

The Performing groups in our school are totally committed to offering each student the opportunity to grow in appreciation and performance of the finest literature available. The groups also offer members the opportunity to develop citizenship, a strong sense of self-discipline and an increase in social interaction while broadening their cultural development in the area of the Fine Arts. Thank you for being a part of the band program at Nashua South High School.


The Nashua South High School Band Program offers the following ensembles: Band, Jazz Band and Jazz Literature and Improvisation Class.

1) Band is a 1 credit course that meets from (Last week in July)/August – June and rehearses 1 day after school in the fall (September-November) and does not require an audition (except for the percussion section)but must have previous performance experience to register for this course. The members of this ensemble march at all homes football games and one away game, parades and band shows as part of the course. After Marching Season the Band moves to Concert Literature performing at various concerts and Large Group Festival in March.

2) Jazz Improvisation and LiteratureClass - is a 1 credit course that meets during the school day throughout the year and does not require an audition. Students must have previous performance experience and be recommended by the instructor to register for the course.

4) Jazz Band – is an auditioned,extra-curricular group that meets after school for nocredit. This group consists of traditional “Big Band” instrumentation consisting of saxophones, trumpets, trombones, (baritone horn) piano, guitar, bass and drums.

Participation in the band programis open to theentire student body. Band students should be able to demonstrate theband objectives below.The performance aspect of the band program is a vital part of the musical skills needed to develop musical behaviors that are an integral part of the overall educational program.

As a part of the band curriculum, thestudents are required to participate inALL SCHEDULED FUNCTIONS.Because the performance aspect is so important in the final grading, and realizing thedemands placed on the students to meet the scheduled performance requirement, the following procedurewill be used to determine the Performance portion of the grade for each marking period in all performance areas:

1. Attendance at all scheduled events, including Winter and Spring Concerts, Large Group Festival, etc. is mandatory.

a. Non-attendance at these performances will be treated as an Excused

Absence or an Unexcused Absence and will be graded accordingly. (SEE



All absences due to illness, injury, family emergencies or family commitments areexamples. Students are required to notify the banddirector of their absencePRIOR to the scheduledevent, whenever possible, andbring a noteexplaining the absence. (Without a note, the absence is automatically unexcused.)

  1. An Excused Absencewill receive a grade of 0%. Students may work out extra credit make-up options with Mr. Courounis to earn back a portion of the points lost for anexcused absence,


Students who miss an event without authorization will receive an Unexcused Absence for that event. An Unexcused Absence from a scheduled performance shall receive a grade of 0%. Make-up extra credit options are not available for unexcused options.

(Work is not an excused absence) Students will always be notified at least two weeks in advance of any scheduled performance.

4. Both classroom and performance averages will be averaged together to determine

each marking period grade.

5. Mid-term and Final grades will include individual or small ensemble performancesand a writtenexamination by the banddirector.


Students must demonstrate the ability to play one's part in a band setting, demonstrate the ability to blendwithin a section, showdynamic control, articulates, and playwith good tone, intensity, focus and pitch.

Students inJAZZ BAND should show anexceptional interest in music and the ability to perform independently with good musical expression. They should also demonstrate the ability to sight-read both melodically and rhythmically with moderate ability. They are also required to perform several concerts and programs outside of school and these are mandatory provided reasonablenotice is given.


The primary basis for grading students involved in the band programs should be a sound learning situation and since performing is a concomitant of learning thedisciplines of music, a strong secondary basis for grading music must be the performance aspect.

If grading of students involved in the performing areas is to be academically defensible, and if it is to be a measure of learning through musical performance, then two aspects must be recognized. Since the facets of classroom learning and actual musical performance are so inter-related and cannot be separated from each other, the following grading procedures will be followed.

In quarters where there are scheduled performances 70% of the grade will be based on classroom effort, growth, music knowledge, cooperation, and project completion[**], while the other 30% is performance attendance, cooperation, promptness, uniform upkeep and effort. In quarters where there are no performances grades will be based solely on classroom criteria and project completion. A folder for each student will be kept in the music office with all paperwork and projects collected throughout the year.

Students will be graded on:

Daily Attendance

Daily Effort, Preparation and Participation




  • Therewill be quizzes and tests throughout each quarter. Some of thesewill be small group performances to determine if a student has learned their music, others will bewritten andeach student will be assessed on their improvement in sight-reading skills.
  • Musical performances with small groups prepared by the students will be presented to the class on a regular basis.
  • Band students will take afinal exam. The final exam will be specified in the fourth quarter.


  1. Students who attendextra bandrehearsals and sectional rehearsals may use these rehearsals to receiveextra credit for that marking period. They must attend all rehearsals in their entirety in order to receive to receive credit.
  2. Students who volunteer time to work in the music department may use this volunteer time for extra credit. Time must bedocumented and a written log of workdone must be turned in.


Students must meet the following competencies in Concert Band, Marching Band and Jazz Literature and Improvisation. The requirements for these competencies vary by course and by years enrolled. Details will be provided to students in each class.

  1. Students will perform music of varying styles alone and with others. Either vocally or instrumentally, using appropriate technique and expression.
  1. Students will read and notate music appropriate for their instrument

6. Students will evaluate and critique musical performances or varying styles using appropriate music terminology

7. Students will evaluate and critique their own performances and /or compositions using appropriate music terminology.

2011-2012Performance Dates

~ Band/Jazz Band

  • Fall/Football Schedule (Given out separately)
  • Santa Fund Concert ITuesdayDecember 20
  • Santa Fund Concert II & Snow DateWednesdayDecember 21
  • Grade 5 & 8 Music Push-up Day (in School)TuesdayFebruary 22

Snow DateWednesdayFebruary 23

  • Music In Our Schools Month ConcertWednesdayMarch 21
  • (Snow date)ThursdayMarch 22
  • Large Group FestivalFriday/Saturday March 23/24
  • Jazz NightWednesdayApril 4?
  • Nashua Plays FestivalTuesdayApril 10
  • Pops(Spring)ConcertThursdayMay 24
  • Memorial Day ParadeMondayMay 28
  • Music AwardsThursdayMay 31
  • GraduationTBDTBD

(Additional performance dates will be posted ASAP)

(Jazz Band Schedule ~ TBA)


Jazz All-State AuditionsSaturday, October 22, 2011

All-State AuditionsSaturday, November 19, 2011

NH Jazz All-State FestivalFebruary 2-4, 2012

NHAll-State FestivalApril 12-14, 2012

Fundraiser information may be found at the end of the handbook and on the NHSS Music Department Website. Information on exact selling and delivery dates will be forthcoming.

  • Jazz All-State auditions will be held at Nashua HS South – additional student and parent help will be needed that day.

SECTIONALS: When sectionals runthey will be after school and will be scheduled in advance. All sectionals will run from 2:30-3:00 and 3:00-3:30, unless otherwisenoted. Some sectionals will be run by student section leaders and others by Mr. Courounis. ALL section leaders and student directors will be treatedwith the utmost respect and full cooperation given. They will rotate each month and are intended to improve student’s technique and playing ability, so attendance is expected. Extra credit will be given for those attending.


The auditioned group(s)~ Honors Band and Jazz Band will rehearseThursdaysfrom 2:30pm-4:00pm (Jazz Band) and 4:00pm-6:00pm (Honors Band). All rehearsals for these groups are mandatory! Extra rehearsals will be calledwhennecessary. There are several performances already scheduled for theseensembles and again, all are mandatory. Students are responsible for learning their music on their own time! Auditions will be announced in September.


Cell phones, MP3 players and other electronic devices are not permitted in the music classes. Students should have these devices put away and turned off at the beginning of each class. Students who neglect to do this may have their device confiscated and turned into the office


Concert attire for the bandwill be as follows:

Boys: Whitedress shirt, blackdress pants, black suit coat, Bow Tie (provided), dark socks anddark shoes.

Sneakers and/or jeans are not appropriate!

Girls: **** Black dress shirt or blouse (no sleeveless shirts or tank tops) floor length black skirt or black dress pants,nylons and dark dress shoes (dark socks if wearing pants) Jeans, sneakers, flip flops, sandals and heels higher than 2 inches will not be allowed!


Students who wish to audition for these festivals must be sure that they are available on thedates of the festivals AND must pass a preliminary auditionwith Mr. Courounis oneweek prior to the said festival.


Parents of all music students are encouraged to become members of the Nashua High School Music South Boosters Association. Meetings are the first Tuesday of every month held in the Nashua High School South Music room. Parents do not need to attend meetings in order to be a booster. We can use your support in many different ways! Look for an open house this fall!


Students areexpected to be in their seats, with their music, instrument and a pencil, when the tardy bell rings. Students should consider their music and theory worksheets as their textbooks and are responsible for the condition and return of all music issued.

The music department is for rehearsal and classroom purposes only. NO OTHER ACTIVITIES WILL BE TOLERATED. ANY ABUSE OF THE MUSIC DEPARTMENT including PRACTICE ROOMS WILL BE DEALT WITH IN THE MOST SEVERE MANNER POSSIBLE. Practice rooms are available for individual or sectional practice. No one should be in the music department unless they:

1. Have signed up to practice in a practice room

2. Have an appointment with someone on the Music Dept. Staff

3. Have a class in the Music Department

4. Are working on a task authorized by the Music Dept.

Our purpose is to learn and perform. Any non-musical use of the facilities and property is inappropriate and will not be tolerated.


Students who have been found in violation of the NHSS Band Handbookwill be issued a warning/citation. Any student issued three (3) warnings will not be allowed to participate in any extra music department events; i.e.: trips, etc.

WE (students and music directors) will make every effort to start rehearsals promptly. Since class time is limited, PLEASE BE IN YOUR SEATS, WITH MUSIC FOLDER, READY TO START WHEN THE BELL RINGS. Remember, our main purpose is to learn and perform!

The attached Permission Slip/ Band Contract must be completed and signed by a parent/guardian and you andreturned by Friday, September 16, 2011 (The return of the form, signedwill be marked in the rank book and considered a grade.

Band Projects (Part of the final assessment for each semester)

Dueoneweek before theend of the second semester. Students must receive approval for each project whether written or performance.Proposals aredue the thirdweek of the 2nd and 4thquarter)Papers must bedone in the format detailed below. Written Projects may not berepeatedat any time over a four-year period. It is your responsibility to keep track of your projects. Any ideas for a project not on the list must bediscussedwith Mr. Courounis.

These projects will be reflected as a portion of each student’s final assessment for each semester.


Students are highly encouraged to prepare a piece to perform for the class. This may be a solo (etude, concerto, etc) or an ensemble with up to 8 members. Each piece must be approved prior to the performance. It is recommended that this approval take place at least one month prior to the end of the semester to allow students enough time to properly prepare the music.

Additional project and extra credit options for all band students:

1)Attend a performance of any non-rock music group and write a review. This performance must occur during the current school year. A musical theatre production is acceptable. Describe who performed, what they performed, the instrumentation, the composer(s), the staging and interpretation. Use mature musical terminology. DON’T just tell me how the music made you “feel”, although you may offer opinions backed up by the musical analysis. Follow guidelines for papers.

2)Be taking private lessons on primary instrument. (Must submit verification form)

3)Audition for Jazz All-State

4)Audition for All-State Band/Orchestra

5)Perform at NHMEA Solo & Ensemble Festival

6)*Participate in an outside ensemble: bell choir, town band, orchestra for a show, cast of an area Theatre musical, etc

7)Volunteer your services to a local arts group (Nashua Symphony/Choral Society, American Stage Festival, Actorsingers….)

Written Papers

All papers must be typed or word-processed, double-spaced on typing or computer paper, with one-inch margins a title page, and a bibliography or discography page. If you do not have access to a computer: please hand-print, double-spaced on ruled paper. All spelling, grammatical and structure mistakes COUNT. Please proofread all papers submitted!!!!

Proper Bibliography Format: Title - Author - Publisher - Copyright Information - Volume#. You must use at least two sources for all research papers, and only one (1) may be an encyclopedia or an Internet reference.

Proper Discography Format: Title-composer and/or conductor - group and/or soloists - publisher - copyright information - where andwhen recorded.


I, ______, hereby affirm that I have read thoroughly and understand the NASHUAHIGH SCHOOL SOUTH BAND HANDBOOK. I further affirm that I will abide by the rules, regulations and intent of said Handbook, and understand the penalties for not doing so. I understand that any unexcused absence from a rehearsal will seriously affect my grade in Band. I have had all questions concerning the Handbook answered andwill do my best to live up to the intent of this contract.

Student Signature______Date______

I/We have read the NASHUA HIGH SCHOOL SOUTH BAND HANDBOOK and havediscussed it with my/our child. I/Wewill do our best to encourage him/her to abide by the rules and regulations of the Band as expressed in the Band Handbook.

Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______
