The Progressive Era
6.3 Progressivism and Reform- I can select and evaluate major public and social issues emerging from the changes in industrial, urban, and global America during this period; analyze the solutions or resolutions developed by Americans, and their consequences (positive/negative – anticipated/unanticipated) including, but not limited to, the following:
6.3.1 Social Issues – I can describe the significant problems or issues created by America’s industrial and urban transformations between the 1890s and 1930.
6.3.2 Causes and Consequences of Progressive Reform – I can analyze the causes, consequences, and limitations of Progressive reform in the following areas:
• major changes in the Constitution, and the Supreme Court’s role in supporting or slowing reform
• the rise of the administrative state
• role of reform organizations, movements and individuals in promoting change
• Efforts to both expand and restrict the practices of democracy as reflected in post-Civil War struggles of African Americans and immigrants with respect to the following issues/events:
• Jim Crow laws
• Disenfranchisement, poll taxes, literacy tests
• Economic marginalization and the sharecropping system by groups like the KKK
• Resistance to violence (e.g., Ida B. Wells and the anti-lynching campaign of the late 1800’s and early 1900’s).
6.3.3 Women’s Suffrage – I can analyze the successes and failures of efforts to expand women’s rights, including the work of important leaders (e.g., Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton) and the eventual ratification of the 19th Amendment.
Unit Targets:
Vocabulary Target: I can use key vocabulary words and identify the significance of key people and events during the Progressive era.
Cause and Effect Target: I can explain the causes and effects of the Progressive era.
Resources Target: I can use historical maps, data, charts, graphs, photos, audio clips and video footage to explain and understand the Progressive era.
Documents Target: I can examine and analyze primary and secondary source documents relating to the Progressive era.
Sequencing/Chronology Target: I can identify the sequence and chronological order of major events during the Progressive era.
5I understand the goal and can apply it to personal experiences beyond the classroom. / 4
I understand the goal and can apply it to class assignments. / 3
I understand the goal, but need help applying it. / 2
I partially understand the goal. / 1
I do not understand the goal.