CSD-15 Partnerships Fair

Guidelines and Request Forms


The CSD Partnerships Fair provides a venue for registered Partnerships for Sustainable Development to showcase progress, launch new partnerships, network with existing and potential partners, create synergies between partnerships and learn from each other's experiences. The Partnerships Fair gives CSD participants an opportunity to gather information on and discuss the important contribution of these innovative initiatives towards supporting the implementation of inter-governmentally agreed sustainable development goals and objectives.

The Partnerships Fair is an official part of the CSD and a summary of its activities will be included in the Report of CSD-15. A detailed account of the Partnerships Fair Activities will also be available on-line through our newest publication the “CSD 15 Partnerships Overview: a summary of Partnerships Fair Activities”

CSD 15 and IPM Partnerships Fair Activities

The CSD-15 Partnerships Fair will take place at UN Headquarters in New York from 30 April to 11 May 2007, except during the CSD 15 High Level Segment (9 May to 11 May, 2007) when no Partnerships Fair activities will be scheduled.

Partnerships Fair activities will also be organized during the CSD 15 Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting (IPM) from 26 February to 2 March 2007.

The CSD-15 Partnerships Fair Programme of activities will feature:

·  Partnerships in Practice Interactive discussions.

·  Partnerships Information Desks.

More detailed information about Partnership Fair activities during the IPM as well as the CSD 15 session will be made available on the CSD Partnerships website at a later date. http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/partnerships/partnerships.htm

“Partnerships in Practice” interactive discussion sessions

These sessions are organized by the CSD Partnerships Team to generate an open dialogue on practical issues related to partnerships working to implement sustainable development within the CSD 14/15 thematic cluster, namely in the areas of energy for sustainable development; industrial development; air pollution/atmosphere; and climate change, as well as on issues common to all partnerships.

In keeping with the policy-year focus on “practical measures and options to expedite implementation of commitments”, these interactive discussions will offer the opportunity to highlight “on the ground” experiences from partnership practitioners. They are designed to maximise opportunities for CSD participants to raise questions, identify challenges and share information on lessons learned and best practices.

At CSD 15, interactive sessions will be scheduled from 3:30pm to 5:30pm every day of the Partnerships Fair, except on the CSD 15 day of inauguration (30 April) when no interactive discussions will be organized. Please be advised that interactive discussions will not be scheduled during the High Level Segment (9 – 11 May).

At the IPM, interactive sessions will be organized on 26 - 27 February 2007 from 3:30pm to 5:30pm and on 28 February 2007 from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM.

This year, all Partnerships Fair discussion sessions will take place in Conference Room 7, located near the Vienna Café in the first basement the Conference Building at UNHQ.

A detailed schedule and specific themes of the “Partnerships in Practice” discussions during the IPM as well as the CSD 15 session will be announced on the CSD Partnerships website at a later date. http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/partnerships/partnerships.htm

Partnerships Fair information desks

A limited number of information desks will be available upon request to those involved in CSD registered partnerships. CSD Partnerships representatives will have the opportunity to display and distribute information about their partnership as well as discuss their work with representatives attending the CSD-15.

Partnerships Information Desks will be offered from 30 April to 8 May 2007 for the CSD-15 session from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM, except on the CSD 15 day of inauguration (30 April) when information desks will be available from 3:30 PM to 6:00 PM. Please be advised that Partnerships Information Desks will not be available during the CSD 15 High Level Segment (9 – 11 May) or during the Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting (IPM).

The desks will be located in the so-called ‘neck area’ (located in the corridor between the Vienna Café and the elevators in the 1st basement of the Conference Building at UNHQ).

The typical setup of an information desk will most likely include:

-  1 table to display materials (Approximate dimensions 5 Ft long);

-  1-2 cloth covered panel boards (Approximate dimensions: 4 foot wide x 6 foot tall) set up in behind the table for posters or other visual displays; and

-  Two chairs.

If you would like to a request a time-slot for a Partnerships Fair Information Desk during the CSD 15 session, please complete the attached requests forms and submit them to the CSD Secretariat’s Partnership Team by 16 March 2007.

Who should attend the Partnerships Fair?

All CSD participants, including representatives of Governments, UN system organizations, other intergovernmental organizations and accredited major groups, are welcome to attend the Partnerships Fair.

In particular, partnerships working in the areas of the CSD-14/15 thematic cluster - energy for sustainable development; industrial development; air pollution/atmosphere; and climate change are encouraged to participate. The launching of new partnerships is also encouraged and welcomed.

Please be advised that registration of a partnership with the CSD Secretariat does not constitute accreditation to the Commission on Sustainable Development. In order to gain access to UN premises during CSD-15 and the IPM, partners must ensure that they are accredited to the Commission on Sustainable Development (through a Government, intergovernmental organization, or Major Group). For more information on the accreditation of Major Groups please refer to the Guidelines for Major Groups Participation[1].

Launching a new partnership

If you would like to launch a new partnership at CSD-15, please complete the CSD Partnership Registration form[2] and submit it with your Partnerships Fair request form. If your proposed partnership is in keeping with CSD-11 criteria and guidelines[3], the Partnerships Team will contact you and make the necessary arrangements to register your partnership and to process your Partnerships Fair request.

Display and distribution of informational materials

Posters can be displayed at information desks (see above). Partners interested in distributing flyers, publications, brochures, etc. related to their partnership may use a small display area in the Partnerships Fair room (Conference Room 7).

The CSD Secretariat will NOT accept shipments of any such materials; participants should instead bring small quantities of their materials into the UN building in person. Please note that space will be limited and participants may need to replenish their stocks on a daily basis.

Publicizing the CSD Partnerships Fair

The full programme for the Partnerships Fair and participants guide will be posted on the CSD-15 Partnerships Fair webpage[4] and hard copies will be made available to all those attending CSD-15 and the IPM, updated as necessary on a daily basis. Arrangements are being made to offer CSD participants during the Partnerships Fair at the IPM and CSD 15 the opportunity to search summary information about all partnerships registered with the CSD Secretariat, based on the information held in the CSD Partnerships database.

The website version of the schedule will include links to these summaries and any other relevant documentation that CSD Partnerships are able to provide. Thus, the importance for all CSD Partnerships to update their information in our database in the lead up to the CSD 15 so that CSD participants can have access to the most current information on Partnerships latest achievements and contributions to implementation. The deadline for registered partnerships to update their database entries for information to be reflected in the CSD 15 Background paper on Partnerships for Sustainable Development will be Friday 9 February 2007.

Provisions will be made to showcase as many CSD Partnerships relevant materials on the CSD Partnerships Website leading up and during the IPM and the CSD 15 session. We strongly encourage CSD Partnerships to send us electronic copies of any posters you may be using as well as photographs of your projects and any other relevant materials so that we can include this information on the website. Daily updates to the Partnership Fair programme will be published through the “CSD Today” bulletins available on-site and summaries of the daily activities will be made available though the “Partnerships Wire”.

Key Partnerships-related documents for CSD-15

-  Secretary-General’s Report on Partnerships for sustainable development (May 2006)

-  Background paper on Partnerships for Sustainable Development – Update (estimated publication date – early April 2007).

-  CSD-15 Partnerships Fair: Participants Guide and Programme (estimated publication date - mid February 2007 for the IPM and mid April 2007 for CSD 15)

-  Secretariat’s Note on the CSD 14 Partnerships Fair Overview: a summary of Partnerships Fair Activities” (July 2006)

Important Dates

9 February 2007 Deadline for registered partnerships to update their database entries for information to be reflected in the Background Paper for CSD-15.

Mid February 2007 Draft schedule of the IPM Partnerships Fair activities to be posted

on the web.

26 February 2007 Opening of the IPM in Conference Room 4.

10:00 AM

26 February 2007 Opening session of the IPM Partnerships Fair in Conference Room 7.

3:30 PM

16 March 2007 Deadline for registered partnerships to submit request forms for information desks for CSD 15.

Early April 2007 Background paper on Partnerships for Sustainable Development – Update, will be available.

Mid April 2007 Draft schedule of CSD-15 Partnerships Fair to be posted on the web.

30 April 2007 Opening of CSD-15 in Conference Room 4.

10:00 AM

1 May 2007 Opening session of CSD-15 Partnerships Fair in Conference

3:30 PM Room 7.

8 May 2006 Closing session of CSD-15 Partnerships Fair in Conference

3:30 PM Room 7.

Partnerships Fair Request Form for CSD 15


Name of partnership:
Is this a CSD-registered partnership?
*Note: If you plan to launch a new partnership at CSD-14, please submit a copy of the Partnerships Registration form along with this request form.
Requesting organization:
Contact person:
City, State, Country
Tel: (+ country & area code)
Fax: (+ country & area code)
Any costs related to this request (e.g. relating to additional equipment) will be covered by:
Signed by: (Please print full name and title below the signature line)

Deadline for Submission OF ThIS FORM: 16 March 2007

Partnerships Fair Request Form for CSD 15 (contd.)

Name of person(s) manning the desk:
Tel: (+ country & area code)
Fax: (+ country & area code)

Main theme(s) of the partnership:

energy for sustainable development / climate change
industrial development / Other (please specify) ______
air pollution/atmosphere / Other (please specify) ______

Preferred dates and times: (Please indicate more than one option to help with the scheduling process.)

Priority / Date / Morning / Afternoon


The Partnerships Fair information desks will open at 3:30 pm on 30 April 2007, and will run from 10:00am – 6:00pm the remaining days of the Partnerships Fair (until 8 May). Subject to demand, the duration of the information desks will be either full day or ½ day time slots. We have asked you to indicate the time of day you would prefer, in the event that we have to allocate ½ day slots.

Deadline for Submission OF ThIS FORM: 16 March 2007

For more information, contact: - Page 6 -

CSD Secretariat’s Partnerships Team

2 UN Plaza, DC2-2220, New York, NY 10017

Email: ; Fax: +1 (917) 367-2341)

[1] See http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/mgroups/participation.htm

[2] See http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/partnerships/partnerships_registration.htm

[3] See http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/partnerships/csd11_partnerships_decision.htm

[4] See http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/csd/csd15/PF/partnerships_fair.htm