Assembly Meeting November 29, 2010
I. Commence Meeting
II. Funding Requests
a. Bernard Koranteng for HiFashion Studios
i. New organization on campus
ii. Dedicated to the fashion industry
iii. Involved with fashion show
iv. Organized in spring of every year
v. Features clothes from various fashion houses
vi. Attracts about 500 people each year
vii. What are they asking for?
1. Audio-visual costs are extensive ($700)
2. DJ ($200)
3. Stage/Runway is same as last year and just shaped differently
a. Need money for delivery and stage pieces to be put in ($2,422)
4. Other
a. $2,345 for Fabric
b. $125 for tickets
5. Got funds from SGA, Res Life
6. Asking for a total of $1,000
viii. How will it benefit residents?
1. Benefit through experience
a. Enriches everyone because all different students
2. A different type of program
ix. Will be on February 28th
x. How do you plan on advertising?
1. Put out flyers all around campus
2. Do photo shoots to advertise
xi. Expect 500 in attendance
1. Sold a little over 400
xii. Is this the same company as last year?
1. No longer Mistro
2. The company now includes the book and magazine
xiii. Last year Gold VIP tickets were included. Will they be included this year?
1. Yes, but they are not asking for that from us
xiv. How much will tickets be?
1. Have not decided yet, but they were $3 last year
xv. Where will profits go?
1. Hope to team up with the Make a Wish Foundation
xvi. Discussion
1. Do not even come close to being able to fund $1,000 right now, so we should not give this much
2. This event is in the 2nd semester
3. Have a detailed budget breakdown, but hesitation from Sheraz because it seems like there are some parts that are not fully planned
4. They could come back since this is next semester…there are two sides to this
5. Gamy not impressed about how it would benefit the residents, so we could ask for a certain amount of tickets to distribute or raffle off
6. Ike things it has beneficial in the past and he heard about its success in the past and heard how beneficial it was for people, and he thinks we should get involved in this
7. Their presentation was not very organized
8. A couple people from RHA went last year and our name was all over advertisements
9. It is great for other groups to see our name and get our name out there at a big event
10. It is a learning experience for a group putting in a funding request if we do not fund them and they can come back with a more detailed request
11. Motion by Gamy to have them come back when they have more information on their event and they can resubmit a new funding request and budget proposal
a. Seconded by Amanda
b. No dissent…motion passes
b. Gracie for Vecinos
i. In the Heights event
ii. January 29th, 2011
iii. Vecinos members and other IC community
iv. Leaving at 11 am
v. Show is at 2
vi. Hope to meet cast and have dinner and leave the city by 10 PM
vii. Raise awareness about Washington Heights community
viii. Benefit residents tremendously by getting cultural information and experience
ix. Relatable to college students because it addresses the immigrant experience and the working class
x. There is a culture shock experienced by many minorities at colleges and they often go home after and talk about it
xi. Promotes cultural diversity
xii. Eye-opening experience
xiii. 21 residents are committed to attending and have each given $20 for this trip
xiv. RHA will benefit because it benefits residential life
xv. Experience off-campus is refreshing and new and enhance the lives of the residents
xvi. Need 3 vans at $45 each ($135)
xvii. Tickets at $35 each for 21 people($735)
xviii. Total needed = $870
xix. Requesting $300 from RHA
xx. Questions
1. Will ask for additional funding for any residents who have not already committed
2. What can you do to show residents who don’t go that it was worthwhile?
a. It is infectious and word gets around
b. Talk about it with other residents
3. If you do not get money from RHA, what will you do?
a. Ask more from Vecinos
xxi. Discussion
1. Beneficial for residents
2. Really planned this out and have detailed budget and 21 committed already
3. Should dip more into their own budget because $135 does not seem like a lot
4. Motion by Joanna to award Vecions $150 for this program
a. Seconded by Leroy
b. Dissented by Gamy
c. Discussion
i. Not a lot as much as in the past, and they asked people to commit to this with $20
ii. $300 isn’t a lot, but Gamy thinks $150 is too low
iii. Brittany thinks that $150 is too much for just funding one floor
iv. Sheraz thinks that we can have them come back with a presentation in the spring about how it was beneficial and how the trip went
v. Ike thinks that $300 is a lot to be asking for one floor and $135 is not enough from the RA budget
vi. Motion to close discussion and vote on this motion by Gamy
1. Seconded by Joanna
d. Vote
i. In favor – 9
ii. Against – 6
iii. Motion passes
c. The Amazing Race: Towers Edition
i. Sunday, December 5th
ii. Picture scavenger hunt
iii. Trivia
iv. Task completion
v. Team work, group bonding, creating sense of community in towers
vi. Asking for financial assistance
vii. Teach about resources
viii. Previous successful communication
ix. Would ask trivia questions about RHA if we fund them
x. Would include us in advertising
xi. Asking for $300 from RHA for prizes and prior preparation such as CD’s
xii. Prizes = gift cards for Target, Benchwarmers, Barnes and Noble, Wegmans’s, College Town Bagels, IC Bookstore
xiii. Questions
1. Who can go?
a. Any residents can go
2. Do you think turnout will be okay with how cold it will be?
a. Yes, it was great last year
3. Are prizes per team or per person?
a. Per team
4. How are you advertising?
a. Email and flyers
xiv. Discussion
1. This was a very successful program last year and was stress relief
2. We do not know how many people said they were going, and it is hard to split a gift card as a prize for a team
a. Could get separate gift cards
3. It was successful last year and should be good this year
a. Other prizes may be a good idea
4. Advertising isn’t very strong
xv. Motion by Hailey to give Tower $100 for this event
1. Seconded by Brittany
2. Dissented by Valerie
a. It is for both Towers and we should give them more
b. Should recommend that they get 5 smaller gift cards for team prizes
c. Total amount is $510 and they have not asked for funding elsewhere so they are using $210 of their own money
d. West Tower has more RA’s, so this is fine
e. Motion to close discussion
i. Motion seconded
3. Vote
a. In Favor – 6
b. Against – 3
c. Abstain – 3
d. Motion passes
d. We have a little over $300 left for this semester but we can dip into next semester’s budget if necessary
i. Just be careful
III. Elections
a. Motion by Joanna to close nominations and proceed to elections
i. Seconded by Valerie
ii. Dissented by Ike
1. Nominated Leroy for the position of Director of Ad/PR
2. Leroy declined nomination
iii. Motion by Davisa to close nominations
1. Seconded by Miro
2. Motion passed
b. Vice President – Gamy Wong
i. Senior, Class of 2011
ii. Rec Management Major
iii. RHA Member since Fall 2007
iv. Participated in 9 conferences since Fall 2007 (including sub-regional conferences)
v. Served as Co-NCC from 2008-2010
vi. Currently on National NRHH Resources
vii. Excited to develop training developments for leadership
viii. Can fulfill constitutional responsibilities
ix. Questions
1. RHA means a lot to Gamy
2. Take a mentor type role and will be more free next semester
3. He loves the moose because he is our mascot
4. How will you get our name out there?
a. Send the message that we are students for students
5. How will you bring your experience to this position’s responsibilities?
a. Would like to take a mentorship role
b. Have a general idea of how meetings will be run because he was in boardroom so much as NCC
6. What would you like to do in the position?
a. Would like to make it a more active position
b. Work on constitution and see how we can advocate programs and do things like fundraising
c. Work on advocacy and training
7. Do you have specific ideas about leadership training?
a. Talked with Rutgers about their training done because they recently won Student Award for Leadership Training
b. Focus on this and embark it onto hall reps
c. Discussion
i. Gamy has tons of experience
ii. Comfortable being up in front of people
iii. Gamy deserves this position because of what he puts into RHA
iv. Gamy goes above and beyond and will bring great ideas to the position
d. Vote
i. Unanimous YES!
c. Treasurer for RHA
i. Valerie Falconieri
1. Anthropology Major/Honors Minor
2. RHA Voting member
3. RA
4. Is eligible for the position
5. Can fulfill responsibilities of the position
6. Has experience with dealing with budget as an RA
7. Why?
a. Wants to support RHA and fundraise
8. Has an Honors budget of $1,000 as an RA
9. Had to put on 8 programs but put on 11
10. Kept charts and lists
11. Questions?
a. What does RHA mean to you?
i. Really loves RHA because it is an organization that RA’s and residents can be a part of and programs are funded that might not otherwise be funded
b. Would you be okay with giving money to things you don’t necessarily support?
i. It is a group decision, so it is fine
c. Strength and weakness?
i. Diligent and organized is strength
ii. Weakness is talking in front of people
d. You seem to have a lot on your plate. Can you handle this commitment?
i. Will be able to handle this
e. How do you schedule your time?
i. Make lists for everything and plans for things but takes it day by day
f. What do you want to do in the treasurer position?
i. Want to do more fundraising and raise more awareness about our organization
ii. Joanna Miller
1. Freshman lives in Lyon
2. Honors Minor
3. Get involved in the organization more
4. Experienced, Dedicated, Organized
5. Only missed 1 meeting so far
6. Was treasurer of two clubs in high school
a. Orange County Academic Club
i. Managed budget
ii. Arrange transportation and food that fit into the budget
iii. Fundraising
iv. Had to keep track of costs
b. Amnesty International Club
i. Darfur Benefit Concert
1. Bands, security
2. In the elementary school
3. Sound equipment
ii. Brought a speaker to the school
1. Hospitality
iii. Debates
1. On human rights issues
iv. Fundraising all year
v. Work on the budget to incorporate all these costs
c. Lots of experience dealing with figures and numbers
7. Questions
a. What was most difficult in the past?
i. Working with figures to try to drop a couple dollars here and there
b. How will you bring your experience here?
i. This is the only club she is doing right now, and experience in the past helped with time management
c. Are you okay with signing off with giving money to things that you might not support?
i. Yes, I had experience with that in the past
d. What were your midterm grades?
i. All A’s
e. What was your favorite part so far of RHA?
i. Planning for Sex Fest with Brittany
f. What does RHA mean to you?
i. It is a community and people can come together and it can be a learning community
g. Strength and weakness?
i. Plans well but tends to procrastinate, but not on things that are very, very important
h. Do you feel you are knowledgeable enough since you are a freshman?
i. Knows a lot about campus in her short time here
iii. Discussion
1. Both very experienced - Valerie is an RA and has gone through budgeting but Joanna had high school experience - Davisa
2. Joanna has high school experience and seemed to have a more prepared presentation – Miro
3. Sheraz thinks they both show great strengths and are good candidates
iv. Vote
1. Winner is Valerie
d. Director of Ad/PR
i. Joanna Miller
1. Willing to contact businesses and ask for deals
2. Find that people are politically active
3. Plan events that include speakers
4. Have events during the lunch hour
5. Questions?
a. What do you plan on bringing to the e-board in terms of ideas?
i. Possibly move the meeting time earlier
b. What do you plan on bringing to the position?
i. Put up a lot of posters
ii. Has many park friends
1. Can use new technology and more traditional
iii. Has friends who have access to photoshop
c. Do you have experience with making flyers?
i. Yes, made a dozen when running for Senate
d. Can you keep track of the twitter account, facebook, etc.?
i. Definitely
e. Can you elaborate on your lunch hour idea?
i. Have an open forum to allow students to come in and discuss their ideas
f. In the aspect of public relations, our big goal is to recruit and retain members. How will you do this?