University of Warwick, Department of Sociology, 2002/2003

SO201: SSAASS (Surveys and Statistics) (Richard Lampard).


Spring Term: Week 11

Operationalizing class

ROSE, D., O’REILLY, K. and MARTIN, J. 1997. ‘The ESRC Review of Government Social Classifications’, Population Trends, 89: 49-59.

DRUDY, S. 1991. ‘The classification of social class in sociological research’, British Journal of Sociology, 42.1, pp21-42.

RUNCIMAN, W. 1990, ‘How Many Classes are there in Contemporary British Society?’, Sociology, 24.3: 377-396.

SARRE, P. 1989. ‘Recomposition of the class structure’. In Hamnett, C., McDowell, L. and Sarre, P. (eds) The Changing Social Structure. London: Sage.

SAUNDERS, P. 1989. Social Class and Stratification. London: Routledge.

HAMILTON, M. and HIRSZOWICZ, M. 1993 Class and Inequality: Comparative Perspectives. Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf.

GIDDENS, A. and HELD, D. (eds). 1982. Classes, Power and Conflict: Classical and Contemporary Debates. London: Macmillan.

PAWSON, R. 1989. A Measure For Measures: A Manifesto for Empirical Sociology. London: Routledge. [Chapters 9 and 10].

MILNER, A. 1999. Class. London: Sage.

BYRNE, D. 1999. Social Exclusion. Buckingham: Open University Press.

Operationalizing women's class

DALE, A., GILBERT, G.N. and ARBER, S. 1985. ‘Integrating women into class theory’, Sociology, 19, pp384-408.

CROMPTON, R. 1989. ‘Class theory and gender’, British Journal of Sociology, 40.4, pp565-587.

CLARK, J. et al. (eds) 1990. John H. Goldthorpe: Consensus and Controversy. Falmer Press.

LAMPARD, R. 1995. ‘Parents' Occupations and their Children's Occupational Attainment: A Contribution to the Debate on the Class Assignment of Families’, Sociology 29.4: 715-728.

HAYES, B. and JONES, F.L. 1992. ‘Class Identification Among Australian Couples - Are Wives' Characteristics Irrelevant?’, British Journal of Sociology, 43: 463-483.

HAYES, B. and JONES, F.L. 1992. ‘Marriage and Political Partisanship - Do Wives' Characteristics Make a Difference?, Sociology, 26: 81-101.

ERIKSON, R. and GOLDTHORPE, J.H. 1992. ‘Individual or family? Results from two approaches to class assignment’, Acta Sociologica, 35: 95-105.

Spring Term: Week 12

Friendship / Masculinity

DUCK, S. 1983. Friends, For Life: The Psychology of Close Relationships. Brighton: Harvester Press.

BRUCKNER, E. and KNAUP, K. 1993. ‘Women's and men's friendships in comparative perspective’, European Sociological Review, 9.3, pp249-266.

MONSOUR, M. 2002. Women and Men as Friends: Relationships across the Life Span in the 21st Century. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

COATES, J. 1996. Women Talk: Conversation Between Women Friends. Oxford: Blackwell.

WINSTEAD, B., DERLEGA, V. and ROSE, S. 1997. Gender and Close Relationships. London: Sage.

HEY, V. 1997. The Company She Keeps: An Ethnography of Girls’ Friendships. Buckingham: Open University Press.

ERWIN, P. 1998. Friendship in Childhood and Adolescence. London: Routledge.

FEHR, B. 1996. Friendship Processes. London: Sage.

ALLAN, G. 1996. Kinship and Friendship in Modern Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

ADAMS, R. and ALLAN, G. (eds) 1999. Placing Friendship in Context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

GOODWIN, R. and CRAMER, D. (eds) 2002. Inappropriate Relationships: The Unconventional, the Disapproved, and the Forbidden. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. [Chapter 6].

WHITEHEAD, S. and BARRETT, F. (eds) 2001. The Masculinities Reader. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Additional social statistics books in the library

ARGYROUS, G. 1997. Statistics for Social Research. London: Macmillan.

BLACK, T.R. 1998. Doing Quantitative Research in the Social Sciences: An Integrated Approach to Research Design, Measurement and Statistics. London: Sage.

PEERS, I. 1996. Statistical Analysis for Education and Psychology. London: Falmer.

SCHACHT, S. with STEWART, B. 1995. Social Statistics: A User-Friendly Approach. Hemel Hempstead: Allyn and Bacon.

DALY, F. et al. 1995. Elements of Statistics. Wokingham: Open University/Addison Wesley.

EHRENBERG, A. 1982. A Primer in Data Reduction. New York: Wiley.

FULLER, M. and LURY, D. 1977. Statistics Workbook for Social Science Students. Oxford: Philip Allan.

JOHNSON, A. 1977. Social Statistics without Tears. New York: McGraw-Hill.

LEVIN, J. 1977. Elementary Statistics in Social Research [2nd edition]. New York: Harper and Row.

YEOMANS, K. 1968. Statistics for the Social Scientist [Volume 1: Introducing Statistics; Volume 2: Applied Statistics]. Harmondsworth: Penguin.

ZELDITCH, M. 1959. A Basic Course in Sociological Statistics. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

GREENE, J. and D'OLIVEIRA, M. 1982. Learning to Use Statistical Tests in Psychology (1st edition). Milton Keynes: Open University Press.

Texts linked to earlier versions of SPSS or to MINITAB

BRYMAN, A. and CRAMER, D. 1990 (revised edition 1994). Quantitative Data Analysis for Social Scientists. London: Routledge. [Broad ranging introductory text which looks at descriptive statistics, some basic statistical tests, and some more advanced techniques, in the context of statistical computing using SPSS. The book has been criticised for lacking sufficiently well-developed statistical foundations, i.e. it encourages people to analyse data without a clear understanding of what they are doing. However, it is probably a useful support tool if one is getting to grips with statistical research ‘on the job’].

DOMETRIUS, N. 1992. Social Statistics using SPSS. Harper Collins.

KINNEAR, P. and GRAY, C. 1992. SPSS/PC+ Made Simple. Lawrence Erlbaum.

FRUDE, N. 1987 (2nd edition 1993). Guide to SPSS/PC+. London: Macmillan Education. [Halfway between a manual and a textbook. Useful for reference].

BABBIE, E. and HALLEY, F. 1993. Adventures in Social Research: Data Analysis using SPSS. Sage/Pine Forge Press.

ERICKSON, B. and NOSANCHUK, T. 1992. Understanding Data (2nd Edition). Buckingham: Open University Press. [A good introductory text, which is linked to the statistical package MINITAB].

NOLAN, B. 1994. Data Analysis: An Introduction. Polity Press. [Based around the statistical package MINITAB].

RYAN, B., JOINER, B. and RYAN, T. 1985. MINITAB Student Handbook [Revised Edition]. Boston: Duxbury Press.

MONK, A. 1991. Exploring Statistics with MINITAB. New York: Wiley.

Various quantitative research approaches and issues (some quite technical)

CAMPBELL, D. and STANLEY, J. 1966. Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs for Research. Chicago: Rand McNally.

LILIENFELD, D. and STOLLEY, P. 1994. Foundations of Epidemiology (3rd Edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

NEAVE, H.R. and WORTHINGTON, P.L. 1988. Distribution-Free Tests. London: Routledge.

POLLARD, A.H, YUSUF, F. and POLLARD, G.N. 1981. Demographic Techniques (2nd Edition). Oxford: Pergamon.

PRESTON, S.H., HEUVELINE, P. and GUILLOT, M. 2001. Demography: Measuring and Modeling Population Processes. Oxford: Blackwell.

HORN, R. 1993. Statistical Indicators for the Economic and Social Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

ISHII-KUNTZ, M. 1994. Ordinal Loglinear Models. London: Sage.

MOONEY, C.Z. and DUVAL, R.D. 1993. Bootstrapping. London: Sage.

WOODWARD, M. 1999. Epidemiology: Study Design and Data Analysis. London: Chapman and Hall.

ROSS, S. M. 2000. Introduction to Probability Models (7th Edition). London: Academic Press.

SNIJDERS, T. and BOSKER, R. 1999. Multilevel Analysis: An Introduction to Basic and Advanced Multilevel Modeling. London: Sage.

HUTCHESON, G. and SOFRINOU, N. 1999. The Multivariate Social Scientist: Introductory Statistics Using Generalised Linear Models. London: Sage.

KRZANOWSKI, W. 1998. An Introduction to Statistical Modelling. London: Arnold.

Project work

(NB Only of limited relevance to the project on this course).

BELL, J. 1993. Doing Your Research Project: A guide for first time researchers in education and social science (2nd edition). Buckingham: Open University Press. [New edition in 1999].

BERRY, R. 1994. The Research Project: How to Write It (3rd Edition). London: Routledge.

HOWARD, K. and SHARP, J. 1983. The management of a student research project. Aldershot: Gower.

BARRAT, D. and COLE, T. 1991. Sociology Projects: A Students’ Guide. London: Routledge.

HERBERT, M. 1990. Planning a Research Project: A Guide for Practitioners and Trainees in the Helping Professions. London: Cassell.

Writing and thinking!

BARRASS, R. 1982. Students Must Write: A Guide to Better Writing in Coursework and Examinations. London: Methuen.

CUBA, L. and COCKING, J. 1994. How to Write About the Social Sciences. London: Harper Collins.

SOCIOLOGY WRITING GROUP. 1994. A Guide to Writing Sociology Papers (3rd Edition). New York: St. Martin’s Press.

PETTIGREW, T. 1996. How to Think Like a Social Scientist. Harlow: Addison Wesley Longman.

Qualitative Methods


FLICK, U. 1998. An Introduction to Qualitative Research. London: Sage.

SILVERMAN, D. 1999. Doing Qualitative Research: A Practical Handbook. London: Sage.

DENZIN, N. and LINCOLN, Y. 1994. Handbook of Qualitative Research. Sage.

BAILEY, C. 1996. A Guide to Field Research. London: Pine Forge Press.

SILVERMAN, D. (ed.) 1997. Qualitative Research: Theory, Method and Practice. London: Sage.

SEALE, C. 1999. The Quality of Qualitative Research. London: Sage.

DAVIES, C.A. 1999. Reflexive Ethnography: A Guide to Researching Selves and Others. London: Routledge.

COFFEY, A. 1999. The Ethnographic Self: Fieldwork and the Representation of Identity. London: Sage.

MORSE, J. (ed.) 1994. Critical Issues in Qualitative Research Methods. London: Sage.

MILLER, G. and DINGWALL, R. (eds) 1997. Context and Method in Qualitative Research. London: Sage.

ELY, M. et al. 1997. On Writing Qualitative Research: Living by Words. London: UCL Press.

GOLDEN-BIDDLE, K. and LOCKE, K. 1997. Composing Qualitative Research. London: Sage.

Data analysis

GLASER, B. and STRAUSS, A. 1967. The Discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for Qualitative Research. New York: Aldine. [A classic text in its field].

STRAUSS, A. and CORBIN, J. (eds) 1997. Grounded Theory in Practice. London: Sage.

COFFEY, A. and Atkinson, P. 1996. Making Sense of Qualitative Data: Complementary Research Strategies. London: Sage.

MILES, M. and HUBERMAN, A. 1984. Qualitative Data Analysis. London: Sage.

STRAUSS, A. 1987. Qualitative Analysis for Social Scientists. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

WOLCOTT, H. 1994. Transforming Qualitative Data: Description, Analysis and Interpretation. London: Sage.

RILEY, J. 1990. Getting the Most from Your Data: A handbook of practical ideas on how to analyse qualitative data. Bristol: Technical and Educational Services.

BRYMAN, A. and BURGESS, R. (eds) 1994. Analyzing Qualitative Data. London: Routledge.

SILVERMAN, D. 1993. Interpreting Qualitative Data. London: Sage.

Computer-based analysis

DEY, I. 1993. Qualitative Data Analysis: A User-Friendly Guide for Social Scientists. London: Routledge. [Flags up the idea that qualitative data can be and are increasingly analysed by computer].

KELLE, U (ed.) 1995. Computer-Aided Qualitative Data Analysis: Theory, Methods and Practice. London: Sage.

WEITZMAN, E. and MILES, M. 1995. Computer Programs for Qualitative Data Analysis: A Software Sourcebook. London: Sage.

GAHAN, C. and HANNIBAL, M. 1997. Doing Qualitative Research Using QSR NUD.IST. London: Sage.

Research design and specific approaches

MARSHALL, C. and ROSSMAN, G. 1995. Designing Qualitative Research (2nd Edition). London: Sage.

STAKE, R. 1995. The Art of Case Study Research. London: Sage.

PLUMMER, K. 1983. Documents of Life: An Introduction to the Problems and Literature of a Humanistic Method. London: George Allen and Unwin. [Focuses on life histories and personal documents].

THOMPSON, P. 1988. The Voice of the Past: Oral History (2nd Edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

MORGAN, D. 1997. Focus Groups as Qualitative Research (2nd Edition). London: Sage.

PROSSER, J. (ed.) 1998. Image-based Research. Basingstoke: Falmer Press.

PERKS, R. and THOMSON, A. 1998. The Oral History Reader. London: Routledge.

WENGRAF, T., CHAMERLAYNE, P. and BORNAT, J. 2000. The Turn to Biographical Methods in Social Science. London: Routledge.

LEE, R. 2000. Unobtrusive Methods in Social Research. Buckingham: Open University Press.

ROBERTS, B. 2001. Biographical Research. Buckingham: Open University Press.

Feminist Research Methods

REINHARZ, S. 1992. Feminist Methods in Social Research. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

HARDING, S. (ed.) 1987. Feminism and Methodology: Social Science Issues. Milton Keynes: Open University Press. [Various other books by the same author on related topics].

NIELSEN, J. 1990. Feminist Research Methods. London: Westview Press.

ROBERTS, H. 1990. Doing Feminist Research. London: Routledge. [Version with new prologue].

HAMMERSLEY, M. 1992. ‘On Feminist Methodology’, Sociology, 26.2, pp187-206. [Plus following responses].

MAYNARD, M. and PURVIS, J. (eds) 1994. Researching Women's Lives from a Feminist Perspective. London: Taylor and Francis.

HARDING, S. 1991. Whose Science? Whose Knowledge? Thinking from Women's Lives. Open University Press.

STANLEY, L. and WISE, S. 1983/1993. Breaking Out/Breaking Out Again. London: Routledge.

STANLEY, L. (ed.) 1990. Feminist Praxis. London: Routledge.

Visual methods

ROSE, G. 2001. Visual Methodologies: An Introduction to the Interpretation of Visual Materials. London: Sage.

PINK, S. 2001. Doing Visual Ethnography: Images, Media and Representation in Research. London: Sage.

BANKS, M. 2001. Visual Methods in Social Research. London: Sage.

Ethics and research on sensitive topics

HOMAN, R. 1991. The Ethics of Social Research. Harlow: Longman. [General text on research ethics].

SIEBER, J. (ed.) 1982. The Ethics of Social Research: Surveys and Experiments. New York: Springer-Verlag.

RENZETTI, C. and LEE, R. 1993. Researching Sensitive Topics. London: Sage.

LEE, R. 1993. Doing Research on Sensitive Topics. London: Sage.

General Texts

BLAXTER, L., HUGHES, C. and TIGHT, M. 1996. How to Research. Buckingham: Open University Press.

MAY, T. 1993. Social Research: Issues, Methods and Process. Buckingham: Open University Press.

McNEILL, P. 1990. Research Methods (2nd Edition). London: Routledge.

BOUMA, G. and DIXON, B. 1987. A Handbook of Social Science Research. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

ACKROYD, S. and HUGHES, J. 1992. Data Collection in Context (2nd Edition). Harlow: Longman.

SEALE, C. (ed.) 1998. Researching Society and Culture. London: Sage.

BICKMAN, L. and ROG, D. (eds) 1997. Handbook of Applied Social Research Methods. London: Sage.

SHIPMAN, M. 1997. The Limitations of Social Research (4th Edition). Harlow: Longman.

BLACK, T. 1993. Evaluating Social Science Research. London: Sage.

PREECE, R. 1994. Starting Research. London: Pinter.

ROBSON, C. 1993. Real World Research: A Resource for Social Scientists and Practitioner Researchers. Blackwell.

BURGESS, R. 1993. Research Methods. Walton-on Thames: Nelson.

HALL, D. and HALL, I. 1996. Practical Social Research; Project Work in the Community. Basingstoke: Macmillan.

McKENZIE, G. 1997. Understanding Social Research: Perspectives on Methodology and Practice. London: UCL Press.

PENNINGS, P., KEMAN, H. and KLEINNIJENHUIS, J. 1999. Doing Research in Political Science: An Introduction to Comparative Methods and Statistics. London: Sage.

ADER, H. and MELLENBERGH, G. (eds) 1999. Research Methodology in the Social, Behavioural and Life Sciences: Designs, Models and Methods. London: Sage.

BELL, J. and OPIE, C. 2002. Learning From Research: Getting More From Your Data. Buckingham: Open University Press.

DENSCOMBE, M. 2002. Ground Rules for Good Research: A 10 Point Guide for Social Researchers. Buckingham: Open University Press.

JONES FINER, C. and LEWANDO HUNDT, G. (eds) 2001. The Business of Research: Issues of Policy and Practice. Oxford: Blackwell.

Comparative and cross-national research