Request Form for Letter of Recommendation:Summer Programs

(Please print or type)

Do NOT assume that I will write a recommendation for you. Please ask me personally as I will only be writing a limited number of recommendations.

I will NOT write summer program recommendations while I am writing college recommendations – no exceptions

Recommendation information is DUE 3 WEEKS PRIOR TO DEADLINE – no exceptions

No Packet = No Recommendation

Please be sure to include all requested information.

Failure to follow directions = NO recommendation written.

Name on application(s)______

Name you go by in class if different______

Class period______Date Packet Submitted ______

Are you on Remind? If not, sign up NOW!! This is how I will contact you if there is an issue with your application or if I have a question. Failure to respond to my messages could hold up your recommendation.

Place the following in a file folder in the given order:

  1. This page all filled out
  2. Information sheet (following 2 pages) filled out for EACH program arranged in order by due date
  3. Any info/pamphlet/etc describing the summer program(s); put with the info sheet for that program
  4. Stamped, addressed envelopes with the following return address for all programs that need hard copies:

Michelle Hansen, DBHS, 21400 E. Pathfinder Road, Diamond Bar, CA 91765

Appropriate postage:I will be mailing the letters directly to the programs when I am done: one stamp for a standard envelope; 2 stamps for a 9 X 12 manila envelope

***Use the following e-mail address for all recommendations:

***Please keep in mind that the more info you give me, the better you recommendation will be. Don’t assume I know everything about you even though you area very valuable member of my class .

***If you NEVER talk to me in class or we do not get along, you probably should ask another teacher to write your recommendation.

***If you were caught violating your integrity in my class or on any class related assignment/activity, ask another teacher to write your recommendation.

Name of Program to which you are applying
Application due date
Method of submitting teacher application
(check applicable method) / ? Email link will be sent – use
? Use the following email to submit recommendation:
? Please mail recommendation – Student is to provide already addressed envelope to the summer program and affix proper postage to the envelope.
Program Emphasis/focus
Why are you interested in this program
What do you hope to gain/learn from this program
Math & Science classes taken and letter grades
Math/Science Awards or Recognition
AP Tests taken and Scores received
Describe your Extra-Curricular Activities that relate to math and science
Describe yourself in one word. Why did you choose this word?
Name 2 of your strengths and explain why you chose them
Name 1 weakness and explain why you chose it
What motivates you to learn and why?
What sets you apart from your classmates?
How do you like to learn?
i.e. hands on; lecture; etc
groups; pairs; alone
How do you react to difficult problems?
What would you like to be “when you grow up?” What areas of study are you interested in?
Anything else you’d like to share with me that could help me write an awesome recommendation for you 