Our Ref: FOI Request 1457560/14
Your Ref:
Date: 5th December 2014
If telephoning please ask for: Sharon Stott – Direct Line 01389 776852
Dominic Wallace@whatdotheyknow.com
Dear D Wallace
Re: Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 – Request for Information
Thank you for your request for information which was received by West Dunbartonshire Council on 5th November 2014, about:
“a)How many "Direct Payment Users" are currently registered across the Social Care categories?
b)What is the yearly budget for "Direct Payment Users" across the Social Care categories?
c)What are your working estimations of how many "Self Funders" are in your Council area and what is their average budget?
d)What facilities do you have in place or plan to have in place to manage the "Self Funder" market?”
Council’s Response
There are currently 86 Direct Payment Users.
The yearly budget for Direct Payment Users across the social care categories is as follows:
Children Services £36,191.28 per year
Older Peoples Services £52,437.84 per year
Learning Disability £378,579.78 per year
Physical Disability £340,168.90 per year
Care at Home£323,281.40 per year.
Total Annual spend - £1,130,659.20
During 2013/14 we had 112 clients who were self-funders in the private sector. The average cost per client during this period was £6506.69.
The information you have requested in relation to what facilities are in place or plan to have in place to manage the “Self Funder” market is available to view on our website, please follow the link below, Item 18 and Item 18 Appendix 1, 2 and 3 to view this:
This information has been disclosed in terms of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002. Information disclosed to you may be subject to copyright laws. By providing this information, West Dunbartonshire Council does not waive copyright nor does it create or provide a right to publish, disclose, reproduce, re-use or alter this information without consent of those parties holding the copyright.
Review Procedure
If you are dissatisfied with the way in which West Dunbartonshire Council has dealt with your request, you are entitled to require the council to review its decision. Please note that in order for a review to take place, you must:
- lodge a written requirement for review within 40 working days of the date of this letter
- include your address for correspondence, a description of the original request and the reasons why you are dissatisfied
- address your review request to the Manager, Legal Services:
Alan Douglas
Manager, Legal Services
Legal, Democratic and Regulatory Services
West Dunbartonshire Council
Council Offices
Garshake Road
G82 3PU
Fax:(01389) 737870
The review will be handled by staff who were not involved in the original decision. You will receive notice of the result of your review within 20 working days. It will explain the findings of the review as well as details of how to appeal to the Office of the Scottish Information Commissioner if you are dissatisfied with the review decision reached by West Dunbartonshire Council.
If you have any further queries about this process, please contact me.
Yours sincerely,
Sharon Stott
Public Information Officer