ECP 2006 DILI 510049
Dissemination Plan
Deliverable number / D 8.1Dissemination level / Public
Delivery date / 25/02/2008
Status / Final
Author(s) / Araceli Sánchez-Piñol, BNE
This project is funded under the eContentplus programme[1],
a multiannual Community programme to make digital content in Europe more accessible, usable and exploitable.
Version / Date / Change Made (and if appropriate reason for change) / Initials of Commentator(s) or Author(s)
0.0 / 25/02/2008 / Dissemination Plan / AS, BNE
Document Review
Reviewer / Institution / Date and result of the review
Jakub Heller / CCP / 27/02/2008
Adolf Knoll / NKP / 29/02/2008
Approved By (signature) / Date
Accepted by at European Commission (signature) / Date
1Executive Summary
This document describes the Dissemination Plan to be adopted by ENRICH, European Networking Resources and Information concerning Cultural Heritage, a project co-funded by the eContentPlus programme ECP 2006 DILI 510049 ENRICH.
The Dissemination Plan identifies and organises the activities to be performed in order to promote ENRICH aims and ambitious targets, and to disseminate all around the world the project outcomes.
1Executive Summary......
2.1Purpose of the Dissemination Plan......
2.2Target Audience......
2.3Dissemination strategy......
3Project presentation......
3.1Project objectives, goals and Description of Work......
3.2List of project participants/partners......
4Dissemination Strategy and Methodology......
4.1Target audiences......
4.2Channels for reaching audiences......
5Promotion of goals for 2008/2009......
5.1To get new associated partners of the ENRICH project......
5.2To get new users of the Manuscriptorium Digital Library......
5.3To attract the attention of state administration and other funding bodies......
5.4To liaise with similar projects and programmes outside EU and outside Europe......
6Dissemination activities......
6.1Partner participation...... 14
Appendix i...... 15
Appendix ii...... 18
2.1Purpose of theDissemination Plan
The Dissemination Plan presents the first results of WP 8 Dissemination and Exploitation, Task 8.1Dissemination Plan Production.This plan is intended to be periodically updated with reports on dissemination activities.
The main aim of the Dissemination Plan is the promotion of ENRICH project and the Manuscriptorium to a wider audience, especially among contributors and users.
This document is intended to be a live folder, which will continuously be enriched with the forthcoming project’s achievements and contributions from partners as well as from associate partners.
Section 3 presents the project, whilst section 4 deals with the dissemination strategy and methodology. Dissemination activities and actions are reported in section 6.
Appendix I lists Manuscriptorium content partners before the beginning of the project and the content partners acquired in relationship with the ENRICH project.
Appendix II lists dissemination activities of each partner (completed and planned).
The Appendices will be updated regularly as the project progresses.
2.2Target Audience
The Dissemination Plan contemplates activities and actions to attract the two big categories of the Manuscriptorium user groups:
- Partner institutions which contribute with their content to Manuscriptorium;
- Users of the Manuscriptorium data, be they individuals, special user groups, or institutions;
2.3Dissemination strategy
The Dissemination Strategy is a contributor and user oriented strategy to aggregate similar digital content through Europe especially in the area of digital access to manuscripts and to bring new users to the Manuscriptorium Digital Library.
According to the Technical Annex of the project, the workpackage dedicated to Dissemination and Exploitation will:
- promote the ENRICH-enhanced Manuscriptorium system features on national and international levels via specialized activities to special target user groups and lately to wide public
- present the system and explain the proposed services for further exploitation to public administrators, cultural organisations, educational organisations, on-line media companies, content producers, publishers, and archive holders
- examine further possible applications of the system and prepare the plan for further replication of project results
3Project presentation
3.1Project objectives, goalsand Description of Work
ENRICH is a targeted project funded under the eContentPlus programme. Its objective is to provide seamless access to distributed digital representations of old documentary heritage from various European cultural institutions in order to create a shared virtual research environment especially for study of manuscripts, but also incunabula, rare old printed books, and other historical documents. It builds on the Manuscriptorium Digital Library ( that has already managed to aggregate data from 46 collections from the Czech Republic and abroad.
The project groups together almost 85% currently digitized manuscripts in the national libraries in Europe. These collections will be enhanced by substantial amount of data from university libraries and other types of institutions. The consortium will make available more than five million digitized pages.
Manuscriptorium is a result of 15 years of work and development carried jointly by two important Czech institutions: AIP Beroun Ltd. and the National Library of the CzechRepublic. It is the richest digital manuscript resource in Europe putting at disposal more than one million digitized pages, having a safe digital archive, enjoying of state support for digitization, and talking in Czech and English languages. Ca. 50% of its users come from abroad and it operates a special clone for support of teaching and learning in secondary schools. Its origins are in the Memory of the World programme of UNESCO; therefore, the National Library of the CzechRepublic received the UNESCO world Jikji award in 2005. The Manuscriptorium-related digitization knowledge and know-how have been taught and shared in many countries of the world.
Manuscriptorium builds on a robust xml schema the most important part of which is the European MASTER format for electronic description of manuscripts based on TEI. The basic corpus of data is made available from the digital storage facilities operated by AiP Beroun Ltd in the Czech Republic. The ENRICH project will integrate even more data from remote foreign digital libraries. The metadata records for the central database will be preferably collected via the OAI protocol; they will contain links to images stored in remote image databanks. Necessary transformation routines will be created and tuned for each partner. Specialized on-line tools will be also developed to enable Manuscriptorium schema compatible metadata structuring and output validation for those partners that have digital data with no presentation tools and will like to make them available.
ENRICH target user groups are content owners/holders, libraries, museums and archives, researchers and students, policy makers, and general interest users. The project will allow them to search and access documents which would otherwise be hardly accessible. Besides images, it will be also able to offer access to TEI-structured historical full texts, research resources, other types of illustrative data (audio and video files), or large images of historical maps. The ENRICH consortium will closely cooperate with TEL (The European Library) and will become a component part of the European Digital Library when this becomes reality.
The users will get tools that will assist them to create their own documents and personal digital libraries in Manuscriptorium using any analytical objects of which the documents consist. Tools for usage of more languages will be offered for application in Manuscriptorium as well as multilingual ontologies enabling search in local languages and retrieval of data in source languages.
The ENRICH consortium consists of 18 partners and the project is also supported by a number of other institutions among which there are many important content owners.
The project is coordinated by the National Library of the CzechRepublic together with other two Czech partners: AiP Beroun Ltd. and Crossczech Prague Inc. The first two Czech institutions are also workpackage leaders as well as Oxford University Computing Services, Università degli Studi di Firenze - Centro per la comunicazione e l’integrazione dei media, Institute of mathematics and informatics in Vilnius, SYSTRAN Paris, and the National Library of Spain. Other important technical and content partners are: Københavns Universitet - Nordisk Foskningsinstitut, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze, University Library Vilnius, University Library Wrocław, Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum in Reykjavík, Computer Science for the Humanities – Cologne University, St. Pölten Diocese Archive (Monasterium project, Austria), National and University Library of Iceland, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, and Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Centre.
The interest to cooperate has been expressed, among others, also by the national libraries of Hungary, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Sweden, and Turkey as well as by the university libraries in Bratislava, Bucharest, or Heidelberg. The list of associated partners will grow during the project duration.
3.2List of project participants/partners
Role / No. / Name / Short name / CountryCo / 1 / Národní knihovna České republiky – National Library of the Czech Republic, Prague / NKP / CZ
CR / 2 / Cross Czech, a.s., Prague / CCP / CZ
CR / 3 / AiP Beroun, s r.o., Beroun / AIP / CZ
CR / 4 / OxfordUniversity Computing Services, Oxford / OUCS / GB
CR / 5 / Københavns Universitet - Nordisk Foskningsinstitut, Copenhagen / KU / DK
CR / 6 / Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze – National Library in Florence / BNCF / IT
CR / 7 / Centro per la comunicazione e l’integrazione dei media -
Media Integration and Communicaiton Centre, Florence / MICF / IT
CR / 8 / Institute of mathematics and informatics, Vilnius / IMI / LT
CR / 9 / University Library Vilnius / VUL / LT
CR / 10 / SYSTRAN S.A., Paris / SYS / FR
CR / 11 / University Library Wroclaw - ULW / ULW / PL
CR / 12 / Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum / SAM / IS
CR / 13 / Computer Science for the Humanities - Universität zu Köln / UZK / DE
CR / 14 / St. Pölten Diocese Archive / DSP / AT
CR / 15 / The National and University Library of Iceland, Reykjavík / NULI / IS
CR / 16 / The National Library of Spain, Madrid / BNE / ES
CR / 17 / The BudapestUniversity of Technology and Economics / BUTE / HU
CR / 18 / Poznań Supercomputing and NetworkingCenter / PSNC / PL
4Dissemination Strategy and Methodology
The main aim of this Dissemination Plan is the promotion of Enrich and the Manuscriptorium. In order to achieve the goals and be able to accomplish this main aim, we have decided on a contributor and user oriented strategy.
Thus, the key concept in the ENRICH dissemination is the definition of ENRICH target audiences; once those are defined, the dissemination activitiesandactions will be tailored in such a way to act most efficiently on concrete target audiences through appropriately selected dissemination channels.
The methodology to use will aim at communication with the external world, which is composed, for the ENRICH needs, from ENRICH target groups for which the dissemination activities are prepared and tailored.
4.1Target audiences
ENRICH targets two main groups of audiences:
- Contributors
- Users and supporters
Contributors are any potential producers of digital information about manuscripts and also rare old printed books or other materials. They may be libraries, archives, museums, galleries, monasteries, castle libraries, or any collection holders incl. the private individuals.
From the point of view of digital data production, we may distinguish between the following categories of contributors:
a)Those running advanced digital libraries of such materials, containing bibliographic descriptions and the data representing the originals (mostly images and/or full texts) as well as any other data that serve for better understanding or study of such materials. These contributors may cooperate automatically after the setup of necessary profiles and routines in OAI communication or batch processing of data.
b)Those running any electronic catalogues or registers containing the metadata of interesting materials, but unable to communicate via OAI. The contributors can be accepted via production of ad-hoc transformation routines enabling the integration of their records into the Manuscriptorium Digital Library.
c)Those having mostly digital image representation of some manuscripts without on-line presentation tools. These contributors will be offered the off-line and on-line structuring tools and the Manuscriptorium for Candidates virtual environment for self-service in making their data available through Manuscriptorium.
The most important methods of dissemination for this target groups are workshops and seminars. To make the work efficient, it is necessary to prepare the Manuscriptorium general leaflet and technical leaflets explaining the ways of cooperation. In parallel, all the necessary contractual documents shall be ready for download in English language.
Any Manuscriptorium contributor shall get full access to all the data in the digital library, while the candidates will get only individual access rights for the period during which the work on integration of their data will take place.
As seen above, the contributors are split in two categories:
a)contracted contributors
b)potential contributors, i.e. candidates
The contracted contributors shall accept also the duty to promote the Manuscriptorium in their sphere of work both as to getting new contributors and new users. This task shall be also added to the contracts.
From the point of view of the ENRICH project, the contributors that are not direct ENRICH partners are called associated partners.
The enlargement of associated partnership is the most important goal of the ENRICH dissemination activities in the sphere of the contributors target group.
The dissemination activities in this area will be mostly fed by the output and needs of the workpackage no. 5 Personalization for contributors.
A special kind of associated partnership may be developed between Manuscriptorium and similar activities in the world, e.g. specialized segments of national digital library initiatives in Korea and China.
Users and supporters
The users range from serious scientific researchers to general public. ENRICH and Manuscriptorium shall develop special strategies to comply with typical user needs as it will be specified in the workpackage no. 4 User personalization. The preferred user group will be researchers and teachers.
The supporters are those who have no specific research interests in Manuscriptorium, but their special interests, e.g. in the cultural heritage or educational sectors or communications, can be backed efficiently with the Manuscriptorium activities. In fact, this is about a kind of bilateral support. This group contains cultural and scientific organizations (e.g. UNESCO) as well as organizations grouping any representatives of the above target groups (e.g. IFLA, CENL and TEL, LIBER, CENL, etc.).
For the continuation of the work after the end of ENRICH, the attention and interest of governmental institutions should be attracted as well as the attention of media. From the institutional point of view, we can distinguish between the categories as follows:
•Memory institutions (public, university, research, monastery, castle and any other specialized libraries; museums, and archives)
•Specialized manuscript research institutions (schools, universities, etc.) and researchers
•Governmental institutions (UNESCO)
•Non-governmental organisations and institutions (IFLA, CENL, CERL, etc.)
•Related projects, coalitions, institutions and initiatives (TEL, EDLnet, national digital library initiatives containing digital access to manuscripts, etc.)
•Corporate and individual users
4.2Channels for reaching audiences
In order to reach out the above audiences, ENRICH uses a number of channels and cooperates with other relevant national and international organizations, programmes and projects, research and support actions sharing similar objectives. These are:
Internal channels (special audience):
•UNESCO and especially its Memory of the World programme
•The European Library (TEL) initiatives and related projects, such as TELplus and EDLnet
•Major world digitization programmes, projects, and initiatives, which include access to manuscripts, such as, for example, the Korean and Chinese National Digital Libraries.
•Professional non-governmental institutions, such as IFLA
•Governmental initiatives
External channels (wide-range audience):
•Mass media
•Professional conferences and journals
•Mailing lists
5Promotion of goals for 2008/2009
5.1To get new associated partners of the ENRICH project
The project partners will bring more than five million digitized pages under the Manuscriptorium interface; these will be added to the existing more than one million digitized pages and a lot of other types of data from the existing 46 Manuscriptorium partners from various institutions, from which 12 were the institutions outside the Czech Republic.
Not all the interested institutions in EU wished to become partners from various reasons, but many of them expressed the willingness to participate as associated partners from outside of the project, e.g., the national libraries of Poland and Sweden, and other institutions from Germany, Hungary, and Slovakia.
Three Romanian institutions are willing to cooperate; they could not become the project partners, as the country had not yet been the EU member when the 2006 Call for Proposals was closed.Many institutions from associated countries and other countries expressed their willingness to cooperate before the call for proposals was closed and even after that (Turkey, Serbia, Macedonia, Moldova, and Kazakhstan).All these institutions and many other ones possess the Manuscriptorium relevant content.These institutions should be formally and practically involved in the common building of the digital library.
A campaign is necessary to bring other institutions in, which have not yet considered, from different reasons, to be Manuscriptorium members.
5.2To get new users of the Manuscriptorium Digital Library
Manuscriptorium is rather highly used even today; it has more users per year than for example the Czech Uniform Information Gateway for search in various library resources. About 50% of the users come from other countries than from the country of origin, i.e. CzechRepublic. However, it is necessary to attract various user groups in other countries even more; this is possible through approaching especially the institutions that might be interested in the documentary heritage accessible from Manuscriptorium. A possible approach is also to go via agreements with such institutions as CENL, CERL, or others.
5.3To attract the attention of state administration and other funding bodies
Manuscriptorium is an important specialized component part of a future European Digital Library. As such, it should be understood by public bodies and state administration in our countries so that its building can be ensured after the end of the project. Also important foundations should be addressed as well as influential international institutions, such as UNESCO.
5.4To liaise with similar projects and programmes inside and outside Europe
The National Library of the CzechRepublic has been in contact with many institutions outside EU (see under associated partnership above) and in Asia with regards to Manuscriptorium. Most interest has been arisen in dialogue with the national libraries – incl. their national digitization initiatives - of Kazakhstan (see associated partnership), China, and Korea. The dialogue is going to continue.