project proposal
BG05M20P001- …
“Creation and development of center of competence in the area of ………………………………………………………………..”
Associated partner:Full name
Legal status
Seat and registered office address:
/country, town, postcode, street, residential district, No, building, entrance , floor, flat/
Mailing address:
/country, town, postcode, street, residential district, No, building, entrance , floor, flat/
Core activities of the organisation
Telephone number and area code
Fax number and area code
E-mail address
Name and position of the person authorised to represent the organisation
- Please explain the type of your organization, scope of work, interests you have in the project proposal, your results achieved in the field of project proposal. Please explain how you see your contribution to the project.
2.Strategic R&D development programme of the CoE within the corresponding thematic area of ISSS for a period of 10 yearsResearch and innovations capacity of the organization – associate partner (research organisations)
2.1. Publications in scientific journals and books refereed in SCOPUS or WoS in the last 5 years (2011-2015).
Complete the following table.Annexlist of publications in accordance with the requirements of item 24 (z1) of the Guidelines for Applicants
Name of associated partner / Research field / Number of publications1 / 1.1.
2 / 2.1
2.2. Number of ЕRC grants (European Research Council)
Complete the following table. Attach documents certifying the specified circumstances in accordance with the requirements of item 24 (z2) of the Guidelines for Applicants.
Name of associated partner Name of associated partner / Number and date of contract / Main activities under the contract / Research field / Number of grants1 / 1.1.
2 / 2.1
2.3. Coordinationpositions in projects under the FP7 and Horizon 2020
Complete the following table. Attach documents certifying the specified circumstances in accordance with the requirements of item 24 (z3) of the Guidelines for Applicants.
Name of associated partner Name of associated partner / Number and date of contract / Main activities under the contract / Research field / Number of coordinationpositions1 / 1.1.
2 / 2.1
2.4. Registered patents/patent applications
Complete the following table. Enclose the respective patents/applications.
Name of associated partner / Number and Date of thepatent/patent application / Office/organization, in which the application is submitted[1]/WIPO, European patent office, USA patent office/ / Number Patents/Applications
1 / 1.1.
2 / 2.1
2.5. Inovative firms (spin outs, spin-offs)in the area of the proposal:
Complete the following table. Enclose the documents under item 24(z5) of the Guidelines for Applicants:
YES / NO / If “YES”, please provide details:(Indicate the number,Unified Identification Code (EIC)or equivalent registration number in the state of registration,Seat and address of Registered Office of the innovative firms,sector of economic activity of the firm, as well as the name of the associated partner which has participated in development of the firm.)
Inovative firms (spin outs, spin-offs) in the area of the proposal
3.Research and innovations capacity of the selected associated partners (business organisations)
3.1. Partnerships with other research organizations:
Complete the following table. Enclose the documents under item 24(z6) of the Guidelines for Applicants:
YES / NO / If “YES”, please provide details:(Indicate the associated partnersand the organizations participating in the partnership. Make a short description of the subject of the partnership )
Partnerships with other research organizations
3.2. Capacity for inovations in the last 5 years (2011 – 2015)
Complete the following table.Include a separate table for each project for development of innovation
Subject of the project, research area, type of innovation:Year/period of development:
Short description of the innovativeness[2] of the product (good or service), or process, of the new marketing method, or new organisational method (according to the definition in the Oslo Manual(Manuel d’Oslo 3e édition © OECD/EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES 2005)), or of the research results:
Patents and other IPRs apllied in or a result of the innovation activities:
Role of the enterprise and the share of participation in the innovation project:
Research organisation in collaboration with which the project was implemented:
Total amount of project expenditure
Source of financing:
[1]To be filled in for patents, as well as for patent applications.
[2]Minor changes or improvements, increases in production or service capabilities through the addition of manufacturing or logistical systems which are very similar to those already in use, ceasing to use a process, simple capital replacement or extension, changes resulting purely from changes in factor prices, customisation, localisation, regular, seasonal and other cyclical changes and trading of new or significantly improved products, do not constitute innovation..