Family Engagement Month Social Media Sample Posts
(Can be used with Social Media Cover 1 or 4)
- Family Engagement Month is celebrated during the month of November to highlight the roles parents and families have in their children’s education. During the month, parents, grandparents, guardians and extended families are encouraged to be involved in their children’s education throughout the year.
(Can be used with Social Media Cover 2)
- When schools and families work together to support learning, students succeed not just in school, but throughout life.
(Can be used with Social Media Cover 3)
- “The evidence is consistent, positive, and convincing: families have a major influence on their children’s achievement in school and through life. When schools, families, and community groups work together to support learning, children tend to do better in school, stay in school longer, and like school more.” - Anne T. Henderson and Karen L. Mapp
(Can be used with Social Media Cover 5)
- Take time this month to become more involved in your child’s education. You already have what it takes.
- This difference is within you; take the ordinary and enhance the necessary.
- Enter the family empowerment zone!
Throughout the Month:
November is #EngagedFamiliesFLMonth! Help us celebrate by talking w/ your child about what they learned today!@Educationfl
November 1:
For National Family Literacy Day, take a tripto your local library or bookstore. #FLedu #EngagedFamiliesFL #TipofTheDay
November 5:
How about we all go outside and have some family fun? (Sun emoji or smiley) #FLedu #EngagedFamiliesFL
November 8:
Visit learn more about Parents as Teachers. FLedu #EngagedFamiliesFL
November 11-Veteran’s Day:
Talk with your child about why we honor veterans.Visit Kids.Gov with your child to learn more.
November 14:
Education creates opportunity and it all starts in the classroom.See what your child’s school is doing to celebrate #AmericanEdWeek #FLedu
November 16:
Every November, career development professionals are encouraged to celebrate with career related activities. Visit Florida Shines to learn more about career opportunities in Florida. #FLedu
November 17:
Family Engagement month is a time to celebrate the important role families play in their child's education. Take the Pledge
November 21:
Invite your child to help you write the grocery list, shop and plan meals.
November 22:
Family engagement month is a time to tell stories about your family’s history. #FLedu
November 28:
Establishing strong relationships between parents and teachers creates an environment that ensures student success! #EngagedFamiliesFL #FLedu