/ All Saints’ Catholic High School & Specialist Language College
Learning Programme 1 (LP1)
Subject: Catering / Year group: 10 / LP1
During this half term I will be learning … / Homework
•Introduction to GCSE Catering what the course entails and how it will be assessed
•Why did you choose Catering?
•Recipes and dates for this term / Complete of essay on why I chose Catering
•To be able to use a kitchen knife safely and correctly.
•To use a knife to produce cutting techniques; sliced, baton, julienne and diced
•To understand what personnel hygiene rules a chef must follow / Research different knives that a chef uses.
Bring one potato, one carrot and one onion
•To produce soup following a recipe
•Use a food processor safely
•To be able to work as independently as possible
•To recognise what senses we use when we eat food
  • How to write a sensory evaluation
/ Sensory evaluation of soup; write down the taste, aroma, appearance and texture of the soup. Also ask your family for their opinion.
Chose one soup from the recipe provide and bring in the ingredients
  • To follow a recipe from a choice of starters
  • To gain more confidence in following a recipe independently
  • To start to recognise and understand catering terms which will be used throughout the GCSE course
/ Learn Key catering terminology
Chose one starter recipe from a choice of four and bring in ingredients with container to take home.
  • Use of eggs and the versatility of eggs
  • Different varieties of eggs free; range verus battery
  • Law on eggs
  • Four ways to cook eggs – complete each technique in small groups
/ Complete evaluation of the 4 egg cooking techniques
  • To understand coagulation and see it happen
  • To make pastry using the correct rubbing in, binding and rolling out technique
  • To produce a quiche
/ Quiche evaluation
Recipe given for chocolate mousse
  • To understand the foaming of egg white when they are whisked - aeration
  • To experience the separation of egg yolk and white
  • To understand the principles of melting chocolate
/ Research recipe for free choice
•Research a suitable recipe which can be made within the 1 hour lesson
•Collect the ingredients required
•Plan the practical to work independently
  • Eggs – produce a quality product using eggs to consolidate the egg practical's
  • Independent following of a recipe
/ Cook at least one item over the half term. Bring in picture evidence.