Addey and Stanhope PLATO (Pupils Leading and Teaching Others) Learning Conference 1 2014- Addeys6th Form Centre + Art/Music/Humanities rooms, Saturday November 15th, 2014 – all welcome!

Time / 6th Form CommonRm. / Room 075 / Room 161 / Room 162 / Room 163 / Room 164 / Library / Humanities Room 151 / DT Room / Music Room / Art Room
(except for early arrivals at 9am) / Intro, staff briefing and refreshments
(led by Y11 prefects) / (9-9.45am) Early bird lecture: a brief history of education
(Mr. Taylor)
am / Voice improvement workshop
[Session full – no more room available although there may be 1 or 2 spaces on the day]
(led by Martin Wylde, Central School of Speech and Drama and Y13 studentshelped by Danielle Blake Y12)
Voice improvement workshop continues / Project briefings -
Are video games bad for young people?- how do you make a video game?
(led by Y9 EPQ students Dylan Marsh, Kelvin Ly) / Project Briefings - Why do we eat food that is bad for us? -Can we afford ethical eating? - Tobacco v e-smoking – Should drugs be legalised?
(led by Y9 EPQ students ArisNezaj, Khoi Khai, Natalia Williams, Zayne Zaman) / Project Briefings - Evolutionism v Creationism – Shamanism - Was Anne Frank really important? -Great Wall of China – how do you make a video game?
(led by Y9 EPQ students HeyliSokoli,RubyGilburt,MarienAddo,Jamie Su) / Economics and Business –
Bulls and Bears - the great share portfolio showdown
[Session full – no more room available although there may be 1 or 2 spaces on the day]
(led by Mr. Davis/Miss Thompson plus Y12/13 Economics and Business students)
Economics and Business –
Bulls and Bears - the great share portfolio showdown
continues / Great Books: Homer’s Odyssey and Iliad
(led by Y9 EPQ students Akin Agiri, Curtis Trynka) / Religion and Politics - What’s the difference between Sunni and Shia in Islam and why did the split happen?
(led by Y12/Y9 students FaizaAbdishakur, Noor Mughal Bahja Hassan; Amal Abdullahi) / Citizenship and Politics -
Who was Harvey Milk?
(led by Y10 HUG students Amy Le, HeatherChuk, NanaAtuah, AnitaNkadi, Jenny Nguyen) / Design and Technology - What is the DT Unity project?
(led by Y9 students)
Design and Technology Unity project continues / Music -Singing workshop
(led by Mr. Teager and Y8/9 Music students)
Music -Singing workshop continues / Art - Hand building techniques in clay
(led by Mr. Davies and Y8/9 Art students)
Art - Hand building techniques in clay continues
am / Science - What was the greatest ever scientific experiment?
(led by Y13 students GloriaLaoye, BrenoCancellieri, Rima Begum, Juliana Yan) / Maths – How we improved and discovered some great equations
(led by Y9 students
Akin Agiri and Esther Koudou) / History – Why did the USA really lose in Vietnam?
(led by Y13/ Y11 students SelasiAtakli, Lorraine Ashley plus Isa Ssetuba, IgorTerzic, Jahid Hasan) / Great Books –Plato’s Republic - what is Plato’s Cave, why was it imagined and how do we get out of it?
(led by Y12/Y9 History students
Sophie Long and Yen Hoang) / English Literature: analysis of quotations
(led by Y12 students
Millie Brookes, Jasmine Brown, Eleanor Prenderghast, Reece Clarke) / Project Briefings –Is feminism dead? – Body image and fashion - Should we judge people on their dress?
(led by Y9 EPQ students Ines Proenca, Mary Berry and Mariam Roble)
Time / 6th Form Common Rm. / Room 075 / Room 161 / Room 162 / Room 163 / Room 164 / Library / Humanities 151 / DT Room / Music Room / Art Room
am / Break
(led by Y11 prefects) / Break
(led by Y11 prefects) / Break
(led by Y11 prefects) / Break
(led by Y11 prefects) / Break
(led by Y11 prefects) / Break
(led by Y11 prefects) / Break
(led by Y11 prefects) / Break
(led by Y11 prefects) / Break
(led by Y11 prefects) / Break
(led by Y11 prefects) / Break
(led by Y11 prefects)
am / Pop-up learning seminar – What is the best way to revise?
(led by Y13/11 students Toni-Ann Thomas, Rima Begum and TamikahUkachi) / Modern/
Ancient Foreign Languages - Abrief history of language plus Latin inferences
(led by Y11 students Jael Boateng and ChiyanaAnkhrah) / History - What is the difference between modern and Renaissance architecture?
(led by Y13/12students Andres Panduroand Faisal Abu-Jajar) / Science – can we find a cure for Ebola and can young doctors help?
(led by
Y11/10 Science students Kien Hang and Zumeya Mohamed) / Economics and Business - How do you set up your own business?
(led by Mr Kerr plus Y12 students) / History/Great Books: Aristotle’s Ethics– does it make sense and help us live better lives today?
(led by Y12 History studentsHannah Laurence, Daniel Nana-Klouvi) / Military History – Russian T34 v German Tiger: What was the greatest tank in World War 2?
(led by Larry Amin Y11 and Alexander Kulvits Y10) / Geography – Masters of the Globe Knowledge Bee
(led by Y8 students Scarlet Scott Nadal, Amanda Sam and Junior Malentin) / Design and Technology Unity project continues / Music -Singing workshop continues
Music -Singing workshop continues / Art - Hand building techniques in clay continues
Art - Hand building techniques in clay continues
Plus Art History interval - Why we love Raphael’s School of Athensand who is in it
(led by Y12 students Peter Farmer, Abdul Abdullahi and Jafaq Ali)
pm / Pop-up learning seminar – Does student voice work in English?
(led by Y10/8 students
Gloria Olajide, Gift Onomor and Katie Butler plus Naomi Claro de Oliveira, Deborah, Nafisa Chowdhury, Leona Letts, GraceOdebode, Yunis Mohamed and Lily Pho) / Music - Is Beethoven’s music better than Korean pop music? (discussion with musical examples)
(led by Y12 student Sam Taylor and Sophie Long) / Modern Foreign Languages -How I made great progress in French
(led by Miss Gordon and Y8/Y9/Y12 MFL students TaibaBayette, Saezar Omer) / History - WereMahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King moral successes but political failures?
(led by Y10/11 history students Sivar Omer, Samuel Banson, Andre Lawrence, Abdullahi Abdi) / Citizenship and Politics - Why I am against human rights and why aren’t young people more interested in politics?
(led by Y11 student Taina Silva and Y9/8 students Balkisa Hassan and Ava Scott-Nadal) / History/Great Books
Machiavelli’s Prince– is it better to be feared than to be loved?
(led by Y12
History students Usman Bajwa and Faisal Abu-Jajah) / Pop-up learning seminar -Does feedback really work?
(led by Y10 students – Mollie Gazzard and LateefKesinro) / History - Middle East today - Why did communism fail in Iran and why does the west hate Iran today?
(led by Y11 student SofiaEhsani)
pm / Lunch
(led by Y10 ambassadors) / Lunch
(led by Y10 ambassadors) / Lunch
(led by Y10 ambassadors) / Lunch
(led by Y10 ambassadors) / Lunch
(led by Y10 ambassadors) / Lunch
(led by Y10 ambassadors) / Lunch
(led by Y10 ambassadors) / Lunch
(led by Y10 ambassadors) / Lunch
(led by Y10 ambassadors) / Lunch
(led by Y10 ambassadors) / Lunch
(led by Y10 ambassadors)
Time / 6th Form Common Rm. / Room 075 / Room 161 / Room 162 / Room 163 / Room 164 / Library / Humanities 151 / DT Room / Music Room / Art Room
pm / Pop-up learning seminar – Do you really know how to take notes and ask questions?
(led by Y12 students Maren Odhiamboand BushraBaig) / Debate 1 ‘Learning styles exist and affect how students learn’ - Y11 ForAbdullahi Abdi, Sean Flood, Ashley Garberv Y12 Against
Daniel Nana-Klouvi/AngelaSmadu/Sophie Long
Debate 2 ‘Unhealthy lifestyles are not the business of government’ - Y13 ForGloriaLaoye, AndresPanduro, BrenoCancellieriv Y13 Against: SamTaylor (promoted from Y12 today)/SelasiAtakli/Toni-Ann Thomas
Both debates chaired by Y10 students:
Gift Onomor/
Katie Butler
Winners go to semi-final / Debate 1
‘Group work is better than listening to a teacher explain things’ - Y7 For Jack Chaplin/Bruno Chavezv Y8 AgainstEllie Lieu/Naomi Claro de Oliveira
Debate 2 ‘Creativity cannot be taught.’ Y9 For JohnOlakanpo/Yen Hoang/Shai Moorcroftv Y10 AgainstAlex Ferrier/Gloria Olajide/Jenny Nguyen
Both debates chaired by Y12/13 students:BrenoCancellieri/
Gloria Laoye
Winners go to semi-final / Flashpoints:
Why did the British and Roman empiresreally collapse?
(led by Y10/11 History students
Abdul Abdifatah, AbubakarAbdihakim, David Ngungu) / Computer Science: Do you really know what the Web is?
(led by Stephan Fowler, lead web developer Guardian newspaper and Y11 computing students)
[Session nearly full – only a few spaces available – we cannot guarantee places] / History/Great Books: Dante’s Divine Comedy – what is it about?
(led by Y11/Y12 History studentsChiyana Ankhrahand FaizaAbdul) / Science:
Einstein’s relativity, Red Shift and Big Bang
(led by Y11 Science students
Sean Flood and Thamim Miah) / Citizenship and Politics: Is it possible to end discrimination in society?
(led by Y9 Najma Mohammed) / Classics – Sophocles Ajax - why I studied AS Classics in my own time and what university summer school is like
(led by Y13 student Toni-Ann Thomas) / Music -Singing workshop continues
Time / 6th Form Common Rm. / Room 075 / Room 161 / Room 162 / Room 163 / Room 164 / Library / Humanities 151 / DT Room / Music Room / Art Room
pm / Pop-up drama workshop – A Streetcar named Desire
(led by Y12 students James McCallum, BushraBaig and Shanice Pascal) / Debate semi-final 1 - ‘The UK must embrace the use of fracking’
Debate semi-final 2 -
‘Artistic expression should never be censored’
(both debates chaired by non-partisan students) / Politics and History - How did we get from Thatcherism to UKIP?
(led by Y13 student AzizulRabbe) / University destinations - From Addeys to Art and Drama: ex- Addeys students report back from university
(led by Lale Ahmet, Ciara Dempsey) / University destinations - From Addeys to Science PhD and Medicine: ex- Addeys students report back from university
(led by Trang Nguyen, Safiya Rose-Hartwell) / Geography – My Voice My Change India project
(led by Y8/9 students Jesse Babudoh, Adam Abdullah) / Pop-up sessions may be offered to students in addition based on questions that have arisen over the day if there is sufficient demand and ideas
pm / Debate final:
‘Unhealthy lifestyles are not the business of government’
Chaired by non-partisan students / Pop-up learning seminar
What, when, where and why was your best ever learning or teaching experience?
(led by all students not doing other sessions and Prof. Nigel Tubbs) / Sports Psychology – What is it and can it help you succeed?
(led by Y12 student Danielle Blake) / University destinations - From Addeys to History and Sports Science degrees: ex- Addeys students report back from university
(led by Jelena Lukic, Matthew Kirkby) / Pop-up sessions may be offered to students in addition based on questions that have arisen over the day if there is sufficient demand and ideas
pm / Closing address: What is university really for?
(Led by Prof. Nigel Tubbs plus
Music Dept. sing)

Enjoyed the learning conference? - Please complete the feedback sheet below and we will try and run another one soon.

  1. What did you learn today that was new in terms of knowledge about a subject?

  1. What did you learn today that has helped you in how you learn in general eg. about revision?

  1. What was the most intellectually demanding session? Why?

  1. What was the most enjoyable session? Why?

  1. What was the most memorable part of the day? (think of a quote or something somebody said, a learning experience or something different)

  1. What will you change about your learning methods after today (including in lessons)?

  1. Overall, how would you sum up the day?

  1. If you are applying for 6th form, will you applying to Addeys as a result of today’s experience?

  1. Do you have any ideas for how we can improve the next conference?

Thanks – please write your name and email details here before handing in your comments: