Singular Optics / Optical Vortex 2005 References
(( optic* vort* )or( singul* optic* )or( phase singul* )or( laguerre gauss* mode* )or( wave dislocat* )or( vortex soliton* )or( polariz* singular* )or( phase disloca* )) and (PY:INSP = 2005)
TI: Spatial resonator solitons
AU: Taranenko,-V.-B.; Slekys,-G.; Weiss,-C.-O.
ED: Akhmediev,-N.; Ankiewicz,-A.
SO: Dissipative-solitons. 2005: 131-60
PB: Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany
RT: Book-Chapter
IB: 3540233733
TI: Generation of optical vortices by converting elegant Hermite Gaussian beams
AU: Okamoto,-M.; Sasada,-H.
SO: Japanese-Journal-of-Applied-Physics,-Part-1-Regular-Papers,-Short-Notes-&-Review-Papers. April 2005; 44(4A): 1743-7
PB: Japan Soc. Appl. Phys
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Interaction between envelope soliton vortex pair blocks and synoptic-scale eddies in an inhomogeneous baroclinicity environment
AU: Luo,-D.
SO: Quarterly-Journal-of-the-Royal-Meteorological-Society. Jan. 2005; 131(605): 125-54
PB: R. Meteorol. Soc
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Two-point versus multipartite entanglement in quantum phase transitions
AU: Anfossi,-A.; Giorda,-P.; Montorsi,-A.; Traversa,-F.
SO: Physical-Review-Letters. 29 July 2005; 95(5): 056402/1-4
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Observation of second-band vortex solitons in 2D photonic lattices
AU: Bartal,-G.; Manela,-O.; Cohen,-O.; Fleischer,-J.-W.; Segev,-M.
SO: Physical-Review-Letters. 29 July 2005; 95(5): 053904/1-4
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Curvilinear motion of multivortex laser-soliton complexes with strong and weak coupling
AU: Rosanov,-N.-N.; Fedorov,-S.-V.; Shatsev,-A.-N.
SO: Physical-Review-Letters. 29 July 2005; 95(5): 053903/1-4
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Vorticity cutoff in nonlinear photonic crystals
AU: Ferrando,-A.; Zacares,-M.; Garcia-March,-M.--A.
SO: Physical-Review-Letters. 22 July 2005; 95(4): 043901/1-4
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Angular momentum of a rotating light beam
AU: Bekshaev,-A.-Ya.; Soskin,-M.-S.; Vasnetsov,-M.-V.
SO: Optics-Communications. 15 May 2005; 249(4-6): 367-78
PB: Elsevier
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Photonic band gap via quantum coherence in vortex lattices of Bose-Einstein condensates
AU: Mustecaplioglu,-O.-E.; Oktel,-M.-O.
SO: Physical-Review-Letters. 10 June 2005; 94(22): 220404/1-4
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Evolution of composite off-axis vortexes embedded in the propagation-invariant beams
AU: Ahluwalia,-B.-P.-S.; Yuan,-X.--C.; Tao,-S.-H.
SO: Optics-Communications. 1 March 2005; 247(1-3): 1-9
PB: Elsevier
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Angular momentum of rotating paraxial light beams
AU: Alexeyev,-C.-N.; Yavorsky,-M.-A.
SO: Journal-of-Optics-A:-Pure-and-Applied-Optics. Aug. 2005; 7(8): 416-21
PB: IOP Publishing
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Helico-conical optical beams: a product of helical and conical phase fronts
AU: Alonzo,-C.-A.; Rodrigo,-P.-J.; Gluckstad,-J.
SO: Optics-Express. 7 March 2005; 13(5):
PB: Opt. Soc. America
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Phase singularities in analytic signal of white-light speckle pattern with application to micro-displacement measurement
AU: Wei-Wang; Ishii,-N.; Hanson,-S.-G.; Miyamoto,-Y.; Takeda,-M.
SO: Optics-Communications. 1 April 2005; 248(1-3): 59-68
PB: Elsevier
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Stable vortex solitons in nonlocal self-focusing nonlinear media
AU: Yakimenko,-A.-I.; Zaliznyak,-Y.-A.; Kivshar,-Y.
SO: Physical-Review-E-Statistical,-Nonlinear,-and-Soft-Matter-Physics. June 2005; 71(6): 65603-1-4
PB: APS through AIP
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Solitons in laser systems with saturable absorption
AU: Rosanov,-N.-N.
ED: Akhmediev,-N.; Ankiewicz,-A.
SO: Dissipative-solitons. 2005: 101-30
PB: Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany
RT: Book-Chapter
IB: 3540233733
TI: Spatial coherence singularities and incoherent vortex solitons
AU: Motzek,-K.; Kivshar,-Y.-S.; Ming-Feng-Shih; Swartzlander,-G.-A.-,-Jr.
SO: Journal-of-the-Optical-Society-of-America-B-Optical-Physics. July 2005; 22(7): 1437-42
PB: Opt. Soc. America
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Experiments on Gaussian beams and vortices in optically induced photonic lattices
AU: Zhigang-Chen; Martin,-H.; Bezryadina,-A.; Neshev,-D.; Kivshar,-Y.-S.; Christodoulides,-D.-N.
SO: Journal-of-the-Optical-Society-of-America-B-Optical-Physics. July 2005; 22(7): 1395-405
PB: Opt. Soc. America
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Composite vortex-ring solitons in Bessel photonic lattices
AU: Kartashov,-Y.-V.; Torner,-L.; Vysloukh,-V.-A.
SO: Journal-of-the-Optical-Society-of-America-B-Optical-Physics. July 2005; 22(7): 1366-70
PB: Opt. Soc. America
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Three-dimensional analysis of mode discrimination in vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers
AU: Achtenhagen,-M.; Hardy,-A.; Kapon,-E.
SO: Applied-Optics. 10 May 2005; 44(14): 2832-8
PB: Opt. Soc. America
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Optical vortices in a Laguerre-Gaussian LG/sub 1//sup 0/ beam
AU: Flossmann,-F.; Schwarz,-U.-T.; Maier,-M.
SO: Journal-of-Modern-Optics. 10 May 2005; 52(7): 1009-17
PB: Taylor & Francis
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Momentum paradox in a vortex core
AU: Zambrini,-R.; Thomson,-L.-C.; Barnett,-S.-M.; Padgett,-M.
SO: Journal-of-Modern-Optics. 20 May 2005; 52(8): 1135-44
PB: Taylor & Francis
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: The gas-liquid phase-transition singularities in the framework of the liquid-state integral equation formalism
AU: Sarkisov,-G.; Lomba,-E.
SO: Journal-of-Chemical-Physics. 1 June 2005; 122(21): 214504-1-6
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: New developments in experimental and analytical aspects of light figure spectroscopy
AU: Mamedov,-N.; Shim,-Y.; Yamamoto,-N.
SO: Japanese-Journal-of-Applied-Physics,-Part-1-Regular-Papers,-Short-Notes-&-Review-Papers. Jan. 2005; 44(1B): 754-60
PB: Japan Soc. Appl. Phys
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Broadband difference frequency generation around phase-match singularity
AU: Yanagawa,-T.; Kanbara,-H.; Tadanaga,-O.; Asobe,-M.; Suzuki,-H.; Yumoto,-J.
SO: Applied-Physics-Letters. 18 April 2005; 86(16): 161106-1-3
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Enhanced backscattering of optical vortex fields
AU: Schwartz,-C.; Dogariu,-A.
SO: Optics-Letters. 15 June 2005; 30(12): 1431-3
PB: Opt. Soc. America
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Novel discrete solitons in light-induced photonic lattices
AU: Chen-Zhi-Gang; Xu-Jing-Jun; Lou-Ci-Bo
SO: Wuli-. Jan. 2005; 34(1): 12-17
PB: Chinese Phys. Soc
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Ring vortex solitons in nonlocal nonlinear media
AU: Briedis,-D.; Petersen,-D.-E.; Edmundson,-D.; Krolikowski,-W.; Bang,-O.
SO: Optics-Express. 24 Jan. 2005; 13(2):
PB: Opt. Soc. America
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Transition to the Fulde-Ferrel-Larkin-Ovchinnikov planar phase: A quasiclassical investigation with Fourier expansion
AU: Combescot,-R.; Mora,-C.
SO: Physical-Review-B-Condensed-Matter-and-Materials-Physics. 1 April 2005; 71(14): 144517-1-9
PB: APS through AIP
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: The quasi-optical analysis of Bessel beams in the far infrared
AU: Trappe,-N.; Mahon,-R.; Lanigan,-W.; Murphy,-J.-A.; Withington,-S.
SO: Infrared-Physics-&-Technology. Jan. 2005; 46(3): 233-47
PB: Elsevier
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Vortex stagnation problem in iterative Fourier transform algorithms
AU: Senthilkumarana,-P.; Wyrowski,-F.; Schimmel,-H.
SO: Optics-and-Lasers-in-Engineering. Jan. 2005; 43(1): 43-56
PB: Elsevier
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Experimental method for topological charge determination of optical vortices in a regular net
AU: Fraczek,-E.; Fraczek,-W.; Mroczka,-J.
SO: Optical-Engineering. Feb. 2005; 44(2): 25601-1-3
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Angular momentum and the geometrical gauge of localized photon states
AU: Hawton,-M.; Baylis,-W.-E.
SO: Physical-Review-A-Atomic,-Molecular,-and-Optical-Physics. March 2005; 71(3): 33816-1-4
PB: APS through AIP
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Two-dimensional solitons with hidden and explicit vorticity in bimodal cubic-quintic media
AU: Desyatnikov,-A.-S.; Mihalache,-D.; Mazilu,-D.; Malomed,-B.-A.; Denz,-C.; Lederer,-F.
SO: Physical-Review-E-Statistical,-Nonlinear,-and-Soft-Matter-Physics. Feb. 2005; 71(2): 26615-1-9
PB: APS through AIP
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Excitation of vortices using linear and nonlinear magnetostatic waves
AU: Boardman,-A.-D.; Rapoport,-Yu.-G.; Grimalsky,-V.-V.; Ivanov,-B.-A.; Koshevaya,-S.-V.; Velasco,-L.; Zaspel,-C.-E.
SO: Physical-Review-E-Statistical,-Nonlinear,-and-Soft-Matter-Physics. Feb. 2005; 71(2): 26614-1-11
PB: APS through AIP
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Stabilized vortices in layered Kerr media
AU: Montesinos,-G.-D.; Perez-Garcia,-V.-M.; Michinel,-H.; Salgueiro,-J.-R.
SO: Physical-Review-E-Statistical,-Nonlinear,-and-Soft-Matter-Physics. March 2005; 71(3): 36624-1-5
PB: APS through AIP
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Quasistable two-dimensional solitons with hidden and explicit vorticity in a medium with competing nonlinearities
AU: Leblond,-H.; Malomed,-B.-A.; Mihalache,-D.
SO: Physical-Review-E-Statistical,-Nonlinear,-and-Soft-Matter-Physics. March 2005; 71(3): 36608-1-12
PB: APS through AIP
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Characterization of phase singularities in the vector complex Ginzburg-Landau equation
AU: Hoyuelos,-M.; Jacobo,-A.
SO: Physical-Review-E-Statistical,-Nonlinear,-and-Soft-Matter-Physics. Jan. 2005; 71(1): 17203-1-4
PB: APS through AIP
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Multicolor vortex solitons in two-dimensional photonic lattices
AU: Zhiyong-Xu; Kartashov,-Y.-V.; Crasovan,-L.--C.; Mihalache,-D.; Torner,-L.
SO: Physical-Review-E-Statistical,-Nonlinear,-and-Soft-Matter-Physics. Jan. 2005; 71(1): 16616-1-6
PB: APS through AIP
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Generation of phase singularity through diffracting a plane or Gaussian beam by a spiral phase plate
AU: Kotlyar,-V.-V.; Almazov,-A.-A.; Khonina,-S.-N.; Soifer,-V.-A.; Elfstrom,-H.; Turunen,-J.
SO: Journal-of-the-Optical-Society-of-America-A-Optics,-Image-Science-and-Vision. May 2005; 22(5): 849-61
PB: Opt. Soc. America
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Experimental investigation of local properties and statistics of optical vortices in random wave fields
AU: Wei-Wang; Hanson,-S.-G.; Miyamoto,-Y.; Takeda,-M.
SO: Physical-Review-Letters. 18 March 2005; 94(10): 103902/1-4
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Superfluidlike motion of vortices in light condensates
AU: Paz-Alonso,-M.-J.; Michinel,-H.
SO: Physical-Review-Letters. 11 March 2005; 94(9): 093901/1-4
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Twisted optical fibers sustaining propagation of optical vortices
AU: Alekseev,-K.-N.; Yavorskii,-M.-A.
SO: Optics-and-Spectroscopy. ; : 53-60; Original: Optika-i-Spektroskopiya. Jan. 2005; 98(1): 59-66
PB: MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Vortex properties of a photon flux in a dielectric waveguide
AU: Dzedolik,-I.-V.
SO: Technical-Physics. ; : 135-8; Original: Zhurnal-Tekhnicheskoi-Fiziki. Jan. 2005; 50(1): 137-40
PB: MAIK Nauka
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Generating function for Hermite-Gaussian modes propagating through first-order optical systems
AU: Bastiaans,-M.-J.; Alieva,-T.
SO: Journal-of-Physics-A-Mathematical-and-General. 11 Feb. 2005; 38(6): L73-8
PB: IOP Publishing
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: The relation between the spherical aberration of a lens and the spun cusp diffraction catastrophe
AU: Nye,-J.-F.
SO: Journal-of-Optics-A:-Pure-and-Applied-Optics. Jan. 2005; 7(3): 95-102
PB: IOP Publishing
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Effect of one-axis anisotropy on the propagation of optical vortices in rotating optical fibres
AU: Alexeyev,-C.-N.; Alexeyev,-A.-N.; M-A-Yavorsky
SO: Journal-of-Optics-A:-Pure-and-Applied-Optics. Jan. 2005; 7(1): 63-72
PB: IOP Publishing
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Optical steering of high and low index microparticles by manipulating an off-axis optical vortex
AU: W-M-Lee; Ahluwalia,-B.-P.-S.; X-C-Yuan; W-C-Cheong; Dholakia,-K.
SO: Journal-of-Optics-A:-Pure-and-Applied-Optics. Jan. 2005; 7(1): 1-6
PB: IOP Publishing
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Stable ring-profile vortex solitons in Bessel optical lattices
AU: Kartashov,-Y.-V.; Vysloukh,-V.-A.; Torner,-L.
SO: Physical-Review-Letters. 4 Feb. 2005; 94(4): 043902/1-4
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Observation of hybrid soliton vortex-ring structures in Bose-Einstein condensates
AU: Ginsberg,-N.-S.; Brand,-J.; Hau,-L.-V.
SO: Physical-Review-Letters. 4 Feb. 2005; 94(4): 040403/1-4
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Optimal annular computer-generated holograms for the generation of optical vortices
AU: Cheng-Shan-Guo; Xuan-Liu; Xiu-Yun-Ren; Hui-Tian-Wang
SO: Journal-of-the-Optical-Society-of-America-A-Optics,-Image-Science-and-Vision. Feb. 2005; 22(2): 385-90
PB: Opt. Soc. America
RT: Journal-Paper