Module 6

Social Psychology

Please answer all questions in full sentences.

Assignment #1 – essay questions

Please answer each question in a paragraph of at least 5 sentences.

1.  What is attribution? What are the common biases or errors we make in attribution? Include a real-life example of each bias.

2.  Describe the cognitive, affective, and behavioral components of an attitude by using an example from your own experiences.

3.  Why is deindividuation an important factor in rioting?

Assignment #2

Instructions: Take part in an online social psychology study at Online Social Psychology Studies site. This page contains social psychology studies that are currently being conducted on the web. Participate in one of the studies.

Answer the following questions:

1.  Write a description of the study you participated in. What was it called? Who was doing it?

2.  What did you do in the study?

3.  How does the study relate to social psychology?

4.  Were there any risks or benefits in this study?

5.  Do you think the study is important?

Assignment #3

Write a half-page reflection on what you thought was the most interesting thing in this module. Why? What else would you like to learn about that topic?

Assignment #4

Multiple Choice Questions

______examines how our thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and behaviors are influenced by others.
/ a. / Experimental psychology
/ b. / Developmental psychology
/ c. / Cognitive psychology
/ d. / Social psychology
Those faces that we might consider the most attractive are those that:
/ a. / approximate a round shape.
/ b. / approximate a heart shape.
/ c. / are the most symmetrical in shape.
/ d. / come closest to the average face found in the general population.
Specific unfair behavior toward members of a group is known as:
/ a. / stereotyping.
/ b. / prejudice.
/ c. / discrimination.
/ d. / attribution.
The explanations given for someone's behavior or beliefs are known as:
/ a. / stereotypes.
/ b. / attributions.
/ c. / person schemas.
/ d. / event schemas.
You see a friend walking towards you. You say "hi." He doesn't even acknowledge you are there. "What a jerk!" You have made a(n) ______attribution.
/ a. / external
/ b. / central
/ c. / peripheral
/ d. / internal
The tendency to overestimate the importance of dispositional factors and underestimate the importance of situational ones is known as:
/ a. / prejudice.
/ b. / stereotyping.
/ c. / schema-driven processing.
/ d. / fundamental attribution error.
"I don't eat black olives." This demonstrates the ______component of an attitude.
/ a. / affective
/ b. / cognitive
/ c. / behavior
/ d. / physiological
"A behavior performed because of group pressure even though that pressure involves no direct requests" is the definition of:
/ a. / conformity.
/ b. / obedience.
/ c. / compliance.
/ d. / consistency.
Katy swims faster when there are large crowds at the swim meet than when she practices and no one is around. Her faster times may be due to:
/ a. / social facilitation.
/ b. / social inhibition.
/ c. / deindividuation.
/ d. / diffusion of responsibility.
A group of college students decided to go to a hockey game on Friday night and "blow off some steam." What does the research reveal about catharsis?
/ a. / Observing athletic events is an effective way to reduce aggression.
/ b. / It may actually increase aggression.
/ c. / Catharsis works, but only for mildly aggressive individuals.
/ d. / Catharsis is only effective for moderately aggressive individuals.

Assignment 5 – Bystanders

View the power point “Bystanders” on the Sociology page of

Complete the following activity.


When viewing the PPT, answer the following questions:

1. What is a bystander?

2. Give an example of a situation that you were a bystander.

3. What does it take to do something dangerous or unpopular to help someone whose life or human dignity are at risk?
4. Give the definition of a bystander.
Part II
Read the following statements from Ervin Staub about the influence of bystanders on the behavior of others. Explain what you think is the meaning of each statement.

  • Bystanders can exert powerful influence. They can define the meaning of events and move others towards empathy or indifference.
  • Psychological research shows that a single deviation from group behavior can greatly diminish conformity. In emergencies, the likelihood of helping greatly increases when one bystander says the situation is serious or tells others to take action.
  • Even the behavior of governments can be strongly affected by bystanders, individuals, groups or other governments.

Part III

1. Give as many examples as you can of people trying to make a difference globally.

2. How are you trying to make a difference globally? Or how could you?
3. What is a bystander?

4. What dilemmas do bystanders face?

5. What effect can bystanders have?

6. What is the nature of humanitarian acts?

Part IV

Please reflect on this statement
“Our indifference to evil makes us partners in the crime”
by Egil Anarivk, awarding the Nobel Peace Prize of 1986,
in a paragraph. Please use proper English and Grammar.