for in the budget) to transition the financial system from QuickBooks to Simply Accounting. This change is recommended by the auditors and is supported by an initial quote for services using a bookkeeper suggested by them.

o  2nd Joanne Erbach

o  Unanimous

·  The deadline passed for Financial assistance

o  Received 7 applications

o  Committee will review the applicants and come back to the board

·  Good with ice suppliers

·  City of Ottawa and Carleton U - paid on monthly basis; post dated cheques for Ottawa U

·  Monthly financial statements were not provided this month due to transition of financial software but will be provided going forward at our monthly board meetings

·  Pat Coady suggested that we estimate how much the competitive fees will be and collect half in December

·  Insurance – investigate other options/providers for next year

4.0 Adjournment

Motion was made by Trish to adjourn the meeting at 10:10 p.m.

o  2nd – Monica

o  Unanimous

5.0 Next Meeting

·  November 21, 2012