At- A- Glance Evaluation Guidelines for Evaluators 2014-15

Activity / Timeline / People Involved & Requirements / Additional Information / Document and/or Tool
Evaluator Training / Prior to evaluating any licensed employee / All Evaluators / Webcasts
Self-Assessment / Last day of August
within 30 days of hire / Teachers / Optional to share with evaluator / RANDA
Specialized Service Professional / RANDA
Teachers on Special Assignment / Excel Document
Principals/ Assistant Principals / RANDA
Goal Setting/ Professional Growth Plan / Last day of August
within 30 days of hire / Teachers
Specialized ServiceProfessionals / Minimum two (2) goals:
  • Goal 1 - based on previous years evaluation(if applicable) as well as result of self-assessment
  • Goal 2 – Based on site or district UIP
Teachers on Special Assignment / Excel Document
Principals/ Assistant Principals / RANDA
Pre-Observation Conference / At least two (2) working days prior to formal observation / Teachers / When completed, document should be attached to RANDA Tool / Pre- Observation Discussion Form (MS Word)
Specialized Service Professional
n/a / Teachers on Special Assignment / n/a / n/a
n/a / Principals/ Assistant Principals / n/a / n/a
Formal Observations
(one class period or a minimum 45 minutes) / Probationary Employees
  • One formal observation prior to the end of first semester
  • Minimum of three(3) weeks between post observation and next formal observation
Non Probationary Employees
  • One (1) formal observation prior to the end of January.
/ Teachers
Specialized Service Professionals / Probationary Employees
  • Minimum of two (2) formal observations
Non-Probationary Employees
  • Minimum of one (1) formal observation
Notification of formal observation at least two (2) working days in advance / RANDA
n/a / Teachers on Special Assignment / n/a / n/a
n/a / Principals/ Assistant Principals / n/a / n/a
Activity / Timeline / People Involved & Requirements / Additional Information / Document and/or Tool
Post-Observation Conference / Within five (5) days of formal observation
Minimum of 3 weeks between post observation and next formal observation / Teachers / When completed, document should be attached to RANDA tool. / Post-Observation Reflection and Discussion Form (MS Word)
Specialized Service Professionals
n/a / Teachers on Special Assignment / n/a
n/a / Principals/ Assistant Principals / n/a / n/a
Informal Observations
(minimum 10 minutes) / Minimum four(4) informal observations (minimum 1 week between each informal observation)
Within two (2) working days teacher / SSP provided with feedbackincluding date, time and quality standards observed. / Teacher
Specialized Service Professionals / Probationary & Non- Probationary Employee
  • Minimum four (4) informal observations spread throughout the year
1st year as TOSA or within 1st three years of employment with APS
  • Minimum of 1 informal observation each quarter
More than 1 year experience
  • Minimum of 1 informal observation each semester
/ 1st year as TOSA or within 1st three years of employment with APS
  • Four (4) informal observations
More than 1 year experience
  • Two (2) informal observations
/ n/a / Ongoing written feedback
Principals/ Assistant Principals / Feedback provided after every visit / RANDA
Mid-Year Review / Probationary Employee
  • Prior to the end of the first semester
Non-Probationary Employee
  • Prior to end of January
/ Teachers
Specialized Service Professionals
Teachers on Special Assignment / Non- renewal language- (Probationary)
  • If performance concerns noted in this evaluation are not addressed, you may be recommended for non-renewal.
Final rating to date on Standards 1-5 / RANDA
Excel for TOSAs
Prior to end of first semester / Principals/ Assistant Principals / Final rating to date on Standards 1-6 / RANDA
Final Evaluation
Goal Setting Performance Planning / Probationary Teachers Recommended for Non-Renewal
  • March 13, 2015
All Evaluations (probationary, non-probationary)
  • April 29, 2015
/ Teachers
Specialized Service Professionals
Teachers on Special Assignment / Non- renewal language-(Probationary)
  • Due to performance concerns documented in this evaluation, I am recommending non-renewal of your employment.
  • Goal Setting for the upcoming year
Excel for TOSAs
May 15, 2015
Vista Peak May 12 / Principals/ Assistant Principals / n/a