Eyes on the Prize Questions (Part 1)

Emmett Till -1955

1.  What part of the country was he from?

·  The North (Chicago).

2.  Why was he headed south for the summer?

·  To visit his family.

3.  What did Emmett say or do at the store?

·  He said “bye baby” or he whistled.

4.  Was Emmett charged with a crime?

·  He wasn’t charged for any charge.

5.  What happened to him?

·  He was killed.

6.  Why did his mother choose to leave his casket opened?

·  To show everyone what they did to her son.

7.  What is your reaction to this incident?

·  Angry, and sympathetic.

Little Rock 1957

1.  What was Gov. Orville Faubus’s problem?

·  He needed the votes of the white people (segregationist).

2.  What did he ask the National Guard to do?

·  To kick the black kids out.

3.  What happened to Elizabeth Eckford

·  She walked to the school by herself and was consistently threatened by the white mob around her.

4.  What was Eisenhower forced to do?

·  He has to send the troopers to Little rock to protect the 9 black students.

5.  What happened?

·  They had to guard them to every class.

6.  What is your opinion of the “Little Rock Nine”?

·  I’m Impressed that they went back day after day.

Eyes on the Prize (VIDEO Part 2)

1960 – The Sit-Ins

1.  Why were the students trained in non-violent tactics?

·  As soon as they would have retaliated they would’ve been charged.

2.  What happened in Greensboro, NC?

·  Students started to sit where they wanted in stores, many were arrested for it.

3.  What did Lewis; Butler & Nash do in Nashville?

·  They led the sit-in.

4.  How did the store manager respond?

·  He told them to move and refused to serve them.

5.  What happened, what did the police do?

·  The police arrested the students sitting in the white section, even though the whites were hitting them and they chose not to retaliate.

6.  What did the local Black community do?

·  They supported the others and they stopped shopping in the stores so the owners were losing money.

7.  What happened to the students? How much were they fined?

·  They were all put in jail for 30 days, they were fined $50

8.  How did the parents fight back?

·  They stopped shopping in stores so those employees were losing money.

9.  How did the community respond to the bombing?

·  They marched to city hall.

10. What made Ben West change his mind?

·  A student asked him “does he think it’s right to discriminate against a color or race” and he answered truthfully “no”

11. What did Ella Baker tell the students to do?

·  She told them to just be independent.

Who Shall Lead?

1.  What happened in Albany, GA?

2.  What did the students do?

3.  How many people were jailed?

4.  Who was invited to help?

5.  How did the police plan for the arrests?

6.  How long was King jailed for?

7.  How did he get out?

8.  What did King think about the Albany situation?

9.  What lessons were learned?

Eyes on the Prize (VIDEO Part 3)

Birmingham 1963 / March on Washington 1963

1.  What words made George Wallace a symbol of southern resistance?

·  “Segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.”

2.  What was Birmingham known for?

·  Segregation.

3.  What did M.L. King do in Birmingham? What happened?

·  He led a demonstration that put him in jail because he wasn’t able to free all of the people.

4.  What did King do while he was in jail?

·  He wrote His "Letter from Birmingham Jail".

5.  How many children were arrested on Day 1?

·  700 children.

6.  How did Bull Connor respond?

·  He decided to get police dogs to attack and use the firemen hose to wash away the blacks.

7.  How did the federal government respond?

·  They did nothing.

8.  What did the federal government worry about?

·  They worried about how other parts of the world viewed our country.

9.  What happened when the jails were full?

·  They found a compromise.

10. What was negotiated?

11. What did the Klan say?

·  Never except desegregation.

12. What happened next?

·  Blacks came to see what happened they were beat with clubs by the police for being there and the black retaliated which spread to other cities.

13. How did Kennedy respond?

·  Proposed a new civil rights act “ Race has no place in America anymore”

14. Why didn’t Robert F. Kennedy want the March on Washington?

·  They were afraid of violence.

15. Why was the White House upset with John Lewis’s speech?

·  It criticized President Kennedy.

16. Did they change it? Why?

·  Yes.

17. How did JFK view the March?

·  Good thing for civil rights.

18. What happened in Birmingham 18 days later?

·  Four black girls were killed by a bomb planted at the 16th Street Baptist Church.

19. How was the Civil Rights movement affected?

Eyes on the Prize (Part 4)

Power and the Vote

1.  What was the view of the nation of Islam and Malcolm X?


2.  Why did the movement go to Mississippi?

3.  What did Medgar Evers organize?

4.  What happened to him?

5.  What was the issue in Mississippi?

·  The right to vote.

6.  What was “Freedom Summer”?

7.  How were they received?

8.  What happened to Cheney, Schwerner and Goodman?

9.  What did LBJ do in 1964?

·  Why wasn’t it enough?

·  Why did they form the MFDP (Miss. Freedom Democratic Party)?

10. What was the Democratic compromise offer?

11.What was Fannie Lou Hamer’s response to the offer?

Selma 1965

1.  Why did they pick Selma, Alabama?

2.  What did President Johnson propose?

3.  What did Malcolm X have to say?

4.  What happened to Jimmy Jackson?

5.  What did the SCLC want to do?

6.  What happened to the marchers?

7.  What did Pres. Johnson do?