Hattiesburg Clinic, P.A.

Social Networking Policy


Hattiesburg Clinic’s (“Clinic”) use of social media sites is for the benefit of Clinic employees, patients and the community. It is intended to serve as a platform that encourages open communication between the Clinic and its public by providing relevant and timely information regarding the Clinic.The purpose of this policy is to assure: (1) communication in online communities made on behalf of Hattiesburg Clinic is consistent with the Clinic’s employee handbook, policies and applicable laws, including laws concerning privacy, confidentiality, copyright and trademark; (2) that employees’ personal opinions in online communities express the fact that they are not representative of Hattiesburg Clinic’s; and (3) uses of the Clinic’s online communities are appropriate and that communication isaccurate.

General Guidelines

As a Clinic employee, you should only access social media sites during non-work hours, as any and all working hours should be dedicated to enhancing the lives of our patients. Unauthorized work time access includes, but is not limited to, postings in online forums, blogs, microblogs, wikis or vlogs (e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, YouTube, Twitter, health pages and blogs, media sites or similar types of online forums). Social media use must not interfere with your commitment to the Clinic or its patients.Communication should be consistent with Hattiesburg Clinic’s handbook, mission, values, policies and applicable laws.

Communication in online communities should never contain information that identifies a patient’s identity or health condition, in any way, without proper authorization.

If employees, physicians, volunteers, or other associates of the Clinic acknowledge their relationship with the Clinic in an online community, they shall also include disclaimers in their online communications advising that they are not speaking as an agent or on behalf of the Clinic.

Employees who engage in personal social networking activities must recognize that their activities, even if done off clinic premises and while off duty, could have an adverse effect on the Clinic’s legitimate business interest and reputation.

You are responsible for the content you post. Information remains in cyberspace forever. The Internet is immediate and nothing posted is ever truly private nor does it expire.

Prohibited Social Networking Activities

The following is a list of prohibited social networking activities. This is intended as a list of examples only and is not meant to be exhaustive:

  • Being disrespectful or discourteous while engaged in social networking on behalf of the Clinic.
  • Misrepresenting the Clinic in any way while engaged in social networking on behalf of the clinic.
  • Engaging in non-work related social networking while onwork time.
  • Using the clinic’s logo, trademark, tagline or proprietary graphics or sharing photographs or videos of the clinic’s patients or premises without proper authorization.
  • Disclosing patient-identifiable health information, private employee information or other confidential information.
  • Providing references regarding a current or former employee’s work performance or work history with the Clinic.

Employer Monitoring

Employees who publicly post information about the Clinic on social media sites must recognize that their postings can be reviewed by anyone, including the Clinic. The Clinic reserves its right to monitor comments or discussions about the Clinic, its employees, patients and the industry, including products and competitors. The Clinic uses blog-search tools and software to monitor forums such as blogs and other types of personal journals, diaries, personal and business discussion forums, and social networking sites. The Clinic’s software search devices enable it to review the content posted on such sites by current/former employees as well as third parties. Employees are reminded that they should have no expectations of privacy while using company equipment or facilities for any purpose.The Clinic reserves the right to use content management tools to monitor, review or block content that violatesthis policy.

Enforcement and Violations

Any Clinic employeewho learns of any violation of this policy shall notify their Department Manager, the Director of Human Resources or Administration as soon as possible.

The Clinic will investigate all reported violations of this policy. An employee’s violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination.

Disclaimer of Employment Contract

This policy does not form a contract or guarantee of employment or benefits of any kind and the Clinic may revise this Policy at its discretion and without formal written notice. This Policy does not change your employment-at-will relationship with the Clinic.

Revised 8/7/2012