Minutes of the Meeting of Ringsfield & Weston Parish Council held on Friday 16 October 2015 at 7.30pm at Ringsfield Village Hall

Councillors Present : Cllr L Rees (Chairman), Cllr D Cannell, Cllr D Francis, Cllr S Saunders.

Also Present : Mrs T Hazell (Clerk), Mrs B Lanchester, Mr C Scott

1.  Welcome, Apologies and Signing of Declaration of Acceptance forms

The Chairman welcomed everyone and asked if there were any apologies.

The clerk reported that Cllr Newton and Cllr K Springall had sent apologies.

2.  Declarations of Interest regarding the agenda - none.

3.  To confirm the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 19 September 2015.

On the motion of Cllr Saunders, seconded by Cllr Cannell, it was unanimously agreed by those members present, that these minutes be signed as a true and correct record.

4.  Co-option of new councillor

Mr Christopher Scott of Beccles had applied to be a councillor for the Weston ward. He lives within the three mile limit. A synopsis of his local government history and experience had been circulated to parish councillors.

On the motion of Cllr Saunders, seconded by Cllr Cannell, it was unanimously agreed that Mr Scott be co-opted as a new councillor.

The clerk handed Mr Scott a Declaration of Acceptance of Office form to complete and invited him to take part in the meeting, although not to vote until he had completed all the formalities with Waveney DC.

The meeting adjourned for public participation.

a) Report from the Police : There was no Police presence.

b) Report from Suffolk County Council : Cllr Ritchie was not present and no report had been received.

c) Report from Waveney District Councillor : Cllr Springall was not present but had sent apologies and a report as follows:

September busy month for training and meetings. Scottish Power Renewables and WDC are in discussion to try and get most for local businesses regarding wind turbines and the East Anglian One wind farm. The devolution process has begun where local authorities will be given greater control on their future. WDC is currently working on a draft “framework document” regarding devolution in Suffolk. Devolution will be an item on every Cabinet meeting agenda for the foreseeable future.

Cllr Springall also reported that he has contacted highways department regarding the school 20 mph limit and they are going to collect 7 day traffic speed data over the next month.

The Chairman opened the meeting for public consultation.

d) Residents’ Questions :

Mrs Lanchester asked about the latest developments with the change-over of Trustees. The chairman stated that Mr Horn has not as yet sent her a template for the agreement between the Parish Council and the Village Hall Management Committee and felt we could possibly draw something up ourselves and have a meeting to discuss. It was agreed that it was not necessary to have a lease. Mrs Lanchester stated that the Parish Council could not obtain grant funding and therefore the main reason the Community Council want to become the Trustees is so that they can apply for grants. The Parish Council are the official custodians of the land, which was bestowed to the village for community use. Both the chairman and Mrs Lanchester will contact Robert Horn of CAS and try to draw up a draft technical agreement between the two parties so that the trustees can be changed with the Charity Commission.

The clerk was also asked to check if the Parish Council can insure the village hall within their present policy.

Mrs Lanchester also asked for more dog fouling bins and notices. The clerk had some stickers which she handed to Mrs Lanchester and councillors.

The Chairman closed the meeting for public consultation.

f. WW1 Commemoration : Mr Johnson has forwarded an email to the clerk from Helen Kerridge who is preparing the Ringsfield and Weston Book of Remembrance. Mrs Kerridge reports that the groundwork is ongoing but progressing well. Alan Wheeler has uploaded all the records that he and his volunteers have transcribed from the local papers, which are fascinating in giving personal facts about the men which the official records would not hold. So far not a penny has been spent! There is to be a proper Service of Remembrance at Ringsfield Church on Remembrance Sunday, using the British Legions order of service. She felt it would be lovely if representatives from the PC might attend and even lay a wreath. The Chairman is to check with Alison Holloway if a wreath can be laid.

The clerk was asked to reply to Mrs Kerridge asking for further details of the service as councillors were not sure that wreaths were in fact laid at the church. When she has a reply, the clerk should notify all councillors of times etc.

g. Beccles Relief Road : Meeting to be held 12 noon here at Ringsfield Hall on Friday 23 October.

7. Clerks Report

The clerk had circulated a report and correspondence was discussed as follows:

a.  WDC had sent notice of the Annual Town & Parish Liaison/Budget Review Meeting on Thursday 12 November at 6.30 at the new riverside Centre.

If any councillors are free to attend, they should let the clerk know.

b.  Suffolk Constabulary had written regarding police officer attendance at Parish Council meetings. This is under review but if there are any specific issues of concern, following a major incident, then they will send a representative.

c.  The Mayor and Mayoress of Beccles had sent an invitation to their Civic Service on 13 December at St Michael’s Church. Mr Scott stated that he is happy to represent the Parish Council at this service. The clerk was asked to let the Town Clerk know.

d.  WDC had sent an invitation to World of Planning Sessions on 4th, 6th, 12 and 17 November at various locations.

e.  WDC had written announcing the launch of their call gor sites to accommodate new housing (5 or more dwellings), employment and industrial, retail, community facilities and open space. The deadline for submitting suggestions for the new Local Plan for Waveney is 8th January 2016.

f.  Beccles Town Council had sent an agenda for the next Operational Group Meeting for the Beccles and Parishes Neighbourhood Plan. This is on Monday 2nd November at 10 am at Beccles Town Hall. The Chairman will check if Mr Johnson is free to attend, if not she will try to go herself.

g.  All other items of correspondence were noted and the clerk will file.

8. Reports of meetings/training attended by councillors


9. Planning Application

a.  DC/15/3902/FUL – Retrospective Application – Retention of timber shed/summer house and creation of a new vehicular access on to Redisham Road, part of Brickyard Covert, Redisham Road, Weston by Mrs G Byles.

On the motion of the Cllr Francis, seconded by Cllr Cannell, it was agreed to give no objection to this application (3 for, 1 abstention).

b.  Regarding the previous Pound Farm planning application, it had been reported that there is a bat population in the barns. The clerk stated that whoever had reported this should tell WDC directly.

10. Finances

a. On the motion of the Chairman, seconded by the Cllr Saunders, it was unanimously agreed to sign the following cheques :

Mrs P Hazell (Clerk’s salary) £160.60 HMRC (PAYE for clerk) £40.20 VERTAS LTD (Grass Cutting) £525.72

b.  The clerk had circulated the Quarterly Bank Reconciliation to end of September 2015.

On the motion of Cllr Saunders, seconded by Cllr Francis, it was unanimously agreed that this be signed as a true and correct record of the Council’s financial affairs to end of September 2015. Cllr Cannell signed this.

c.  The clerk read the external audit report from BDO which asked the Council to consider the level of reserve it carried forward. This was discussed and we could lower this via the amount precepted for, but we should discuss this at the imminent budget meeting in November. We should also regularly look at progress against budget and it was agreed that the clerk put this as a regular item on the agenda under Finances.

On the motion of the Chairman, seconded by Cllr Saunders, it was unanimously agreed that the Annual Return for 2014/15 is approved and accepted.

d.  The clerk had received the signing mandate back yet again from Lloyds Bank with some further signatures required. Cllr Saunders signed the mandate were required and the Chairman agreed to take this round to Cllr Johnson for his signature, and she would return to the bank.

11. Matters Arising/Questions not dealt with in the agenda

a. Cllr Saunders reported that the public footpath signs in Kings Lane are still listing. The clerk was asked to chase up again.

b. Cllr Saunders reported that another access has been put in at Park Farm, Weston to the holiday chalet. The clerk was asked to dig out the application dated 20 June 2014.

c. Cllr Cannell asked about waste paper recycling and the bin has now been full for two weeks. He has rang the number on the bin but there is no answer and no facility to leave a message. This needs emptying urgently. The clerk will let Mrs Lanchester know.

d. Cllr Cannell reported on the Governments proposal to sell of associated housing properties. The clerk read the latest public information sheet on this matter and it seems as if tenants will have the right to buy. Councillors were unhappy about this as this will not leave properties available to rent in the village.

12. Date of Next Meeting : Friday 13th November at 7.30 pm.

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.30 pm.

Chairman …………………………………. Dated ………………………………..