Call for Posters: Abstract Submission Guidelines
Due date: July 15, 2014
Acceptance Notification: August 15, 2014
9th Annual Nursing Research Conference;
Advancing Nursing through Research, Education and Practice.
Date: October 24th, 2014
Time: 0830-1430
Location: Weber State University Shepherd Union Building
Ogden, Utah
Welcome to the 9th Annual Nursing Research Conference sponsored by Intermountain Healthcare, Weber State University School of Nursing, Weber State University Dumke College of Health Professions, Mountain Star Healthcare, and the Nu Nu Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau.
Please submit your abstracts for poster presentation to the poster acceptance committee at . Abstract submission deadline is August 1, 2014. The abstract must be no more than 500 words, single spaced, and include the following topics related to your project or scholarly work. Author’s name, credentials, title and contact information will not be counted toward the 500 word count.
Please choose one of the three tracks below that best fits your poster abstract. If the poster committee feels that your poster abstract would better fit in a different track, you will be notified of the change in the poster acceptance letter.
Track 1: Academia
Intended for people who would like to share information, projects, programs, or innovative processes addressing the areas of development, validation and/or maintaining competency in nursing education or student learning using a variety of learning resources and methodologies.
Track 2: Practice Based
Intended for people who practice in the hospital or clinic setting, and are involved in validating and maintaining practice competencies. Also may apply to people validating theoretical knowledge in a practical atmosphere.
Track 3: Research
Intended for people that develop original research involving innovative projects, curriculum, and technology programs and development. Abstracts presented at a regional or international meeting are accepted. Priority will be given for new original research.
1. Author’s name, credentials and title, contact information and place of employment or academic institution.
2. Submission track: Research, Education or Practice
3. Abstract outline guidelines:
a. Studies: Title; background or objectives; methods; implications; results; conclusions
b. Case series/reports: Title; background; purpose; case report(s); case discussion; conclusions
4. The abstract should be written in complete sentences using grammatically correct English. Please spell out all abbreviations on first usage.
5. In order to provide more character space for your abstract, only the abstract title and abstract body will count toward your overall space allotment. Abstracts are limited to 500 words.
6. All abstracts that are accepted will be published as received. No copy editing will be performed. All submissions must be in English.
Submitted posters will be reviewed by the poster selection committee and notification of acceptance will be provided to the corresponding author no later than September 1, 2014. Authors of accepted posters are required to register for the conference. Registration information will be provided with notification of acceptance.
Poster Format and Presentation Guidelines
Poster Presenters: The dimensions of the display stands measure 3.9 feet wide x 5.4 feet wide (47” x 65”). The surface is carpeted boards that accept tacks or hook and loop fasteners. The recommended poster size is 36” x 48”, which leaves 0.5” overhanging on each side. However, you can utilize the board with one large poster or multiple smaller posters, as long as all components fit within the dimensions specified.
Poster presenters are required to have multiple copies of the poster abstract available for distribution to the conference participants. Posting business cards with contact information and expertise are recommended. Posters can be set up on October 24th from 0700 – 0830 am and must be removed by 3pm on October 24th. Posters that are not removed will be discarded. Please bring your own materials, such as thumbtacks, to attach your poster to the poster board. Poster presenters are required to be present at their posters during all dedicated poster sessions.