Local Emergency Planning Committee Minutes for Meeting of October 8, 2008
Present:Kevin Christensen, Mike Nelsen, Kevin Potter, Kathy Conrad, Susan Thompson, Dorene Schulze, Laron Woods, Jay Munns, Daniel Freeman, Lee Perry, Greg Martz, Linda Bourne, Burke Nelson, James Grover, Fred Henderson, Kimberly Giles, Delos Everton, Janet Bass, Richard Moseley
Previous Mtg Minutes Approved:
Chairperson Dorene Schulze welcomed everyone at 0901 hrs, asking for the previous minutes to be looked over. A motion was made by Kevin Christensen and 2nd by Janet Bass to accept the minutes which passed by majority vote.
Because of the recent changes in the LEPC by-laws on elections now being held in October of each year, Dorene asked for nominations for Assistant Chair, as Kevin Christensen would be the new LEPC Chair as of this month. Janet Bass and Burke Nelson were both nominated and after requesting and receiving no further nominations, Susan Thompson moved that the nominations cease and Greg Martz 2nd. It was put to a vote, with individual folded ballots being passed to the secretary for a count. The majority of the votes went to Burke, who will be the new Assistant Chair.
Dorene turned the meeting over to Kevin Christensen. Kevin presented a framed certificate to Dorene from the LEPC in appreciation for her chairing the Committee for the past year. Thank you Dorene
Kimberly Giles said there is a new Deputy Director for the State, Scott Harrison, who was a general in the National Guard. Also, everyone should be working on NIMS compliance and ICS400 will be an upcoming requirement for next year.
Richard Moseley, State HazMat, under the State Fire Marshal’s Office, will be assisting Region 1 (north of SLC). He can put on ERG classes, from one to 8 hours. The 24 hour number to reach a resource person for State HazMat is (801)256-2499. The on-call tech resource person will respond to help you out.
Health Department:
Kevin Christensen noted that Randy Wilde was in SLC today and was excused. Also on October 27th at 5pm at the Brigham EMS building, an Alpine School Dist rep will report on (lessons learned) an incident where the kids were not able to leave the school due to heavy snowfall. This presentation is open to everyone.
Homeland Security:
Kevin Potter said there was nothing to report locally.
Kimberly said the grant money is starting to come in to the region, the projects have been put in and to receive the money, we need to be NIMS compliant.
HazMat Team:
The HazMat show & tell on Sept 20th was successful. 15 different vehicles showed up from surrounding counties. The recent train vs. tractor accident in Deweyville left hydraulic fluid at the site, which was cleaned up by the railroad.
Kevin Christensen reported for Randy that a letter of support for our HazMat Team would be a good idea when Kevin Potter goes in front of the Commissioners tomorrow asking for funds for our HazMat Team. Greg Martz said with all the training the team does and the hours they put in, they don’t get paid for their time. A motion was made by Kevin Christensen for that show of support and Dorene 2nd it. All voted in favor and Kevin Potter left the EOC to draft a letter for signatures.
Daniel Freeman said he will know more about the $1000 grant from Wal-Mart to the LEPC at the next meeting.
Susan Thompson said the State approved the plans to add on to the BC Hospital.
Greg said the OldMcKinleySchool was burned down (scheduled burn) with Garland Fire Dept’s help and the ladder trucks from Brigham and Tremonton. Also the BLM did a controlled burn in Lynn by the Narrows which turned into an uncontrolled wildfire with 640 bonus acres going up in flames.
Jay Munns noted that Garland did the NIMS 300 last month. Also the CERT Team will have 40-50 people certified when they are done and on the 20th of Nov, there will be a mock drill in Garland with the church and the CERT Team.
Burke Nelson noted that there will be a cutback on the Autoliv ambulance during the weekends. It is still available but the response will be slower.
Janet Bass said the Weber County Peer Exchange will be on January 7, 2009.
Lee Perry advised that CacheCounty’s Dispatch went down yesterday, but because of Omni Link, Box Elder Dispatch was able to help out, and we set their dispatchers up in our dispatch center for the day.
Kevin Christensen asked who would like to help out with the Road Committee, looking into what is being transported through our county to and from private industry. Kevin gathered names and meetings will be scheduled for Thurs afternoons at the Health Dept.
Kevin Potter returned with a letter written to the Commissioners about our HazMat Team for all to sign.
Next Meeting The next LEPC Meeting is scheduled for Nov 12th, 2008 at 9am at the EMS building
1017 hours