New Church Specialties
NCSMission, Vision & Core Values
with a focus on July, 1999 - December, 2024
Updated: August4, 2005
"To assist the starting and strengthening of NewStart, ReStart, ReFocusing and
Parent churches worldwide."
New Church University & NCS Seminars:
We envision assisting our NCS Partner Judicatories and Denominations in the training of30,000 church leaders, both lay and clergy, to more effectively serve NewStart, ReStart, ReFocusing and Parent churches in the U.S., Canada and around the world.
Church Planting:
We envisionassisting our NCS Partner Judicatories and Denominations in identifying, recruiting, mentoring, assessing, training, placing and coaching 10,000 church planters that plant a healthy, solid NewStart or ReStart church in the U.S., Canada and around the world.
We envision assisting our NCS Partner Judicatories and Denominations in ReFocusing 5,000 churches, implementing the ReFocusing process so the church experiences spiritual renewal and achieves measurable church health church status in the U.S. Canada, and around the world.
Parent Churches:
We envision assisting our NCS Partner Judicatories and Denominations in creating the atmosphere and parent church culture for 5,000 pastors and churches to make a commitment to fully parent or assist in parenting a new church in the U.S., Canada, and around the world.
Fund Raising:
We envision assisting church planters, partner judicatories and denominations by raising $15 million dollarsto cover non-revenue generating but vitally needed ministry support, (including recruitment, mentoring, assessment, coaching, field support and NCS scholarships).
Qualified Coaches:
We envision identifying, training, developing and supporting500 qualified coaches who serve our NCS Partner Judicatories under the NCS umbrella. We envision many of these will be part-time coaches, with “outsourced” responsibilities from their judicatory to NCS.
NCS International:
We envision the development of partnerships with local churches, Judicatories and Denominations in the training of church leaders internationally, including the opening up and resourcing of NCS offices around the world with NCS Senior Consultants who have been trained to deliver NCS training to interested church leaders. Our vision includes a beginning thrust in Africa, the Hispanic world and India.
Core Values:
NCS Core Values are listed below. The scriptural foundation for each is highlighted with bold type. Following each value is a list of NCS behaviors that demonstrate we are committed to having our behavior shaped by our beliefs and values. In some places appropriate scripture verses are typed out following the description of the value.
Value #1: Dependence – Godis the source of our ministry
Everything begins with God, not us! We believe God alone is the origin and source for giving anyone a national or international ministry. Because it comes from Him, it will always belong to Him. “Every good and perfect gift is from above…” (James 1:17). He can give it in a moment and He can take it away in the same. To keep our perspectives right before God, we will remind ourselves regularly of this truth. We commit to be guided by Him and not our own wisdom. We will always hold any national ministry very lightly in our hands. “The Lord gives and the Lord takes away, may the name of the Lord be praised” (Job 1:21).
Our Behavior: Practicing a clear Intercession Strategy
Scripturally driven in everything we do
Regularly communicating the need for “divine moments”
Emphasizing the maintaining a spirit of brokenness & repentance
“No one from the east or the west or from the desert can exalt a man. But it is God who judges: He brings one down, he exalts another.” (Psalm 75:5-6)
“Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who depends on flesh for His strength and whose heart turns away from the Lord...blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him...” (Jeremiah 17:5,7)
Value #2: Integrity – Built on Long-Term Faithfulness
All effective ministry is founded on long term faithfulness. Highly visible ministry is never something we should seek. It should seek us, and if it is thrust on us, it should be because of our faithfulness in “the little things” over an extended period of time. “Whoever can be trusted with very little, can also be trusted with much” (Luke 16:10). We are committed to integrity in every area of our ministry – doingwhat is right when no one but God is watching. This includes what we watch on T.V., the attitudes we display, our spending habits, our personal and corporate financial integrity, etc.
Our Behavior: Accountability structures for Staff Character Development
Maintaining a personal relationship with Jesus a HIGH priority!
Accountability structures for financial integrity through professional audits
“I know my God, that you test the heart and are pleased with integrity.” (1 Chr 29:17)
Value #3: Appreciation – Others have helped us succeed
The kind of ministry that NCS is, only happens when the environment is right to create it. Wise is the leader who not only understands this, but never forgets it. People emerge as leaders because other leaders have created the environment that allows them to grow and flourish. We at NCS are where we are because of people who have allowed us to grow and develop. They are the heroes and are key originators of NCS. We will never forget and will always appreciate the investment they have made in us.
Our Behavior: Appreciation in public and private to others of early NCS partners
Personal verbal appreciation expressed directly to NCS judicatory
founders who helped pioneer and support our beginnings
“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:11)
Value #4: Exceptional Service – We aim to build raving fans
Ken Blanchard has written a book entitled, “Raving Fans – A Revolutionary Approach to Customer Service.” The three principles of the book are a guiding philosophy for us.
Our Behavior:
1. We have decided on a very clear but developing vision. We are continuing to create a clear pictureof the ideal district, judicatory, denomination, school, or church that we serve.
2. We discover what the client needs. We continue to discover what the people we serve want and need. We regularly seek to “fill in the gaps” in our vision. We have learned we only discover what our clients and partners need, in small nuggets. If we continue to meet people’s needs, we will never lack customers. Those we cannot satisfy, we are learning quickly to emotionally let them go.
3. We discover what the client needs -- deliver plus one percent! After we discover what people want and need, we aim to deliver it, plus one percent! The rule of one percent is our commitment to keep consistently improving what we do, one percent at a time. We will regularly “go the extra mile” in our delivery of exceptional service. We have found this is building a growing crowd of NCS“raving fans.”
“People were overwhelmed with amazement. ‘He (Jesus) has done everything well,’ they said.” (Mark 7:37)
Value #5: Loyalty – We will love the imperfect church
Every person in life has an attitude, and that attitude creates an atmosphere. The “spirit” of NCS, what makesNCSunique, is the passion and love for the church our team has. It is the heart of God. It is also what gives us the heart of people who lead the church. We will “love the church and give ourselves up for her, just like Jesus did…so that she may be presented to Him on the final day, without spot or wrinkle, but holy and blameless” (Ephesians 5:25-27).
Our Behavior: We never criticize denominations or churches that are imperfect
We teach people to be loyal to their local church & denominational family
We support the vision of denominational & judicatory leaders
We teach a biblical doctrine of ecclesiology
Value #6: Decentralization – We operate with high trust & no turf
The primary contact with NCS Partners is by telephone, e-mail, on location at a training site or in a Partner’s home or office. Because of this, our multiple office sites need only highly motivated personnel and basic office equipment. This is why we have chosen to decentralize our locations, allow our Senior Consultants to chose where they wish to live and run NCS operations out of multiple home-office situations. This decision requires high levels of trust with our employees, but we hire only the best people, and people we have a heart relationship with.
We also are committed to creating an atmosphere where people grow to their full ministry potential. We want to “take the lid off” of everyone. In many organizations, this is the desire in theory, but it doesn’t happen in practice because people start protecting their positions, their “turf.” At NCS, we have no place for insecure people who want to “turf protect.” When God raises up people with obvious gifts and abilities among us, we will recognize and use all of those gifts and abilities for the good of our ministry. We will not protect “turf” because as an organization, we plan to keep on taking new ground all the time!
Our Behavior: We empower & delegate authority to NCS staff and coaches
We do not protect organizational turf
We are constantly looking for good people to add to the NCS team
We nurture an environment that constantly stretches people to reach their full potential