American History I: Unit 1 Study Guide (14 sets of notes from "European Exploration" - "A New America")

European Exploration

1. Reasons for Exploration (New trade route to Asia, the 3 "G"s - God, gold, glory)

Chesapeake Colonies

2. Joint Stock Companies:

3. Jamestown (where was it, why was it significant, why was it settled?):

4. John Smith & Pocahontas:

5. Tobacco:

6. Indentured Servitude:

7. Virginia House of Burgesses:

8. The Middle Passage:

9. Maryland (who settled it and why?):

Colonization of New England

10. Puritans/Pilgrims:

11. Mayflower Compact:

12. Plymouth (where was it, why was it significant, why was it settled?)

13. John Winthrop's "City Upon a Hill" sermon

14. Roger Williams / Anne Hutchinson / Rhode Island

15. Thomas Hooker / Connecticut

16. The Pequot War / King Philip's War

Settlement of the Middle & Southern Colonies

17. Maryland Toleration Act

18. New Amsterdam

19. William Penn / Quakers / Pennsylvania

20. James Oglethorpe / Georgia

Class Conflict in the Southern Colonies

21. Cash crops / Plantation System

22. Headright System

23. Tidewater Planters vs. Yeoman Farmers

24. Bacon's Rebellion

Life in the New England & Middle Colonies

25. Farming conditions in New England vs. in the Middle Colonies vs. Southern Colonies

26. Salem Witch Trials

First Conflicts

27. Mercantilism

28. Navigation & Trade Acts

29. Smuggling

30. The Dominion of New England

31. The English Bill of Rights

Growing Diversity & Independence

32. Where did immigrants come from?

33. Stono Rebellion

34. John Locke

35. Montesquieu

36. The Great Awakening / George Whitefield

The French & Indian War

37. Albany Plan of Union

38. French & Indian War / Seven Years' War

39. Consequences of the War

The Colonists Become Defiant

40. Proclamation Act of 1763

41. Salutary Neglect

42. Sugar Act

43. "No Taxation Without Representation"

44. Stamp Act

45. Sons of Liberty

46. Stamp Act Congress

47. Boycotts

48. Townshend Acts / Writs of Assistance

49. Daughters of Liberty

50. Boston Massacre

A Revolution Begins

51. Committees of Correspondence

52. Boston Tea Party

53. Coercive Acts / Intolerable Acts

54. First Continental Congress

55. Minutemen

56. Loyalists (Tories) vs. Patriots

57. Battles of Lexington & Concord

58. Second Continental Congress

The Early Days of the Revolution

59. Battle of Bunker Hill

60. Olive Branch Petition

61. Hessians

62. Thomas Paine's Common Sense

63. The Declaration of Independence

64. American Problems vs. British Problems

The Revolutionary War

65. George Washington

66. Nathan Hale

67. Battle of Saratoga

68. Valley Forge

69. Marquis de Lafayette

70. France's role in the War

71. John Paul Jones

72. Benedict Arnold

73. Hit and Run Raids

74. Lord Cornwallis

75. Battle of Yorktown

76. Treaty of Paris (1783)

A New America

77. What is a republic?

78. "Tyranny of the Majority"

79. Who could vote?

80. Virginia's Declaration of Rights

81. Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom

82. Judith Sargent Murray