Draft Version 1

Healthy Living Pharmacy: Quality Criteria Level 1 Status


This self-assessment is designed to help you and the PCT understand whether you have met the Healthy Living Pharmacy (HLP) Level 1 quality criteria for the environment you have created. This, together with other service specific criteria will help the commissioners decide whether your pharmacy can be accredited as a Healthy Living Pharmacy.

These quality criteria cover staff attitudes and training,environment and information provision, engagement with others through joined up working and public health service delivery. These are not listed in any priority order; all are equally important.

There are some regulatory requirements issued by the General Pharmaceutical Council which require you to ensure that arrangements are in place to ensure that pharmacy staff and premises are fit for purpose. These quality criteria support a pharmacy in meeting their professional and legal requirements when delivering healthy living services.

The HLP quality criteria will, in time, incorporate additional criteria where it is relevant for HLP levels 2 and 3.

How to assess yourself

  • This assessment is for an individual pharmacy. It is not appropriate to complete a single form for a number of pharmacies within a group, as the status may be very different in each location.
  • Read the quality criteria and, together with members of your team, decide which level you are achieving.
  • Record evidence in each of the categories.
  • Where you do not meet the requirements for HLP Level 1, think about what you need to do to achieve the criteria.
  • Submit self-assessment to PCT if pharmacy believes it meets all the criteria to achieve Level 1 status.

  1. Workforce Development

The aim is ensure that, irrespective of premises, the staff demonstrates that they embrace the healthy living ethos.

Staff attitude, skills, values and training

  • All staff understand the basic principles of health and wellbeing
  • All staff have an understanding of public health needs in their area
  • Members of staff receive training on issues of confidentiality and consent issues relevant to the member of the public receiving the service
  • The team are friendly, welcomingand sensitive to the need for privacy for different individuals seeking advice and health services
  • Members of the pharmacy team are able to communicate effectively and sensitively when recruiting members of the public to health and wellbeing services or providing them with advice
  • The team recognise the need for equality and diversity; providing a patient-centred approach
  • The team understand that each interaction is an opportunity for a health intervention
  • There is a clear leader within the team who is responsible for creating an ethos of proactive health and wellbeing within the pharmacy

Enabler / Pharmacy Activity / PCT Activity / Evidence / Record Pharmacy Evidence Here
Develops Workforce – Level 1 / Pharmacy to have minimum trained Health Trainer Champion (Level 2 RPHS or equivalent) / Delivery of training and accreditation for Pharmacy Health Trainer / HT Champion, in conjunction with Teaching Team. / The Health Trainer / HT Champion will keep a written health promotion and training log. Evidence of delivery of PCT directed campaigns. Evidence of maintenance of supply of health promotion literature. Evidence of use of health screens.
Demonstrate Team Leadership
Attend PCT led Leadership training / To provide training for pharmacists / pharmacy manager. / Improving personal and team effectiveness.
  1. Premises/Environment
    The aim isto provide an environment that embraces the ethos of a Healthy Living Pharmacy, includingan atmosphere created by premises as well as staff attitudes and actions. The environment can also contribute to ensuring confidentiality for service users.

Professional environment

  • The ‘professional’ environment reflects the impression and ethos of a healthy living pharmacy to the public e.g. the appearance and dress of the staff and premises
  • A healthy living pharmacy takes its responsibility to contribute to a sustainable environment seriously and this is reflected in the way they operate their business
  • It is clear to the public that free, confidential advice on public health and wellbeing can be accessed

Enabler / Pharmacy Activity / PCT Activity / Evidence / Record Pharmacy Evidence Here
Premises- Level 1 / To have a consultation area that:
  • Seats a minimum of 2 people
  • Is professional in its appearance and facilities
  • Has good access to written literature to support key health messages
  • Has IT access to PMR and internet
/ At Level 1 no support required as standards will be expected to match highest levels of professional requirement for advanced services and be fit for purpose for commissioned services.
Front of House project with Primary Care Manager / Initial self accreditation in line with PCT policy. PCT accreditation during contract visits.
Engagement in Front of House pharmacy pilots
To have a pharmacy health screen / Maintenance and development of pharmacy health screens content / Active use of health screen monitored by PCT

Information environment

  • The pharmacy gives the public a clear impression that health and wellbeing advice and services are readily available
  • There are appropriate materials readily available for members of the public on health and wellbeing. This information is refreshed and checked regularly to ensure that it is current and relevant
  • The information available appeals to a wide range of the public including men and women, young people, smokers, people with long term conditions, learning difficulties and older people. Where the community includes a significant ethnic minority group, then their needs must be accommodated
  • There is a clearly marked and accessible health promotion zone (‘Mr Pharm’)

Role / Pharmacy Activity / PCT Activity / Evidence / Record Pharmacy Evidence Here
Environment– Level 1 / Take an active part in all core PCT directed health promotion campaigns in year. / To provide support materials, top tips for staff training & evaluation forms
PLT sessions on specific public health topics / Pharmacies to supply evaluation forms to include written confirmation of:
Staff training, Evaluation of campaign, extra activity undertaken.
Permanent display of health promotion material targeted at
  • Healthy eating
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol
  • Physical activity
  • Sexual Health
/ The PCT will supply materials and a list of currently available materials offered by organisations. / Self declaration and PCT monitoring visits
Active use of health screens / Health screen updates/developments with Healthexchange / Activity log via internet provider
Evidence log of use
  1. Engagement

The aim is to demonstrate that the pharmacy team are active in their local community; engaging with the public, healthcare professionals and commissioners.

Joined up working

  • The pharmacy is an active member of the local community and understands how to respond to their local needs
  • The pharmacy team are an integral part of local healthcare delivery and engage with other healthcare professionals
  • The pharmacy team understands the need to deliver consistent services as part of their commitment to commissioners and leads on integrated health and wellbeing initiatives

Enabler / Pharmacy Activity / PCT Activity / Evidence / Record Pharmacy Evidence Here
Engagement- Level 1 / To attend engagement events linked to Leadership and Development.
To demonstrate participation in a minimum of one primary care engagement event that will develop your relationship with other health practitioners e.g.
Attend GP practice meeting(s)
Shadow GP, or other practice staff member for half day
GP and/or other practice staff shadowing in pharmacy
Attend specialist clinic e.g. substance misuse, dermatology, sexual health
Attend multidisciplinary meeting on long term conditions
Meet with distract nursing, health visiting or community midwife services
Meet with local social services on specific projects e.g. falls prevention / Deliver Leadership and development event(s) / Attendance of key members of pharmacy team at PCT events e.g. Protected Learning Time (PLT). Attendance at minimum of 4 events/year.
Attendance at primary care engagement activity record.
CPD entry on attendance to include benefits to yourself, your organisation, the public and local NHS services and how this experience will alter the way you work in the future.
  1. Public Health Services

Aim is to demonstrate that a Health Living Pharmacy is capable of delivering commissioned services promoting health, well-being and self-care and reducing health inequalities

One of the fundamental principles relating to a Healthy Living Pharmacy is that services will only be commissioned where there is a local need and where appropriate capability is in place. Level 1 category of service delivery will focus on promoting health, wellbeing and self-care.

  • Improved quality and safety of services, ensuring dignity, control and choice to service users
  • The pharmacy is improving access to services for the most vulnerable
  • The pharmacy is improving quality of life and increasing life expectancy

Core Services Detail (all services must be provided)
Role / Core Services / Pharmacy Activity / PCT Activity / Record Pharmacy Evidence Here
Public Health Service Delivery - Level 1 / Smoking Cessation / Provider of PCT Smoking Cessation service. Minimum of 2 quitters per month / Activity monitoring
Sexual Health
  • EHC service
  • Chlamydia screening
/ Provider of EHC PGD service / Activity monitoring
Minor Ailments / PCT Minor Ailment Scheme / Activity monitoring
Long-term conditions / Directed MURs / Select targeted areas in line with PH need / Minimum200 MUR’s per year with 25% in targeted population
Local services / Provider of Pregnancy Testing Service / Activity monitoring
Additional Services Detail (at least one must be delivered)
Role / Additional Services / Pharmacy Activity / PCT Activity / Record Pharmacy Evidence Here
Public Health Service Delivery - Level 1 / Weight Management / PCT led weight management service. Minimum 3 clients enrolled per month. / Activity monitoring
Substance Misuse / Supervised Dispensing
Needle Exchange / Activity monitoring
Alcohol service / Provider of PCT commissioned service. Health promotion / Activity monitoring
Men’s Health / Health promotion and intervention service. Active health promotion logs and CPD records. / Development of Men’s health service
Healthy Start Vitamins / Provider of PCT commissioned service. Active promotion, record of leaflets given out. / Activity monitoring