Hasselt University
International Office
Policy plan internationalisation 2014 - 2017
Call for projects for the realisation of the strategic targets
To support the realisation of the KPIs of the policy plan internationalisation 2014 - 2017, a budget of € 90,000 is made available for 2017[1], which shall be competitively divided between faculties.
Conditions and selection criteria
- The project contributes to the realisation of one or several KPIs of the internationalisation policy plan 2014-2017 (see annex 1) and focuses on education.
- Priority is given to projects which benefit from or external co-financing.
- The project is realistic and has a clear work programme and budget proposal.
- The project is sustainable and makes realistic projections beyond the funding period
- The project (in)directly contributes to the expansion of structural international networks[2] and is relevant for further future international collaboration opportunities.
- The project has a duration of no more than 2 yearsand starts in 2017. In case funding is requested for more than one year, it has to be clearly indicated in the proposal that this duration is necessary for the realisation of the project.
- Priority is given to inter-disciplinary projects.
-Recruitment grants and costs relating to investments/infrastructure are not eligible for financing.
-Financing cannot be used for salary costs of UHasselt teachers/professors/guest speakers/experts.
-Student scholarships can only be requested in case the student mobility is part of the project. A maximum of 50% of the budget can be spent on student scholarships.
Faculties can submit one or several (small) projects, though a maximum of € 20,000 is granted per project.
The following financing principles will be used and the requested rates have to correspond to those here below:
(in the framework of the project)
Within Europa / Outside of Europa
max. € 125/week (max. € 500/student) / max. € 250/week (max. € 1.000/student)
Grants for professors/guest speakers/experts
(min. 2 nights)
Within Europa / Outside of Europa
By plane: max. € 500 / max. € 1.000
By car (in Euregion): max. € 200 / n.v.t.
International activities organised at UHasselt
(summerschool / workshop / colloquium)
max. € 1.500/ full day (max. 7.500 euro/project)
Important: € 1.500 is the maximum rate per day, including guest speakers, organisational costs, student grants,… This means no extra grants can be requested for experts/guest speakers/professors or students.
For each selected project, a specific credit location has to be opened. 80% of the approved budget will be transferred at first and after the final report (which has to be submitted by the latest 60 days after the end of the project)the remaining 20% will be transferred (if the budget was spent).
The budget that was not spent due to cancellation or changes in activities, has to be transferred back to DIOS after the end of the project.
Application procedure
The promotor has to submit the project proposal to his departmental coordinator internationalisation(contactdetails: see next page) by using the application file in annex 2.
The faculty coordinator shall submit the proposalsfor his/her faculty, as well as a rankingof the submitted projects by the dean[3], to the international office () by the latest by 14/11/2016.
Selection procedure
Step 1:The projects are evaluated by a selection commission, being the vice-rectors education and research, the director of education and the staff members of the international office.
The promotor of the project has the possibility to orally present the project on 21/11/2016 between 15.30 and 17.00[4].
The selection commission makes a selection and ranking of the applications (including a back-up list) and formulates a motivated advice for the College of Deans.
Step 2:The advice of the selection commission is communicated for endorsement to the College of Deans of 2/12/2016.
Step 3:The international office informs all project applicants in writing about the selection results[5].
More information
Departmental coordinatorsFaculty of Architecture and Arts / (AR) of (IAR)
Facultyof Business Economics /
Faculty of Medicine and Life Sciences /
Faculty of Engineering Technology /
Facultyof Law /
Faculty of Sciences /
School of Transportation Sciences /
General questions
International office /
Hasselt University
International Office
Annex 1: faculty KPIs internationalisation policy plan 2014-2017
KPI / Related SD/OD / Initiative1 / In 2020, Hasselt University will comply with the European targets concerning student mobility
This means that 20% of its graduates, on bachelor, master and PhD level, will have gained a study period of 15 ECTS abroad (equivalent with 3 consecutive months abroad).
In 2014, a baseline measurement for each programme will take place and growth paths will be formulated with a realistic KPI as end target. / SD1: OD1.1, OD1.3 / faculty
2 / In 2016, every programme has a mobility window in its curriculum for both incoming and outgoing mobility
A baseline measurement will take place in 2014, based on the programmes as presented in the study guide, and a manual and good practices will be drafted concerning mobility window.
Each faculty will formulate its own KPI, taking into account the growth path of the abovementioned mobility. / SD1: OD1.1, OD1.3 / faculty
3 / Each faculty will organise a summer school on the campus (for bachelor/master students)
In order to realise this KPI, interdisciplinary collaboration is allowed.
+ The faculties will formulate their own KPI. / SD1: OD1.3
SD2: OD2.2, OD2.3 / faculty
4 / Each programme's competence profile indicates that students gain active language knowledge in at least one other language
The faculties will formulate their own realistic KPI in relation to this, and will indicate how they mean to realise it. / SD2: OD2.2 / faculty
5 / All bachelors will have access to at least one connecting international niche master programme (possibly inter-faculty)
For instance: the two new faculties (architecture and engineering technology) offer an international master.
The faculties will draft their own objectives in this regard (own KPI). They will indicate for which programmes they will pursue their external accreditation (quality label). / SD3: OD3.1 / faculty
6 / All faculties have a network of a limited number of foreign preferred partners with whom they have concluded a broad collaboration agreement
- These collaboration agreements concern activities in higher education and research
- The priority countries of the institution (United Kingdom, Germany, Brazil, Vietnam, United States) are part of this network
- Recruitment for international masters shall take place primarily in institutions from this network
- The alumni network of international students shall be consistent with this
- Mobility windows will preferably be realised within this network.
- Bilateral agreements with regard to mobility shall fit this network, in as far as possible
SD3: OD3.2
SD4: OD4.1 / faculty
Hasselt University
International Office
Annex 2: application form
1. General information regardingthe project
Other UHasselt staff members involved
Project title
Duration of the project (max. 2 years)
Start date (as of 1/01/2017)
Is this project the result of another project? / YES/NO
If yes: which project? Which financing channel was used for this project?
2.Intrinsic description of the project(max. one page)
3.Intended activities andresults of the project
Activity / Intended outcome / Coupled to KPI (number)1
4. Description of how the project contributes to the realisation of the KPIs of the policy plan internationalisation 2014-2017. Please refer to the policy plan internationalisation 2014-2017, the faculty internationalisation policy, a list of the intended internationalisation targets, ... (max. 0,5 page)
5. Description of the future plans of the project after the funding period (realistic sustainability strategy) - (max. 0,5 page)
6.List of the involved external partners (if applicable)
name - country
Name / Country / Capacity7.Financial plan
See attached Excel template.
The financial plan must indicate how much of the budget will be reserved for each intended result. The requested budget must be relevant for obtaining the intended results and the requested amounts have to correspond to the rates foreseen in the financing principles (call – p. 2). Costs which are not relevant for obtaining the intended results will be removed from the budget.
name / function / telephone / email
Name and given nameFunction
Email address
Would you like to present the project on 21/11/2016? / YES/NO
(signature - promotor)
(signature - dean)
[1]subject to the approval of the budget of 2016.
[2]Examples of such networks are the Cherne network ( the Athens network (
[3] If a faculty submits more than one project, the dean has the possibility to rank the proposals. This ranking is an advice for the selection commission, but is not binding.
[4] The promotor can indicate in the application file whether he wishes to use this possibility.
[5]If the project applicant decides not to execute the project, the approved budget is cancelled and a new application has to be submitted during a next call. The budget will be awarded to the first project on the back-up list.