Revised October 2012
Tangipahoa Parish School System
High School Redesign Five-Year Plan Overview
Goal: To increase high school graduation rates.
Objective 1: Allow students the opportunity to earn Carnegie units that will enable them to graduate within a four-year period (Examples: e2020, Louisiana Virtual School, Distance Learning).
Objective 2: Provide additional support to students to enable them to be successful in ninth grade and graduate from high school (Examples: 8th grade transitional plan, 9th grade academy, advisory groups, intervention for high risk courses).
Objective 3: Increase the relevance of the high school experience for students preparing them for post-secondary opportunities (Examples: dual enrollment, industry-based certification, locally-designed certificates, senior projects, project-based learning).
2009-2010 / District Requirement:Implement Credit Recovery to enable students to make up Carnegie units. / School Selection (Choose one):
Louisiana Virtual School
Advisory Groups/TEAMS
Advanced Placement Classes
Project-Based Learning
Transitional Plans/Classes
Intervention for high risk courses
Other: ______
2010-2011 / District Requirement:
Implement a Ninth Grade Academy. / School Selection (Choose one):
Louisiana Virtual School
Advisory Groups/TEAMS
Advanced Placement Classes
Project-Based Learning
Transitional Plans/Classes
Intervention for high risk courses
Other: ______
2011-2012 / District Requirement:
Increase the number of students dually enrolled by ____% each year. / School Selection (Choose one):
Louisiana Virtual School
Advisory Groups/TEAMS
Advanced Placement Classes
Project-Based Learning
Transitional Plans/Classes
Intervention for high risk courses
Other: ______
2012-2013 / District Requirement:
Increase the number of industry-based certifications by ___% each year. / School Selection (Choose one):
Louisiana Virtual School
Advisory Groups/TEAMS
Advanced Placement Classes
Project-Based Learning
Transitional Plans/Classes
Intervention for high risk courses
Other: ______
2013-2014 / District Requirement:
Implement and expand virtual school opportunities, which may be used to address any of the following needs: ACT preparation, credit recovery, GEE/EOC remediation, homebound, full virtual (for dropout prevention, overage, or home schooled students, etc.), or blended/new credit. / School Selection (Choose one):
Louisiana Virtual School
Advisory Groups/TEAMS
Advanced Placement Classes
Project-Based Learning
Transitional Plans/Classes
Intervention for high risk courses
Senior Project
ACT Preparation Classes
Other: ______
High School Redesign
Process for Implementation and Monitoring
Tangipahoa Parish School System is committed to providing adequate support to high school principals and staff members as they implement new district initiatives and various facets of high school redesign. Outlined below is a plan for implementation and monitoring:
1. Principals will review the High School Redesign Five-Year Plan Overview.
2. Principals will complete the High School Redesign Commitment Form and submit a copy to the school contact supervisor and the Director of Curriculum.
3. The principal and secondary supervisors will meet to develop a High School Redesign Implementation Plan. At the conference, a High School Redesign Implementation Plan will be completed for submission. The plan will identify specific strategies for implementation as well as a timeline.
4. Throughout the year, secondary supervisors will schedule school visits to monitor the progress of implementation.
5. At the end of the year, the principal will partially complete the High School Redesign End-of-Year Evaluation regarding implementation progress (form will be completed at end-of-year conference with secondary staff). If applicable, evidence identified in the Implementation Plan should be gathered.
6. The secondary supervisory staff will meet with the principal for an end-of-year conference to review implementation progress and make recommendations. At that time, the High School Redesign End-of-Year Evaluation Form will be completed.