Raith & Abbotshall Curling Club
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held in Fife Ice Arena Kirkcaldy on Thursday 27th March 2014.
Acting President Philippe Chue Hong in the Chair.
Presentation of Trophies & Prizes
President Philippe invited Ladies President Cath to join him to present the trophies and prizes to the winning members.
1. President Philippe welcomed 23 gentlemen and 3 ladies. Secretary David announced that apologies had been received from 8 members.
2. Minutes of the AGM 2013 were approved, proposed by Tom Richardson, seconded by Euan Fraser. There were no questions arising.
3. Obituaries: Members noted with deep regret the passing of President Andrew Adamson during the season. President Philippe also referred to the deaths of Pat Keith and Betty Gourlay and asked Members to observe a moment of reflection in memory of our curling friends.
4. Membership: Secretary David announced that Andrew Adamson, Clive Burhouse, Ken Cameron, Bob Cunningham, Mark Somerville,and Dick Patrick were no longer members, while David Beck, Graeme Cockburn, Joe Hughes, Ron Kidd and David Maiden had joined. We now have 87 members.
Ladies Club – Have 39 Playing, 15 Non-playing, and 9 Occasional Members.
5. President’s Report
Acting President Philippe outlined how he had started the year as Vice-President and found himself deputising for President Andrew from October as Andrew became too ill to carry out his Presidential duties. Philippe referred to the significant contribution Andrew had made both last year as President and in the early part of season 2013/14. Andrew passed away in January and would be missed by all who knew him. Philippe referred to the 125th Anniversary celebrations culminating in the Anniversary Dinner at the Dean Park Hotel on Saturday 30th November 2013. He was particularly grateful to the Organising Committee and individuals who had worked so hard and effectively to make the event such a resounding success. He had been required to assume the Acting President’s role in January. He outlined the highlights of the season and thanked the Committee Members for their efforts and support over what had been a challenging but successful season. Finally he thanked Members for their participation and support and expressed his appreciation for the efforts of the Ice Arena Staff over the season.
6. Treasurer’s Report
Norman reported on his Statement of Income and Expenditure. He explained the financial information in some detail with specific reference to the deficit incurred over the year. The scale of the deficit, in the order of £600, was primarily caused by unexpected charges associated with the Anniversary events. He did not feel that this posed an insurmountable difficulty and went on to propose that the Annual Subscription should be set at £36 for 2014/15. Norman’s report was accepted and his subscription proposal was approved by the Meeting. The Meeting also approved the reappointment of Millar Moffat and Brian Lambert as Auditors.
7. Representative Member’s Report
In the absence of Iain Brown, Secretary David presented his report to the Meeting. Iain advised that he was now nearing the end of his term as our Club representative on the West Fife Province Committee. The main focus of the Province in the past year had been on the organisation of competitions. He referred to the success of Team GB on the Olympic stage and the consequent upsurge in curling at the local level where 240 people turned up at Ty Curling and 40 signed up for Beginners Coaching. The challenge would be to turn beginners in to Club Curlers. Iain also referred to the situation at Kinross where Kinross Curling was looking to raise a further £40,000 from local curlers. Although Iain was now standing down as our Representative Member he was prepared to continue as our web-site administrator. The meeting expressed appreciation of his service and welcomed his offer to continue to maintain the web-site.
8. Match Secretary/Old Bulls Representative
Harry reported on the outcome of a successful season, listing and congratulating winners as well as thanking those who had participated and assisted. He highlighted the need for Members to support Club Competitions and referred in particular to the Barnet Men’s League which had suffered due to lack of numbers. For next season he would again try to ensure that 5 players were available to each rink. He hoped to see more entrants from the Ladies’ in the Rink Championship and other mixed competitions. The format for competitions, friendlies , bonspiels and Province/Area games would probably continue. He would continue to organise both the Threesomes and the Pairs as one-night events subject to adequate interest and support from Club Members. Acting President Philippe thanked Harry for his Report, and his hard work throughout the year.
Old Bulls Representative
Euan Fraser presented his report to the Meeting. He advised that of the 66 players who participated in
the Old Bulls this season,23 were multi-member curlers. This reflected changes over the past few
Years where we have lost 32 players, but managed to recruit. 27. Competition had been keen this season
With final results testing Euan’s maths as well as the skill and nerve of the curlers. Ken Robertson’s
Rink had triumphed in both the Iceberg and the Old Bull competitions, while Tom Richardson had
taken the Toreador Salver. Euan thanked Team Leaders for their efforts. He anticipated continuing with
a twelve team format next season. Mixed fortunes had been enjoyed in outside competitions. However
“the last big game of the season” against Kirkcaldy Senior Ladies had culminated in “a glorious
victory by two shots”. Euan had been in charge now for seven years. He felt that he was getting the
hang of it but ten years could be his limit. The meeting expressed appreciation for Euan’s efforts.
9. Election of Office Bearers
Secretary David reported that because of the death of President Andrew while in office Vice President Philippe had required to assume the role of Acting President. David proposed to the Meeting that Philippe should now be confirmed as President of the Club for 2014/15. This was unanimously accepted by the Meeting. President Philippe thanked the Members for their confidence and pledged to uphold the traditions and standards of his predecessors. Philippe then advised the Meeting that he was particularly pleased to propose Ian Brown for the vacant post of Vice- President. David Rae seconded this proposal. Members then approved the following:
Imm. Past President : Vacant Vice President : Ian Brown
Treasurer : Norman Baynham Secretary : David Rae
Old Bulls Rep : Euan Fraser Representative Member : Jim Mason
Match Secretary : Harry Mitchell Skips’ Representative : Peter Brown
Committee Members Alan Findlay (2 years), David Martin (1 year.)
Auditors: Brian Lambert and Miller Moffat.
10. Ladies Club
Secretary David announced the Ladies Committee –
President : Cath Johnston Vice President : Ann Mitchell
Past President : Beth Webster Secretary : To be confirmed
Treasurer : Anne Buchan Minute Secretary : Jackie Henderson
Members : Ann McLanaghan, Liz Childs, Lynne Page, Helen McKenzie, Dorothy Peterson
11. Match Programme 2014/15
Harry indicated that he was already engaged in planning for next season and he intended to post Competition Entry Forms early. He urged Members to return forms and to support all Competitions, bonspiels and friendlies.
12. Other Competent Business: Peter Brown advised that David Martin wished to stand down as a Skip. He
would be replaced by Brian Leslie.
13. Vote of Thanks : Ron McLeod gave the vote of thanks. He thanked all those who had worked
so hard over the season and wished President Philippe well in the year ahead.
The Meeting closed at 9.30pm. David Rae, Secretary