Mr. TannerZombie WebQuestEntrepreneurship

Zombie Survival Kit – Final Project
Poor / Good / Excellent / Score
Product / 0 points
Includes little or no description of product or requirements listed in directions; does not give reasoning / 5 points
Briefly explains some items included, special features, and benefits; lacks special features, product uniqueness, or explanation of demand for product; lacks reasoning / 10 points
Thoroughly demonstrates items included, special features, and benefits; explains why people will buy this product vs. other products; gives reasoning / Score
Place / 0 points
Includes little or no description of the place where customers will purchase the product, how it will operate; gives no reasoning / 5 points
Lacks some explanation of where the customer will purchase the product and its operation; lacks reasoning on one or more items / 10 points
Comprehensively explains where people can purchase the product and where it will operate; gives reasoning on all items / Score
Price / 0 points
Does not include a price, lacks explanation of other models / 5 points
Gives a price, but does not explain why; lacks description of other models / 10 points
Gives a price for the product and reasoning for given price; explains decision for other models (or single model) / Score
Promotion (Advertisement) / 0 points
Ad is too complex and/ or inappropriate for the company. Lacks creativity. / 5 points
Ad design is slightly complex, unstructured, or off balance; shows some creative elements / 10 points
Ad is well-made, professional, and shows high levels of creativity; demands the customer’s attention / Score
Presentation and Communication
Professionalism / 0 points
Show little or poor presentation etiquette, lacks characteristics of professionalism / 3 points
Members are slightly unprepared, show breaks in professionalism; distracting behaviors or ticks / 5 points
Members are well prepared, speak in a professional manner; no distracting behaviors / Score
Organization / 0 points
Presentation shows poor organization or structure, information is disconnected or missing / 5 points
Presentation is organized but lacks structure; some information is unclear or missing / 10 points
Presentation is smooth and well organized; content is structured and clearly displayed
Energy / 0 points
Members produce minimal effort, interest and/or confidence in product / 3 points
Members show some energy but show little evidence of interest or confidence / 5 points
Members show high levels of energy, confidence, and passion for their product; encourages the sell
Comments: Total Points: 60

Group Name: ______
Presentation Date: ______

Mr. TannerZombie WebQuestEntrepreneurship

Stage III Project

Directions: Your task tocreate andsell an emergency management kit for a zombie outbreak. Your team will have three days to create and design a zombie survival kit. After you develop your product and promotions, you group will create a presentation using PowerPoint, Prezi, or other approved software, and promote or sell it to possible investors (the classroom).

Length: 3 days to prepare your presentations

Your presentation must cover the following:

·  Product /Service

o  What items or supplies are included?

o  What special features are included?

o  How will people benefit from it?

o  What will be the demand for this product?

·  Place

o  What places will you sell it?

o  Will it operate online?

o  Where can people find more information about your product?

·  Price

o  How much will your company charge for the product?

o  Will there be cheaper or more expensive models?

·  Promotion (Advertisement)

o  A company advertisement (flyer, tear-off sheet, newspaper ad, online GIF, billboard) designed and created with Publisher, or other design software

·  Product Prototype /Model

o  Your group must construct a model of your product. This can be made from cardboard, construction paper, and any supplies you find from the room. Its main purpose is to be a representation of your product, so that your investors can clearly understand what it includes.

Your work will be assessed by the following rubric: