Code: 300

Le Quy Don Gifted School FINAL - TERM TEST

Class: 12 Time allotted: 45 minutes

I. Identifying mistakes:

1. Women have gained (a) a higher status (b) in the family and the society and they have protected (c) by the Law on (d ) Marriage and the Family.

2. The sun contains (a) 99,9 percentage (b) of the mass (c) of the solar system.(d )

3. When actively (a) hunting, a dolphin sends out (b) transmitting ( c ) about five signals every (d) second.

4. Everything is (a) ready (b) for ( c) the party, is it (d) ?

II. Phonetics:

A. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest:

5. a. initiate b. certificate c. consolidate d. collaborate

6. a. machine b. chemist c. mechanic d. character

7. a. temporary b. adopt c. devote d. tsunami

B. Choose the word which has the different stress pattern from the rest:

8. a. prohibit b. endanger c. recover d. disappoint

9. a. epidemic b. organizer c. vulnerable d. mountainous

10. a. contaminate b. minority c. convenience d. independent

III. Reading:

A. When a teacher recommends a student to read a book, it’s usually for a particular …11…The book may contain useful information or it may be invaluable for the idea that it puts forward etc. The teacher may just refer a few …12….. and not the whole book.

Unfortunately, when many students pick up a book to read, they have no particular purpose in …13….Often they open a book and start reading: slowly and in great detail. The result is that students frequently don’t have an overall view of what they are reading.

Students can make their reading much more effective by adopting a plan aimed …14….helping them to understand and to remember what they read. Firstly they should decide precisely why they are reading the book: perhaps it’s to understand a difficult idea or…15…. Then they should decide exactly what they are going to read : a chapter of a book, for example.

11. a. aim b. entertainment c. purpose d. relaxation

12. a. pages b. contents c. characters d. papers

13. a. heart b. body c. eyes d. mind

14. a. with b. of c. at d. for

15. a. argue b. argument c. argumentative d. arguable

B. A few years ago, a shortage of natural gas drove prices sky high. Likewise, gasoline process rose when demands exceeded supplies. A glut in the oil market drove prices back down. The law of supply and demand functioned according to text book description in the case of oil, but the situation is otherwise in the current natural market. Natural gas consumers are finding their heating bill more a burden than last year, in spite of a dramatic increase in supplies. There is so much natural gas available that many suppliers are closing down their plants for lack of market, and it is rumored that some suppliers are even burning off their surplus gas.

16. You can infer that the law of supply and demand means that prices…

a. rise if supplies are abundant.

b. fall if supplies are limited.

c. rise if supplies are limited.

d. stay even when supplies are abundant.

17. The author ‘s purpose is to …

a. discuss oil prices.

b. discuss oil gas shortage.

c. question high gas prices.

d. compare gas and oil prices.

18. Many suppliers of natural gas are …

a. reducing their prices.

b. going out of business.

c. running out of gas.

d. consenting to the oil business.

19. The cost of heating with natural gas this year…

a. has risen.

b. depends on supply and demand.

c. is easier to bear.

d. has remained the same as last year.

20. The amount of natural gas currently available is …

a. more than last year’s supply.

b. equal to last year’s supply.

c. less than last year’s supply.

d. none of the above.

IV. Choose the best answer :

21.You need to stay healthy, so you should take…jogging

a. on b. up c. at d. over

22. Women have to be…

a. liberated b. treated c. helped d. voted

23. Rain forests must be protected if endangered species…saved.

a. were b. are to be c. will be d. would be

24. We hope that Vietnam and other countries and organizations will continue to foster ties and …efforts for years to come.

a. cooperating b. cooperate c. cooperation d. cooperative

25. Nobody likes smoking,….?

a. do they b. don’t they c. does he d. doesn’t he

26. The Red Cross was established to help and improve the lives of ….people in natural disasters.

a. sick b. old c. vulnerable d. handicapped

27. His father can’t give up smoking but he is trying to cut…

a. off b. away c. out d. down

28. Women are very busy with their children; ……….. the men spend their free time playing cards or chess.

a. if b. when c. whereas d. otherwise

29. Lots of …animals are taken care of in our zoo.

a. empty b. lost c. orphaned d. childlike

30. My professor is ….than any one else I‘ve known

a. more profound b. profounder c. much profounder d. all are correct

31. It rained, which cancelled our camping trip. But if it …., it ……wonderful.

a. didn’t rain-would be b. didn’t rain-had been

c. had not rained-would be d. had not rained - would have been

32. “Happy New Year, “ - Lan: ” Thank you. ……….”

a. I will say b. So do I c. Me, too d. The same to you.

33. When the old school friends met, a lot of happy memories…back.

a. had brought b. were brought c. brought d. had been brought

34. “Do you feel like going to the cinema tonight, Mai?” - Mai “………..”

a. I don’t agree. I am afraid b. You are welcome

c. That sounds great d. No thanks. I don’t like

V. Rewriting: Choose the sentence which has the same meaning to the one given:

35. The film was more interesting than I had expected.

a. I had expected the film to be more interesting.

b. The film was not interesting as I had expected.

c. The film I had expected was interesting.

d. I hadn’t expected the film to be so interesting.

36. It was not until she was twenty that she knew how to swim.

a. She didn’t know how to swim when she was twenty.

b. She didn’t know how to swim until she was twenty.

c. She didn’t want to swim when she was twenty.

d. Before she was twenty she knew how to swim.

37. The critics were very impressed by her performance.

a. Her performance was very impressive because of the critics.

b. Her performance made the critics very impressed.

c. She performed to make the critics very impressed.

d. a, b, and c. are correct

38. Lan didn’t stay in this hotel because it is not comfortable.

a. The hotel made Lan discomfort to stay in.

b. The hotel made her uncomfortable.

c. Lan didn’t stay in this hotel because it is uncomfortable

d. The hotel is uncomfortable for Lan to stay in.

39. The computer will be available any time but one o’ clock.

a. The computer will not be available at one o’clock.

b. The computer will not use at one o’clock.

c. The computer will not maintain at one o’clock.

d. The computer will be available for one hour.

40. The PC is undeniably the best tool for the job.

a. The PC is the only tool for the job.

b. They deny that the PC is the best tool for the job.

c. No one can deny that the PC is the best tool for the job.

d. The PC can be the best tool for the job



1 c 2b 3c 4d 5b 6a 7 d 8d 9a 10d 11c 12a 13 d 14 c 15 b 16c 17c

18b 19 a 20c 21b 22a 23b 24d 25a 26c 27d 28c 29c 30d 31d 32d 33b 34c

35d 36b 37b 38b 39a 40c
