
Board of Directors

Maryland Swimming Inc

October 13, 2015

Loyola Blakefield High School

7 PM

Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm by J. McDonough
Approval of the Prior Board Meeting Minutes
The minutes of the 5-5-15 meeting were presented by W. Atkins with the grammar edits provided by A. Summerfield. Motion to accept from F. Manning, second by J. Cadigan. None opposed, minutes accepted.
Treasurer’s Report
F. Manning presented to balance sheet YTD and the Profit and Loss statement YTD. All are tracking as expected. Reports are on file. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was put forth by J. Cadigan with a second from P. Lieb. The motion carried with none opposed.
New Business:
  1. Discussion on the R&R concerning host teams requesting volunteers from other teams
(MD Swimming Rule 4.3 (Conduct of Meets))
The topic was discussed again. No one present felt the rule should be changed. It was clarified that all teams (co-hosted, tri-hosted meets) awarded the sanction could recruit volunteers to work on deck as timers. There was no motion made to amend the rule and the item has been tabled.
  1. Discussion on the appeal process for the opportunity to appeal payment of the mandatory
15% surcharge fee that is due to Maryland Swimming within 30 days of the last day of their meet.
All agreed that a defined Appeal Process needs to be developed and added the R&R. P. Kaplan and M. McDonough have crafted wording but neither were present to address questions. Item will be placed on the next full board meeting agenda.
  1. Appeal from NAAC for Open Water fees
The request for waiver was read by W. Atkins as C. Swensen was not present. NAAC asked that the surcharge for the added surcharge to swimmers be waived as 1) the fee was set prior to the rule amendment at the June HoD meeting and the fee would create a net loss. The fee was imposed to cover the cost of the automated timing system that also helped track all swimmers as they finished. J. Cadigan motioned for the fee to be waived, F. Manning seconded. No one opposed and the motion carried.
There was discussion about “splash fees” applying to the OW meets. We will clarify the policy with the Admin staff (P. Kaplan).
There was discussion about refunding fees to swimmers that could not swim after the FD decided to halt all meet activity. The US Swimming rule book was consulted. The rule is that the Meet Committee decides if refunds will be issued. Any team then can appeal to the board of directors for a review. It may then proceed to the local board of review if not resolved. W. Atkins will ask P. Kaplan to have NAAC make an official decision and we will inform all teams with entered swimmers of the decision.
  1. MSI Scholarship
  1. Summerfield reported that 6 scholarships were awarded and there 14 applicants. The process needs to be reviewed for possible improvement. The application wording should be clarified in alert swimmers that may receive full scholarship to a swim program that they should not apply so that others can benefit from the program. Also a review of the time line is needed so that the application are due in time to evaluated and awarded earlier. A goal is to award them at the SC Championship meet if possible. A. Summerfield will work with the review committee and the Athlete Reps as needed for the process improvements,
  1. LSC Development Training (US Swimming training review)
W. Atkins presented highlights of the voluntary LSC board training prepared and distributed by US Swimming. Those that had completed the training felt it was worthwhile and informative. The consensus was to re-send it with a note to voluntarily complete it. A motion by A. Hu was made that the training be adopted as official MSI BoD training and orientation to be completed annually and that all convention delegates review it prior to convention so that convention will make more sense. J. Frediani seconded. All were in favor and the motion passed.
  1. Convention Highlights
W Atkins reported a summary of all the reports and ideas from the delegates to the convention. Many of the ideas or hot topics will be used to develop goals, project ideas and work teams. A report and list are on file. A thank you note from Jaime Cahn was read aloud. MSI provided him with a Lifetime membership to US Swimming.
Reports of Committees and Coordinators
Allison reported on the success of the scholarship program. She also has been working with the other athlete reps to develop ideas for community service. A color run type event has been proposed. Allison needs more time to develop a proposal to the Bod. A report is on file
Sr. Swimming
No Report
Age Group Swimming
C Kaplan reported that he has been working with J. Beaver and T. Himes on coaches round table
sessions. They have hosted two very successful events. Coach Michael Brooks was the featured
speaker at the last event. They are currently planning a third event.
P Kaplan was not present. W Atkins read her report as submitted. The report is on file.
Club Development
P Kaplan was not present. W Atkins read her report as submitted. The report is on file.
W Atkins reported that there have been 4 successful Admin Mentoring sessions and 4 teams have been awarded 200.00 each for participating. There are 4 more currently planned.
Website/ office
P Kaplan was not present. W Atkins read her report as submitted. The report is on file.
J. Frediani reported that she has started the search for apparel and for championship awards.
She will work with the Athletes, the Officials committee and A Summerfield to incorporate suggested
Changes to the championship meet.
Hall of Fame
J. Cadigan reported that the planned Hall of Fame banquet planned for 10/23/2015 will have to be postponed due to schedule conflict with the inductees. It will now be held on 4/9/2016 at Brwyn Mar.
The Maryland Sports Legends Museum has closed. J. Cadigan will collect our memorabilia and store it safely until there is an alternate display place identified.
Top 10/Records
F. Manning reported that Top 10, Records and SWIMS will be turned over to P. Kaplan in the Admin Office
No Report
Technical Planning
M. McDonoughwas not present but sent an electronic report that is on file.
See Above with Age Group Swimming
P LaGow reported on a restructuring of the committee to have subgroups that help get the work done. He also reported on a very successful swimposium held at the JCC on 9/25/2015. A report is on file.
N Brown reported that there have been federal changes to the free and reduced lunch programs that
Affect the way we recognize Out Reach candidate. We will have to implement a new metric to determine eligibility.
Board of Review
No Report
No Report
Safe Sport
No Report
Disability Swimming
No Report
Distance/Open Water/ Camps
C Swensen was not present but sent an electronic report that is on file.
Date and Type of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be an executive work session to be held on November 10, 2015 at 7 PM in Knott Hall at LBHS.
A motion to adjourn was made by J. Frediani and was seconded by P. Leib. None opposed and themeeting was adjourned at 8:48 pm by J. McDonough