Ross Stratman
(817) 395-2089

I have over 20 years of industry IT experience as a Software Engineer programming and automating a wide variety of systems in numerous languages including but not limited to C/C++, C#, Progress, PHP, Java, Unix Shell Scripting (Korn, Bourne, C, Bash, Perl, Posix, etc.) CL, OCL. I have performed as a DBA in Progress and MySQL Databases. I have configured Apache webservers on many occasions and am very familiarwith HPUX, AIX, Linux, BSD, DOSWindows Operating Systems. I have extensive knowledge of MRP, ERP, Manufacturing, & Distributionutilizing suchsoftware packages as MFG/Pro, WDSII, Varnet, Dispatch1, etc. I preferworking with companies that have high IS needs whereautomation of currentprocesses are immediate and demanding.

Igraduated from The University of Texas at Tyler in 1991 BS Computer Science.
Languages:Progress, C/C++, RPGIII, Fortran (IV & 77), VB, C#, Unix Shell Scripting, SQL, Assembler, PHP, Java, HTML, DHTML, XML, DOS Batch, Objective-C, Javascript, Perl, Python

Operating Systems:HPUX, AIX, DGUX, BSD, DOS, Windows, Linux, Dynix, OSX iOS, CentOS, ubuntu

Software Packages:MFG/Pro, Varnet, WDSII, PBS, Dispatch1, MS Visual Studio,iPhone SDK, Gentran (EDI x.12), Unity3d, JQuery, Prototype, Selenium, Wordpress, Sphere, Angular, React

Databases (DBA):Progress, Oracle, MySQL, sqlite, MSSQL, DB2, MongoDB, Postgres

Frameworks: MVC, Laravel, Wordpress, Symfony2
Webservices:Apache, Nginx, IIS, SOAP, REST, WYSDYL


Client: AnsiraOctober 2016 to July 2017

15851 Dallas Parkway Ste 725

Addison, Texas 75001

(855) 553-4009

  • Wrote the Purina Pro Plan $1 milliion Westminster Kennel Club bracket challenge API in Php5 using Symfony2. The system collected all entries and handed them off to Purina to notify the winners
  • Wrote all the Database triggers for the Westminster bracket challenge in MySQL
  • Created the schema structure for the Westminster bracket challenge in MySQL
  • Fixed OAuth for token generation in Symfony2 and Php5to serve unexpired tokens
  • Fixed dozens of bugs in the Purina management system in Symfony2, Php5, twigs and widgets
  • Wrote and Implemented the Multithreaded Email Queue in Symfony2, Php5 and BASH
  • Wrote the Request and Activity logger in Symfony2 and Php5 for historical tracking.
  • Made various upgrades to Drupal for the Carpet-One client
  • Wrote override logic for Source Codes in Php5 and Symfony2
  • Fixed the migration software in Symfony2 and Php5
  • Wrote and Implemented the Subscription migration handler in Symfony2 and Php5
  • Fixed various UI bugs using JQuery, Angular and CSS
  • Migrated many systems off of the Registration DB onto the Profiles DB using Symfony2, Codeigniter, Php5 and MySQL

Client: Drake MachineWorksSeptember 2016

5751 Kroger Dr. Ste 125

Ft Worth, Texas 76248

(817) 226-0053

  • Designed and developed Drake Corp’s Integradyne® Document storage and retrieval system using Php5, Postgres, Javascript, Angular.js and Nginx.

Client:BalfourApril 2016 to July 2016

1550 W Mockingbird Ln

Dallas, Texas 78745

(214) 637-2800

  • Wrote the modal for injecting products into Mailers for the end users of Studio Balfour in Angular.js
  • Fixed the bug in Studio Balfour to allow a graceful shutdown of the client session if the databases are unreachable for some reason in Php7 and Wordpress
  • Wrote the plugin and setup the Wordpress page for the balfourTV initiative using Php7 and Angular.js
  • Added project information to the Student Manager in Studio Balfour to give users a better idea if their imports are setup correctly in Php7 and React
  • Modified the Adhoc Orders to allow dates to be known to the Text Form for user convenience using jQuery
  • Fixed several bugs within the Studio Balfour site using Php7, Wordpress, jQuery, Angular & React
  • Setup the development servers using Nginx

Client: Doctors In TrainingNovember 2013 to February 2016

1701 River Run #710
Fort Worth, Texas 76107
(817) 870-2730

  • Wrote the calendar advising tool in Php5, JQuery, CSS & MySQL that would take students' supplemental USMLE study materials, courses, constraints and other data to create a personalized study calendar.
  • Wrote the coupon creation backend in Php5that would take various inputs and generate coupons for Word Press that the sales team would disseminate to prospective students and users of DIT materials.
  • Designed the database structure MySQLfor the following systems at DIT.




  • Wrote dozens of cleanup scripts in Php5 for cron to run periodic maintenance and archiving of data in Unix filesystems.
  • Wrote dozens of cleanup and maintenance queries in SQL for the MySQL databases at DIT.
  • Debugged dozens of defects and fixed bugs throughout the various systems of DIT using Php5 and Javascript, CSS
  • Wrote all of the Selenium testing scripts to test various aspects of video encoding and other customer facing web functionality in Python
  • Emplemented TinyMCE into the assessment tool
  • Debugged 3rd party software deficiencies (Phplive CHAT)
  • Wrote the Edgecast purge software for the garphics department in order to reset the cache at the edgecast nodes in Php5
  • Wrote all the maintenance screens for the assessment tool in Php5, Laravel, & Javascript
  • Wrote all the migration scripts in Php5 and Laravel.
  • Wrote the Sendgrid interface for EMails being sent to log touches back into the awx (admin) side of dit in Php5
  • Wrote the Batch student software in Php5 and JQuery (Javascript) for the advising group to monitor lock step students studying for their USMLE's
  • Wrote all the Sendgrid interfaces in Php5 to facilitate auto responses from various emails sent out to students.
  • Modified various Wordpress plugins to accomodate the Sendgrid application, including the Wordpress mailer

Client:Dealertrack TechnologiesNovember 2011 to November 2013
13737 Noel Rd Ste 400
Dallas, Tx. 75240
(214) 987-8950

  • Wrote the UI for the True Score panel in Javascript utilizing JQuery
  • Wrote the backend True Score in Perl for the UI
  • Completed hundreds of Agile stories in JavascriptPerl
  • Wrote dozens of schema migrations for the MySQL and DB2 databases
  • configured the Apache web servers to run in MacOS (10.x) environments
  • Fixed scores of bugs and defects in the entire eCarList (eCL) product line in Perl, Javascript, HTMLCSS
  • Wrote the Appraisal Workflow Bookout Page in Javascript, JQuery, css, html and Perl utilizingcomponents such as JSON and techniques like AJAX.
  • Performed the database migrations from MySQL to DB2
  • Updated dozens of web page submits to use AJAX instead
  • Setup and document the procedures to run the eCl software securely with SSH
  • Documented the procedures to migrate MySQL to DB2
  • Wrote the Custom reporting frontend in Javascript, HTMLcss with JQuery
  • Created dozens of Unit Tests in RubyPerl using TAP and Selenium.
  • Modified Apache configuration to run the eCarList app in ssh.
  • Worked on all aspects of the eCarlist system utilizing Perl, jQuery, MySQL, DB2 and MongoDB.
  • Used JIRA, Confluence, Pivotal Tracker, Jenkins and other 3rd party applications in my day to day activities at Dealertrack.
  • Fixed dozens of very slow SQL commands to run much faster.
  • Fixed, upgraded and modified the following subsystems using Perl, Javascript with jquery, HTML & css
  • Admin (Client Side)
  • Vehicle Edit Page
  • Inventory
  • Leads
  • True Target
  • Reports
  • Dealer Settings
  • Appraisals
  • TrueTarget(tm)
  • Backend (eCl management)
  • Whitelist maintenance
  • Feeds
  • True Target Comparables

Client:Game Circus LlcNovember 2010 to November 2011.

15400 Knoll Trail Dr.
Dallas, TX 75248
(972) 239-5427

  • Wrote the CrossPromo md5 algorithm in Objective-C to hash all communications between theiPhone® games at Game Circus and their respective servers.
  • Ported the hashing program to the servers to C++ to verify hash contents on the server side.
  • Translated the hashing algorithm to Java for the Android apps to communicate to the CrossPromo server.
  • Wrote the AppStat Unity3d plugin in Objective-C and C# to take player statistics and store in a MySQL database on one of the aws servers.
  • Wrote the HardwareQuery Unity3d plugin in Objective-C, C# and C++ to query the iPhone for its generation ID (3g, 3gs, 4, etc).
  • Fixed several bugs in the Prime31 Unity3d plugins in Objective-C.
  • Fixed dozens of bugs in C# and Unity3d to the Prize Claw® game.
  • Wrote the tutorial system for Prize Claw® in C#.
  • Created all of the cloud Linux Servers with Apache, MySQL and Php on Amazons aws (ec2).
  • Setup the Amazon (aws) s3 storage as a virtual backup for all of the cloud servers.
  • Created the s3 mount point and installed the fuse drivers to mount directly to the drives for easy backups.
  • Setup the offsite backups and disaster recovery protocols for the aws servers.
  • Designed and Built the CrossPromo (Cross Promotions) App Server in Php5, MySQL, from the ground up.
  • Designed and Built the AppStat server in Php5MySQL.
  • Created the web interfaces into the CrossPromo and AppStat servers in Php, MySQL, & Javascript. The entire site runs on AJAX for speed and ease.
  • Wrote the Baseball Scoring app for the iPhone® in Cocoa / Objective C..
  • Wrote the Password Vault app for the iPhone® in Cocoa / Objective C.

Client:Bynari, Inc.March 2010 to November 2010

222 Las Colinas Blvd.
Irving, TX 75039

  • Enhanced all aspects of the Bynari, Inc. connector for Outlook 2003, 2007 & 2010 (64 & 32 bit) using MS Visual C++ MSVS 2010 & MSVS 6. All aspects of MAPI properties and the IMAP backend.
  • Decoded the MAPI recurrence blob (named property) with MS Visual C++.
  • Wrote the Outlook notify thread in MS Visual C++ to notify the the MAPI spooler once it comes up upon initialization of Outlook.
  • Debugged and fixed memory allocation errors in the Bynari Connector in MSVS C++.
  • Wrote, Modified and Enhanced all aspects of the iCal format in MSVS C++ including VCARD, VCALENDAR, VEVENT, VTODO, etc.
  • Completed the LDAP AddressBook plugin for Outlook in MSVisual C++
  • Fixed dozens of client side bugs in the Bynari Outlook Plugin in Visual C++
  • Debug errors in the Bynari’s webclient using PHP 5
  • Setup, configure and maintain Apache Webserver on FreeBSD and Linux.
  • Setup, configure and maintain Php / MySQL on FreeBSD webserver.
  • Setup, configure and maintain QPopper, Cyrus, Dovecot.
  • Setup, configure and maintain Sendmail.
  • Wrote the Front End to Kitchen Poker in MS Visual C++ using MFC,
  • Wrote the Back End to Kitchen Poker in C++ / Unix (gnu compile). Using TCP (not UDP)

Client:FujitsuNovember 2008 to March 2010

2791 Telecom Parkway
Richardson, TX 75082

  • Wrote all of the extracts from Dispatch1 in Progress for the pending Oracle conversion project. The extracts include all data for Purchase, Sales and Work Orders, Item Data Mappings, Inventory, CSR (Field technicians) Warehousing, etc.
  • Wrote the Pitney Bowes interface into Dispatch1 in Progress.
  • Debugged and fixed many custom Progress programs that had transaction scoping issues. These programs would lock up integral parts of the system as well as bring down the database by filling up the bi file.
  • Fixed many other Progress programs that did not behave correctly
  • Wrote the 810, 850, 860, 855, 940, 944, 945 & 856 EDI interfaces for Dispatch1 in Progress.
  • Wrote reports in the Progress 4GL to extract XREF-FILE contents. Rewrote reports to enhance UI and speed several reports that ran very slow (rewrite reports to use correct index)
  • Fixed several KORN shell scripts that did not work properly.
  • Setup CRON jobs to run automatically on the Dynix servers.
  • Fixed several User Interfaces into the Dispatch1 system in Progress.
  • Tested and Fixed many problems with all aspects of the EDI processes in Progress.
  • Wrote all of the EDI process for data exchange on the Pitney Bowes project in the Progress 4gl.
  • Fixed Progress DB Triggers on the Dispatch1 Database that did not work properly. (DBA Admin)

Client:Rogers Software DevelopmentMarch 2008 to November 2008

1292 Sadler Way, Suite 335
Fairbanks, AK 99701

  • Wrote the software to migrate data from SMART to SuperSalon in PHPJavascript for a MySQL Database.
  • Wrote the transfer system, tips payout, retail and fixed/enhanced dozens of programs for the SuperSalon product in PHP, Javascript, AJAX and MySQL.
  • Wrote the conversion software for the JKON to SuperSalon in PHP and MySQL.
  • Wrote the Payroll report for IOffice in PHP, Javascript, AJAX and MySQL.
  • Wrote many IOffice imports for new fields within SalonSalon.
  • Wrote the Unix Bashshell scripts to export data from IOffice to Client's data repository (Linux).
  • Wrote the Export programs in PHP and MySQL to export Products, services and Transaction History from IOffice to Client's Data repository.

Client:CompuComSystemsFebruary 2006 to October 2007

7171 Forest Lane
Dallas, TX 75230

  • Designed and wrote the automated order processing routines for Order Entry in Progress V9.1d that allows orders to be automatically uploaded from various external sources, such as web and EDI.
  • Wrote the stacker software in Progress V9.1d to accept input from the Client Portable via a Progress Appserver to run reports for clients outside of the company and email the results back.
  • Programmed the RMA Enhancement project to better track Client contracts, created easier UI for the clerks, created event driven Emails on RMAs, uploading of essential data into the RMA database and other enhancements in Progress V9.1d.
  • Created low level search routines and browsers to expedite programming in Progress V9.1d utilizing the progress pre processor commandlanguage.
  • Created a calendar as a visual aid to date selection in Progress V9.1d .
  • Modified and repaired many aspects of the Order Entry process in Progress V9.1d.
  • Wrote the program to track inventory shipment turn around time from PO to receipt at client's warehouse discounting weekends, holidays and off hours in Progress V9.1d.
  • Modified and fixed transaction scoping issues in Progress V9.1d for the daily processing (Stackers) that would continually lock up and keep users from accessing the system.
  • Analyzed, debugged and fixed dozens of programming errors in the Progress 4gl code.
  • Wrote C/Unix code to extrapolate the integer representation of the current UID for the Unix admins.

Client:Encore Medical Corp.November 2004 to February 2006

Encore Orthopedics
9800 Metric Blvd.
Austin, TX 78758

  • Modified, fixed, enhanced and wrote scores of custom programs in Progress V9.1d
  • Converted the MFG/Pro software to eB2.1 and wrote the procedures, and performed all of the custom software fixes to accommodate the conversion.
  • Wrote the conversion software for encore medical when they aquired Empi.
  • Fixed, enhanced and rewrote dozens of reports for encore medical utilizing the Progress 4gl.
  • Modified the MFG/Pro eB2 Pending Invoice maintenance for the custom kitting at encore medical.
  • Repaired the customized Rebate system that ran WAY too slow and locked up the entire AR module of MFG/Pro eB2 for over 8 hours while running; it now runs in less than one hour and AR is unaffected during processing. (Transaction Scoping)
  • Wrote the conversion code for the Global Tax management module of MFG/Pro eB2 for encore medical. Encore medical purchased a composite list of all sales tax rates for every municipality in the continental US, Alaska and Hawaii. The program is run as often as they purchase new sales tax files.
  • Created a database in Progress v9.3c to houseall changes of the custom source code as well as MFG/Prosource and 'r' code. Wrote the AIX Unix scripts to find all differences in files and log them to the database. Nightly a report is generated and emailed to the Controller and IT Department head. This was done as a Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) requirement
  • Helped develop Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) documentation for encore medical.

Client:Stephens Media Group July 2002 to July 2004

1111 West Bonanza Road (89106)
P.O. Box 70 (89125-0070)
Las Vegas, NV
Phone: 702.383.0211

  • Supervised team of 4 Progress V9 programmers to develop various in house customizations to the PBS (Publishing Business Systems) software that was necessary for the Review Journal's circulation system to function properly.
  • Designed, wrote and implemented the self-documenting web server using FreeBSD and Apache. The process starts as comments embedded in the Progress source code with custom html tags. Then a separated program written in C/Unix parses all source with the tags creating and dynamically creates html files on the web server. The files are dynamically categorized in an index and may be perused at leisure by the users.
  • Wrote dozens of custom reports utilizing PBS's viewprint utilities.Managed team of 4 programmers converting the original SSPS circulation system to the PBS circulation system for all 10 of Stephens Media group's Data Bases.
  • Implementing conversion
  • Coordinate End-Users with scheduling and variousresponsibilities with regards to the conversions.
  • Supplying management withdaily conversion progress reports during conversions.
  • Managing team ofProgress programmers writing conversion code, adhering to migration path set forth by the PBS vendor.
  • Creating standards using the Progress 4GL for ease of migrating conversion code from one site to another. Managingprogrammers to write encapsulated code.
  • Mentoring and teaching Progress programmerswith lesser experience.
  • Writing code in Progress 4GL to convert SSPS to PBS.
  • Proofreading programmer's Progress 4glcode and performing quality control prior toconversions.
  • Wrote dozens of reports for the PBS application after all conversions were complete.
  • Designed/Coded/Implemented the Designmail download process that runs weekly, The Progress program runs from cron, gathers all strts/stops from the PBS cm database and FTP's them automatically to Designmail's server.
  • Wrote the lockbox upload of Credit Card payments to the validation and processing server using Progress and C. The module would then recieve a flat file of approvals and denials. The approvals would then creditthe subscribers account, the denials would go to a report forthe business office.
  • Wrote C++/Unix programs for the HPUX administrator topurge files and report on file usagefrom the OS.
  • Wrote a gateway programfor up/down loadingdata from the HP to NT using sockets in Progress V9 and C++/Unix.

Solvay Engineered PolymersOctober 1996 to May 2002
100 S. Mitchell
Mansfield, TX 76063
FAX: 817.792.2850

  • Web enabled the PRA (Price Request Authorization) Approval Process using WebSpeed V3. A link is generated with a unique key to the Approval Web Page. The key is encrypted in the PRA record and then validated against the key in the link.
  • Wroteother WebSpeed applications.
  • Designed the MSDSprinting system in GUI Progress V8.2b. This system is used to print OSHA compliant Material Safety Data Sheets on all products produced by Solvay Engineered Polymers. The Systeminterfaces heavily into MFG/PRO and accepts any hazardous materials into its own repository. Then by printing current Bill's Of Materials from MFG/PRO and connecting their hazardous material backto the BOM, theMSDS's are printed.
  • Wrote the Control Rules program that calculates plus or minus 3 sigma for products based on historical statistics as how that product performed. The Control Rules are then sent to production so the line supervisor will know when a run is out of control.
  • Setup the MFG/PRO to SQL Lims interfaces utilizing the Progress - Oracle Gateway (Oracle Dataserver). MFG/PRO will now automatically update the Lims systems with new lots, parts, customer's etc. whenever entered into MFG/PRO.
  • Designed the Shippingmodule for Customer Service / Logistics in GUI Progress V8 4gl. This system automates the shiplog thatwas formally painstakinglyprepared daily, manually with three reports and faxed to Shipping. The system now merges the three reports into a GUI browser andmakesbest guesses for the truck allocations. The shiplog document is printed through MS Word via DDE links. The System also e-mails the shiplog to the shipping departments and logistics via dll calls to mapi32.dll.
  • Wrote the UNIX menu system in C++.
  • Wrote the C++/Unix code that allows purchasing to view the VSIFAX stats side by side with MFG/PRO data.
  • Designed the custom interfaces into MFG/PRO for utilizing BARCODE scanners in the warehouse. Currently Receiving and transfers are fully operational. The scanners emulate a vt100 terminal, however a C++ program was necessary to receive the answer back from the terminal.
  • Wrotethe payroll to GL download.
  • Created the NAFTA reporting module. The module is used to certify NAFTAqualifiable material sent to Canada and Mexico.
  • Designed and Implemented the Program Management Database from the ground up. The system is written in GUI progress 4gl V.8.3b. The system is used to track Automotive programs and provide betterinternal communications between the various departments of Solvay Engineered Polymers as to the statusand history of automotive programs. This system is comprised of three major modules.
  • 1-The Program tracking system, which is maintained by Sales andMarketing,
  • 2- The BOM Maintenance which allows engineers to design their Bill of materials based on requirements set up in the Program Trackingmodule.
  • 3- The Pricing portion which allows the cost accountants to price the products based on information provided from the other two modules.
  • The system utilizes the mapi32DLL's to keep thevarious parties involved in a program apprised of changes. Alldocuments including the Customer Sample Requests are printed through MS Word.
  • Performed the Progress upgrade from V.7d to 8.2c we are currently running on 8.3c. All Upgrades from 6 to 8 were performed by me.
  • Designed and implemented the entire Custom Forecasting module to interface into MFG/PRO.
  • Wrote the JB Hunt download (EDI) that interfaces all JB Hunt Shipping transactions into Accounts Payable of MFG/PRO.
  • Wrote all EDI x.12 interfaces into MFG/PRO in Progress V.7D.
  • Created theMellon Card upload module that interfaces master card purchases into AP of MFG/PRO. The user interface is written in GUI Progress 4GL the back end (upload and download) are written in Character Progress V.7D
  • Converted MFG/PRO, HSE Facts, Xponent, and Talem Databases & Software from Progress V.6E3 to Progress V.7D running on HPUX 9.04.
  • Designed and implemented the Inventory Transfer System in Progress V.7D to track all transfers and uncomplicate the arcane Transfer Procedures formerly used at D & S Plastics.
  • Wrote dozens of operation, financial, and Inventory reports in Progress V.6 and Progress V.7 for the management of D & S Plastics.

GH HensleyJuly 1995 to October 1996
2108 Joe Field Road
Dallas, Texas 75229 U.S.A.
Main Phone: (972) 241-2321