MHC October2016 Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, Oct 26, 2016 – 7:30 PM
Mansion House Club
Alexandria, VA 22309
In attendance: Keith Webster, Susan Webster, Tim Battle, Keith Bea, Bryant Day, Chris White, David Earle, Gina Lee
Quorum reached, the meeting was called to order at 7:45 pm.
- Motion to approve September minutes passed unopposed with two edits: 1 typo, and delete #3 as it was included in number 4. October Agenda approved.
- The first business covered was pool operations.The BOD was updated on vendors that have responded (3) Titan, High Sierra, and current vendor.Progress continues on a rough Statement of Work and the BOD was notified if changes are desired now is the time to incorporate. Vendors will have two weeks to respond. Discussion centered on the potential for an addendum covering life guard daily responsibilities and checklist. The recommendation was to ask the vendors and then amend the SOW if necessary. Discussion moved to front desk expectations and the need for a mini-handbook. Winter work projects were addressed and questioned as to if the work would be covered under the current contract or new contract. All agreed electrical needs are high priority and without some projects completed the 2016-2017 season opening inspection would be in jeopardy. A walk through will be conducted to ID necessary work--filter refresh and light bulb replacements were specifically called out. The BOD decided to contact Becker to conduct an electrical load test.
- The next order of business was the establishment of an election / nomination committee. All present serving members have agreed to remain in their present positions. Sarah Revers will work with the nomination committee for validation and presentation at the January meeting.
- The annual meeting was then discussed in detail. The requirements for the meeting were reviewed. The BOD recognized the need for an early January meeting in order to approve the budget and prospective projects. The BOD agreed on 11 Jan 7:00-9:00 pm at the South Government Center. The secretary took the task to mail out written notice to all members. This needs to be accomplished between December 14 2016 and 1 January 2017. Notice will also be emailed and placed on the MHC website. Lastly, high points for presentation at the January meeting are to be presented at the October meeting.
- Officer reports followed:
- President N/A
- 1st / 2nd VP N/A (not present)
- Secretary N/A
- Treasurer, final budget will need to be approved at the Nov meeting. For the annual meeting a comparison of start point of finances to last year will be presented. The BOD recognized the need for fresh excitement (beyond new paint). The BOD recognized the need to coalesce on budget and plan during the November meeting. The BOD discussed the idea of a member survey utilizing “survey monkey” and a mail box ling (button) on the website. NOTE: DID THIS HAPPEN? I WAS TO NOTIFY THIS TO MEMBERS ONCE IT WAS READY. I HAVE NOT HEARD ANYTHING? Ideas presented were: pay down debt, furniture, facility improvement, playground improvement. The BOD agreed to review at next meeting. Fundraising ideas were canvassed and discussed with specific discussion soliciting sponsors and a means to determine how much to charge them. Lastly, the BOD agreed to give the treasurer and secretary access to the MHC safe deposit box at Burke Herbert.
- Pool Ops, nothing further
- Tennis, N/A
- Engineering/Construction: windows need to be covered, H2O needs to be turned off and remaining winterization completed. Trash pickup has finished for the year. We need to look at the main H20 line leak.
- Membership, 57 shares for sale.
- Legal, N/A
- Social, N/A
- Dive, N/A
- Swim, N/
- Unfinished business: Need to announce on the Website that unused ice cream tickets will be honored during the 2016-2017 season.
- The meeting was adjourned at 8:58 pm.