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Instructions for Concessions’ Contractors
Concessions Contractors can only gain access to the store with the Sales Manager’s prior knowledge and agreement.
The Sales Manager will issue ‘Contractor Access’ forms to the Contractor for completion.
The Contractor will complete all relevant sections of the form, append appropriate Method Statements and Risk Assessments and return ALL documents to the Sales Manager.
It is the Sales Manager’s responsibility to ensure that the Contractor Access forms are completed in full and that they are accompanied by appropriate and detailed Method Statements and Risk Assessments.
The Sales Manager shall print off and sign the forms and attachments, then take to either the Faciilities Manager or Contract Manager for authorisation.
All forms should be issued to the aboveat least 72 hours in advance of anticipated attendance.
The Contractor is required to provide details of Insurances (Employers and Public)
The Concession Contractor shall contact his Sales Manager 24 hours in advance of attendance to confirm that arrangements have been made for access.
Instructions to Selfridges’ Directly Employed Contractors
In all instances Contractors will be required to complete Contractor Access forms prior to attendance on site.
Contractor Access forms will be issued to the Contractor by the nominated Project Manager.
Contractors are responsible for completing the forms and attach any supporting documentation (Method Statements and Risk Assessments, etc.) and send by email
Method Statements and Risk Assessments accompanying the Contractor Access form should be sufficiently detailed to descibe the work being undertaken and include details of any and all implications for engineering services installations and fabric.
Failure to complete the forms in full or provide suitable and sufficient Method Statements and Risk Assessments may result in access being delayed or denied.
Contractor Access forms should be returned to Selfridges at least 72 hours prior to anticipated attendance.
The Contractor shall contact the Selfridges Project Manager 24 hours in advance of intended attendance and confirm that access arrangements have been made.
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Project / Shopfit Information:Name of your Company:
Contact Telephone Number:
Site Supervisor Name: / Mobile:
A Site supervisor will be on site at all times during project / shopfit working hours
Proposed Date(s) / From: / To:
Times of Entry (each day): / From: / To:
Please contact Security on 0121 600 6825 to verify Store Opening / Closing Times
Project/ ActivityDetails:
Selfridges Project Code
(if applicable):
Selfridges Project / Sales Manager: ______
Client / Brand Name:Yo! Sushi______
Location of work in Store: / Level 0 / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3
Level 4 / Other
Project/ Description of Works:
Description of works:
Full Method Statements / Risk Assessments attached for all works, for approval.
Contractor Requirements:
/ Hot Works Permit *Task lighting to be provided by Contractor / Sprinklers *
Electrical isolation to carry out works / Security Guard *
Working with Mechanical Supplies / Working at Heights
Plant/Service Riser Access * / Other
* For access to these areas and services, please submit specific requests.
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Names of Employees Working On Site:Forename / Surname / D.O.B.
We have read and understood the Selfridges ‘Contractors Rule Book’ for H&S compliance. A
copy is available from your Selfridges Project Manager / Sales Manager.
We understand that all employees must bring Photo ID (Passport, National Identity Card,
Drivers License etc.) with them as proof of identification to get on site.
We understand that all employees must wear the appropriate PPE.
We understand that task lighting must be provided
Authorised by Selfridges Project Manager/Activity Manager/Sales Manager:
Name: / Date: / Signature:
Authorised by Selfridges Facilities Manager or Contract Manager:
Name: / Date: / Signature:
By emailing this form to Selfridges by default you have declared that the information supplied is correct and legitimate. Selfridges reserves the right to deny access to the Contractor if the above information is not submitted as required.
Appendix 1
- Contact the booking office:
E-Mail –
Tel: 0121 600 6767
Office Hours: 09h00 to 16h00 Monday to Friday only
Bookings for deliveries MUST be made at least 48 hours in advance of the anticipated delivery time.
- Booking reference:
A booking reference will be issued once your booking has been confirmed. All references will be unique to the time and day of your delivery. For example: STKMV/ADH/12W75/2 denotes a booking for: Week 12, Wednesday, 7.30am, bay 2 slot.
- General Procedures:
Selfridges Birmingham is located at the following address for all deliveries
Bays 29-31
Upper Mall East
B5 4BP
Entrance via Park Street : 06h00 – 10h00 and 21h00 – 04h30
All vehicles have a 30 minute wait limit on any deliveries and collections, there is no parking on the bay area and vehicles must under no circumstances be left unattended.
Any vehicles not adhering to these rules will be removed by store security and banned from site.
Failure to arrive within the booked slot may result in access being refused. Every effort will be made to accommodate all deliveries but only within the designated slot.
- Information Required when making a booking:
- Contractor Name.
- Carrier Name (if applicable).
- Size and volume of delivery (if delivering via carrier).
- Type/Size and Reg of vehicle.
- Requested time and date of delivery.
Please attempt to make contact for bookings via e-mail in the first instance, this will speed the procedure and make processing your booking easier.
Vehicles will only be accepted into the loading bay for the purpose of delivery or collection and only with a pre-booked delivery slot.
In any event vehicles should not be left unattended at any time.
N.B. Selfridges operates a formal Permit to Work System, where hazardous or complex works requiring isolation of building services are identified, this procedure will apply. Refer to the Selfridges’ "Contractors Guidelines" for further information.