“Dying to be Perfect”

Name ______Per.___

Date ______

1.  List 10 behaviors you saw in the movie that lead you to believe Ellen Hart had problems with eating disorders.

a. / f.
b. / g.
c. / h.
d. / i.
e. / j.

2.  What causes these eating disorders? Explain.

3.  Where does our culture’s preoccupation with physical appearance comes from?

4.  In what ways are eating disorders and substance abuse similar?

5.  To what degree do you think you or a friend’s ideas and actions about weight, appearance, dieting and eating disorders have been influenced by: (Explain each answer)

§  Health and PE classes

§  Personal experiences of friends or family members with eating disorder

§  Peer pressure or teasing about weight and appearance

§  Parental concerns about health and appearance

§  The $35 billion a year dieting industry

§  The mass media and pop culture

6.  What famous people have you recently read about or seen whose weight is a public issue? Describe what was said in the media about them.

7.  Do famous people with eating disorders seem to be viewed positively or negatively by media – give 3 to 5 examples?

8.  What is your reaction to magazine articles or TV shows in which these people and their weight/appearance are discussed?

9.  Body images, keeping our bodies healthy and how we feel about our bodies are core health issues. Think about the messages we are given about every part of the body. What unhealthy things are people encouraged to do in order to “fit” society’s ever-changing definition of “attractive”? (List 5-10 unhealthy things people do)











10. What was the turning point in the movie which allowed Ellen Hart to get help?

11. What ways could you help a friend with an eating disorder? List as many as you can….

Revised Boyden October 2010 4