LexEVS Meeting Minutes

Meeting Name: / LexEVS Technical meeting / Location: / Stabile 11-69
Date: / 08/018/2010 / Time: / 1:00 PM CDT
Facilitator: / Craig / Attendees: / Tracy, Kim, Margaret, Jason, Rob, Wil, Sherri, Scott, Kevin, Sridhar
Conf. Line / 866-365-4406, #5388249, Centra ID Mayo_LexGrid2
Topic / Discussion Points / Action Items
·  Status (Craig) / ·  LexEVS - Alpha 2 is in progress and looks like CTS2 functionality should all be included in this release.
·  We are also working on the ECCF documentation.
·  Working on caBIG annual meeting items – posters and presentation.
·  Sherri wanted to make sure we didn’t miss deadlines. We have presentation deadline on Sept 1. / · 
·  LexEVS API capability for sorting mapping data - [GF#29351] Extend CNG resolveAsList sorting capabilities to support sorting of mapping data. (Jason/Kim/Kevin) / ·  Sorting on the Qualifier value. Grouped by qualifiers and then sorted by value.
·  File is attached to Gforge item. / ·  Kim to update the Gforge item.
·  Kevin to review request and estimate effort.
·  Status of resource procurement for LexBIG 6.0. (Gilberto/Tracy) / ·  New servers being requested at each tier due to tech stack – red hat release.
·  DEV set up in process and progress being made, but not completed. / ·  Scott to update DRT with users who need access to DEV.
·  Useability of RESTful interface: would it make it easier for users like caMOD to weather LexBIG version changes, or would the model changes require just as much work from them? (Gilberto/Tracy) / ·  caMOD 4.2 is having difficult time doing the transition.
·  Sherri also had request from Avinash for more information about Rest-ful interfaces. She forward information from Craig to Avinash.
·  Partially generated by caCORE SDK. It is direct query-by-example interface. Most of the performance enhancements in java API do not apply to the rest-ful interface. It is very limited as to what can be done in search.
·  Brought up discussion of the REST API that Harold has been working on. Sherri wondered who was requesting it – there is a user base that wants REST API (Harold would need to provide). Suggested to be in scope for 6.1. / ·  Craig/Traci to set up time with Harold, Sherri, Larry, Avinash to disucss Restful.
·  Other Topics? / · 
·  OBO Loader - Rob / ·  In June release, disjoint statements to source for Gene ontology.
·  We can take file and try to load.
·  OBO loader doesn’t recognize preferences, but we could enable that.
·  Can also use manifest file to create hierarchy.
·  5.1 could run a script to get root nodes working.
·  6.0 need to have working. / ·  Kevin to pull down source and try to load.
·  Rob to create Gforge item.
Adjourn / Thanks for your participation!

LexEVS_20100818_MeetingNotes Page 2 of 2 10/6/2010