Addey and Stanhope PLATO (Pupils Leading and Teaching Others) Learning Conference 1 2014- Addeys6th Form Centre + Art/Music/Humanities rooms, Saturday November 15th, 2014 – all welcome!
Time / 6th Form CommonRm. / Room 075 / Room 161 / Room 162 / Room 163 / Room 164 / Library / Humanities Room 151 / DT Room / Music Room / Art Room9.45
(except for early arrivals at 9am) / Intro, staff briefing and refreshments
(led by Y11 prefects) / (9-9.45am) Early bird lecture: a brief history of education
(Mr. Taylor)
am / Voice improvement workshop
[Session full – no more room available although there may be 1 or 2 spaces on the day]
(led by Martin Wylde, Central School of Speech and Drama and Y13 studentshelped by Danielle Blake Y12)
Voice improvement workshop continues / Project briefings -
Are video games bad for young people?- how do you make a video game?
(led by Y9 EPQ students Dylan Marsh, Kelvin Ly) / Project Briefings - Why do we eat food that is bad for us? -Can we afford ethical eating? - Tobacco v e-smoking – Should drugs be legalised?
(led by Y9 EPQ students ArisNezaj, Khoi Khai, Natalia Williams, Zayne Zaman) / Project Briefings - Evolutionism v Creationism – Shamanism - Was Anne Frank really important? -Great Wall of China – how do you make a video game?
(led by Y9 EPQ students HeyliSokoli,RubyGilburt,MarienAddo,Jamie Su) / Economics and Business –
Bulls and Bears - the great share portfolio showdown
[Session full – no more room available although there may be 1 or 2 spaces on the day]
(led by Mr. Davis/Miss Thompson plus Y12/13 Economics and Business students)
Economics and Business –
Bulls and Bears - the great share portfolio showdown
continues / Great Books: Homer’s Odyssey and Iliad
(led by Y9 EPQ students Akin Agiri, Curtis Trynka) / Religion and Politics - What’s the difference between Sunni and Shia in Islam and why did the split happen?
(led by Y12/Y9 students FaizaAbdishakur, Noor Mughal Bahja Hassan; Amal Abdullahi) / Citizenship and Politics -
Who was Harvey Milk?
(led by Y10 HUG students Amy Le, HeatherChuk, NanaAtuah, AnitaNkadi, Jenny Nguyen) / Design and Technology - What is the DT Unity project?
(led by Y9 students)
Design and Technology Unity project continues / Music -Singing workshop
(led by Mr. Teager and Y8/9 Music students)
Music -Singing workshop continues / Art - Hand building techniques in clay
(led by Mr. Davies and Y8/9 Art students)
Art - Hand building techniques in clay continues
am / Science - What was the greatest ever scientific experiment?
(led by Y13 students GloriaLaoye, BrenoCancellieri, Rima Begum, Juliana Yan) / Maths – How we improved and discovered some great equations
(led by Y9 students
Akin Agiri and Esther Koudou) / History – Why did the USA really lose in Vietnam?
(led by Y13/ Y11 students SelasiAtakli, Lorraine Ashley plus Isa Ssetuba, IgorTerzic, Jahid Hasan) / Great Books –Plato’s Republic - what is Plato’s Cave, why was it imagined and how do we get out of it?
(led by Y12/Y9 History students
Sophie Long and Yen Hoang) / English Literature: analysis of quotations
(led by Y12 students
Millie Brookes, Jasmine Brown, Eleanor Prenderghast, Reece Clarke) / Project Briefings –Is feminism dead? – Body image and fashion - Should we judge people on their dress?
(led by Y9 EPQ students Ines Proenca, Mary Berry and Mariam Roble)
Time / 6th Form Common Rm. / Room 075 / Room 161 / Room 162 / Room 163 / Room 164 / Library / Humanities 151 / DT Room / Music Room / Art Room
am / Break
(led by Y11 prefects) / Break
(led by Y11 prefects) / Break
(led by Y11 prefects) / Break
(led by Y11 prefects) / Break
(led by Y11 prefects) / Break
(led by Y11 prefects) / Break
(led by Y11 prefects) / Break
(led by Y11 prefects) / Break
(led by Y11 prefects) / Break
(led by Y11 prefects) / Break
(led by Y11 prefects)
am / Pop-up learning seminar – What is the best way to revise?
(led by Y13/11 students Toni-Ann Thomas, Rima Begum and TamikahUkachi) / Modern/
Ancient Foreign Languages - Abrief history of language plus Latin inferences
(led by Y11 students Jael Boateng and ChiyanaAnkhrah) / History - What is the difference between modern and Renaissance architecture?
(led by Y13/12students Andres Panduroand Faisal Abu-Jajar) / Science – can we find a cure for Ebola and can young doctors help?
(led by
Y11/10 Science students Kien Hang and Zumeya Mohamed) / Economics and Business - How do you set up your own business?
(led by Mr Kerr plus Y12 students) / History/Great Books: Aristotle’s Ethics– does it make sense and help us live better lives today?
(led by Y12 History studentsHannah Laurence, Daniel Nana-Klouvi) / Military History – Russian T34 v German Tiger: What was the greatest tank in World War 2?
(led by Larry Amin Y11 and Alexander Kulvits Y10) / Geography – Masters of the Globe Knowledge Bee
(led by Y8 students Scarlet Scott Nadal, Amanda Sam and Junior Malentin) / Design and Technology Unity project continues / Music -Singing workshop continues
Music -Singing workshop continues / Art - Hand building techniques in clay continues
Art - Hand building techniques in clay continues
Plus Art History interval - Why we love Raphael’s School of Athensand who is in it
(led by Y12 students Peter Farmer, Abdul Abdullahi and Jafaq Ali)
pm / Pop-up learning seminar – Does student voice work in English?
(led by Y10/8 students
Gloria Olajide, Gift Onomor and Katie Butler plus Naomi Claro de Oliveira, Deborah, Nafisa Chowdhury, Leona Letts, GraceOdebode, Yunis Mohamed and Lily Pho) / Music - Is Beethoven’s music better than Korean pop music? (discussion with musical examples)
(led by Y12 student Sam Taylor and Sophie Long) / Modern Foreign Languages -How I made great progress in French
(led by Miss Gordon and Y8/Y9/Y12 MFL students TaibaBayette, Saezar Omer) / History - WereMahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King moral successes but political failures?
(led by Y10/11 history students Sivar Omer, Samuel Banson, Andre Lawrence, Abdullahi Abdi) / Citizenship and Politics - Why I am against human rights and why aren’t young people more interested in politics?
(led by Y11 student Taina Silva and Y9/8 students Balkisa Hassan and Ava Scott-Nadal) / History/Great Books
Machiavelli’s Prince– is it better to be feared than to be loved?
(led by Y12
History students Usman Bajwa and Faisal Abu-Jajah) / Pop-up learning seminar -Does feedback really work?
(led by Y10 students – Mollie Gazzard and LateefKesinro) / History - Middle East today - Why did communism fail in Iran and why does the west hate Iran today?
(led by Y11 student SofiaEhsani)
pm / Lunch
(led by Y10 ambassadors) / Lunch
(led by Y10 ambassadors) / Lunch
(led by Y10 ambassadors) / Lunch
(led by Y10 ambassadors) / Lunch
(led by Y10 ambassadors) / Lunch
(led by Y10 ambassadors) / Lunch
(led by Y10 ambassadors) / Lunch
(led by Y10 ambassadors) / Lunch
(led by Y10 ambassadors) / Lunch
(led by Y10 ambassadors) / Lunch
(led by Y10 ambassadors)
Time / 6th Form Common Rm. / Room 075 / Room 161 / Room 162 / Room 163 / Room 164 / Library / Humanities 151 / DT Room / Music Room / Art Room
pm / Pop-up learning seminar – Do you really know how to take notes and ask questions?
(led by Y12 students Maren Odhiamboand BushraBaig) / Debate 1 ‘Learning styles exist and affect how students learn’ - Y11 ForAbdullahi Abdi, Sean Flood, Ashley Garberv Y12 Against
Daniel Nana-Klouvi/AngelaSmadu/Sophie Long
Debate 2 ‘Unhealthy lifestyles are not the business of government’ - Y13 ForGloriaLaoye, AndresPanduro, BrenoCancellieriv Y13 Against: SamTaylor (promoted from Y12 today)/SelasiAtakli/Toni-Ann Thomas
Both debates chaired by Y10 students:
Gift Onomor/
Katie Butler
Winners go to semi-final / Debate 1
‘Group work is better than listening to a teacher explain things’ - Y7 For Jack Chaplin/Bruno Chavezv Y8 AgainstEllie Lieu/Naomi Claro de Oliveira
Debate 2 ‘Creativity cannot be taught.’ Y9 For JohnOlakanpo/Yen Hoang/Shai Moorcroftv Y10 AgainstAlex Ferrier/Gloria Olajide/Jenny Nguyen
Both debates chaired by Y12/13 students:BrenoCancellieri/
Gloria Laoye
Winners go to semi-final / Flashpoints:
Why did the British and Roman empiresreally collapse?
(led by Y10/11 History students
Abdul Abdifatah, AbubakarAbdihakim, David Ngungu) / Computer Science: Do you really know what the Web is?
(led by Stephan Fowler, lead web developer Guardian newspaper and Y11 computing students)
[Session nearly full – only a few spaces available – we cannot guarantee places] / History/Great Books: Dante’s Divine Comedy – what is it about?
(led by Y11/Y12 History studentsChiyana Ankhrahand FaizaAbdul) / Science:
Einstein’s relativity, Red Shift and Big Bang
(led by Y11 Science students
Sean Flood and Thamim Miah) / Citizenship and Politics: Is it possible to end discrimination in society?
(led by Y9 Najma Mohammed) / Classics – Sophocles Ajax - why I studied AS Classics in my own time and what university summer school is like
(led by Y13 student Toni-Ann Thomas) / Music -Singing workshop continues
Time / 6th Form Common Rm. / Room 075 / Room 161 / Room 162 / Room 163 / Room 164 / Library / Humanities 151 / DT Room / Music Room / Art Room
pm / Pop-up drama workshop – A Streetcar named Desire
(led by Y12 students James McCallum, BushraBaig and Shanice Pascal) / Debate semi-final 1 - ‘The UK must embrace the use of fracking’
Debate semi-final 2 -
‘Artistic expression should never be censored’
(both debates chaired by non-partisan students) / Politics and History - How did we get from Thatcherism to UKIP?
(led by Y13 student AzizulRabbe) / University destinations - From Addeys to Art and Drama: ex- Addeys students report back from university
(led by Lale Ahmet, Ciara Dempsey) / University destinations - From Addeys to Science PhD and Medicine: ex- Addeys students report back from university
(led by Trang Nguyen, Safiya Rose-Hartwell) / Geography – My Voice My Change India project
(led by Y8/9 students Jesse Babudoh, Adam Abdullah) / Pop-up sessions may be offered to students in addition based on questions that have arisen over the day if there is sufficient demand and ideas
pm / Debate final:
‘Unhealthy lifestyles are not the business of government’
Chaired by non-partisan students / Pop-up learning seminar
What, when, where and why was your best ever learning or teaching experience?
(led by all students not doing other sessions and Prof. Nigel Tubbs) / Sports Psychology – What is it and can it help you succeed?
(led by Y12 student Danielle Blake) / University destinations - From Addeys to History and Sports Science degrees: ex- Addeys students report back from university
(led by Jelena Lukic, Matthew Kirkby) / Pop-up sessions may be offered to students in addition based on questions that have arisen over the day if there is sufficient demand and ideas
pm / Closing address: What is university really for?
(Led by Prof. Nigel Tubbs plus
Music Dept. sing)
Enjoyed the learning conference? - Please complete the feedback sheet below and we will try and run another one soon.
- What did you learn today that was new in terms of knowledge about a subject?
- What did you learn today that has helped you in how you learn in general eg. about revision?
- What was the most intellectually demanding session? Why?
- What was the most enjoyable session? Why?
- What was the most memorable part of the day? (think of a quote or something somebody said, a learning experience or something different)
- What will you change about your learning methods after today (including in lessons)?
- Overall, how would you sum up the day?
- If you are applying for 6th form, will you applying to Addeys as a result of today’s experience?
- Do you have any ideas for how we can improve the next conference?
Thanks – please write your name and email details here before handing in your comments: