13th Semi-Annual


Innovation Technology Weeks (RANIT)

Philadelphia, PA – Washington, DC – Moscow, Russia

November 8-23, 2010

Days of Russian-American Innovation Entrepreneurship Cooperation

Philadelphia, PA – Washington, DC

November 8-12, 2010

Russian Part of 13th RANIT


November 15-23,2010

Mid-Atlantic-Russia Business Council (MARBC) announces closing of the 13th Semi-Annual Russian-American Innovation Technology Week. The activities took place in Philadelphia and Washington DC on November 8-12as well as in Moscow on November 15-23. Inspired by the success of the previous RANIT weeks and the development potential of this event MARBC decided to significantly expand the program of the week this year. American part of the week included the Days of Russian-American Innovation Entrepreneurship Cooperation. Russian part of the week was held for the first time and took place in Moscow onNovember 15-23, 2010.

RANIT is traditionally supported by the leading regional and state organizations including the administrationsof Philadelphia city, the states of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland, as well as Mid-Atlantic regional associations focused on international business and technological cooperation. The official opening of the 13th RANIT took place at Philadelphia City Hall on November 8, 2010.

Days of Russian-American Innovation Entrepreneurship Cooperation

Days of Russian-American Innovation Entrepreneurship Cooperation "RAVC-2010" organized by the Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council jointly with the Moscow Entrepreneurs Association and the Academy of Management and Market occurredon November 8-12th. Russian delegation included representatives of the Russian business elite, managers of small and medium-sized technology companies from the various spheres of business. The RAVCsession is aimed to presentRussian companies to technological business community and venture capital of Mid-Atlantic region. The RAVC helps to connect Russian high technology with American managerial and entrepreneurial skills. Days of Russian-American Innovation Entrepreneurship Cooperation is an important part of the MARBC program for Russian-American innovative cooperation. The RAVC activities were held in Philadelphia, Washington and other statesof the Mid-Atlantic region.

Session keynote events included participation of Russian delegation in the following activities:

- Russian-American Technology Entrepreneurship Conferencein Philadelphia City Hall (November 8th). ThisConference became one of the central events of the Session. Participants shared their knowledge of venture capital industry, and discussed the strategies for building and managing strategic investment programs and institutions. Members of the Russian delegation met with regional and national leaders of sponsor groups (angel groups), venture capital funds, business development organizations, universities, national associations, legal and accounting companies.

- A roundtablediscussionwith the management of Philadelphia Science Center and its president Stephen Tang, as well as with the companies based in the industrial park (November, 9th). Philadelphia Science Centeris the oldest and largest industrial park of America with international business incubator, owned by a consortium of thirty scientific and academic institutions.

- Mid-Atlantic Venture Conference IMPACT is the first rate annual venture capital event of the United States eastern coast. The conference was held at the Exhibition Center in Philadelphia on November 9-10. IMPACT started with the presentation of Facebook innovative success. At the conference promising young companies were given a unique opportunity of access to the largest regional venture funds and private investors. Mid-Atlantic Venture Conference presented the companies of the most promising areas, including IT, telecommunications, biotechnology, nanotechnology, alternative energy. Mid-Atlantic-Russia Business Council has been a partner of the Venture Conference for many years.

Besides thatMARBC organized several business activities such as:

- Roundtable discussion on innovative development with the management of “Comcast”- one of the largest telecommunication companies in America (November 8th)

- Roundtable discussion on innovative regional development with Gary Smith, Executive Director of theChester County Economic Development Organization andTanya Steinberg,Executive Director of International House (November 9th)

- Coaching for the Russian delegation with Steven Goodman - leading venture capitalist of Philadelphia (November 10th)

- Meeting with Russian American businessmen in Washington (November 12th)

- Final reception at the Culture Center of Russian Embassy in Washington (November 12th)

Russian part of the 13th Russian-American Innovation Technology Week (RANIT)took place in Moscow on November 15-23,2010. The keynote events of the Weekincluded: Adam Smith Conferences’ InternationalForum on “Innovative Drug Research and Development in Russia” on November 17-18, The All-Russian conference "Establishment of small innovative companies in the institutions ofeducation and science" on November 17-19, and Russian Innovative Forum "Technological breakthrough: governmental and business generation of innovative market”on November23.

Adam Smith Conferences’ International Forum on “Innovative Drug Research and Development in Russia” was held on November 17-18, 2010. More than 40 pharmaceuticalindustry experts, including representatives from bothfederal and state authorities, topexecutives from the most dynamic domestic and international pharmaceutical andbiotech companies, as well as the leading CROs working in the sectorperformed at this top-level Forum. “Strategies for the development of innovative drugs in Russia” wasthe keynote session of the Forum. This session evaluated theprospects for the development of the innovative drugs market inRussia, analyzing the results of recent consultation on legislationbetween representatives of regulatory authorities and from the industryitself, as well as offering an overview of current and planned projects.

MARBC, the supporting partner organization of the Forum, organized the participation of the U.S. leading pharmaceutical companies’ delegation.

The All-Russian conference "Establishment of small innovative companies in the institutions of education and science", organized by the National agency of technological support of business and management and the Academy of management and market started on November 17th in Russian International Scientific and Technical Cooperation House in Moscow, and continued at Moscow Educational and business center “Tver, 13” "November 18-19th. The conference main objective is to improve the skills, interaction and awareness of scientific and pedagogical staff, representatives of business and innovation sectors on research and development in the sphereof the establishment of small innovative companies.

The plenary session "Innovative economy and higher education facilities” was held on November 17th in the Russian House of International Scientific and Technical Cooperation. Master classes and round tables were held on November 18-19, in Training and Business Center "Tverskaya, 13". The "Innovations and International Cooperation" roundtable and one of the workshops were organized and conducted by the Mid-Atlantic-Russia Business Council. The President of MARBC was also present on the closing ceremony at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russian Federation on November 19.

III Innovation and Industrial Forum "Technology Breakthrough: Formation of market innovations the government and business", organized by the Russian Association of Innovative Development,was held on November 23, 2010 at the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Congress Center. The Forum became a final event, which generalized the public experience in the sphere of innovative development and industrial policyaccumulated for years. Within the Forum a plenary session was held as well as the thematic sections, "Stimulating the demand for innovative products," Mechanisms to promote innovation in international markets","Institutes of development and financial maintenance of innovative processes","Regional infrastructure and innovative development of the territories." Summarizing the results of the event aconsolidated proposal of the business community to establish efficient mechanisms for state and public support of innovation activities in the Russian Federation was prepared.

The President of MARBCmoderated the section "Mechanisms of promotion the innovation to the international markets", which became a final activityof 13th RANIT week.


– Mid-Atlantic-Russia Business Council

–Innovation and Venture Financing committee of Moscow Entrepreneurs Association

1760 MARKET STREET, SUITE 1100, PHILADELPHIA, PA19103 TEL (215) 708-2628  FAX (215) 963-9104


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