Authorities and bodies responsible for management control and audit (Article 24-26 Regulation (EC) No xxxx/2014)

Identification of and contact details for the relevant authorities and bodies

Authority/body / Name of the authority/body / Head of the authority/body / Address / E-mail address / Date of designation / Activities delegated
Responsible authority
Audit authority
Delegated authority 1
Delegated authority 2
Delegated authority n (10 max)

Provide a summary description of the envisaged management and control system (Article 14.2 (g). This is not subject to approval by the Commission.

<0.10 type="S" maxlength="900", N, input="M">

ISF March 2014 11


All elements shall be approved by the Commission except those specifically marked.

CCI / <0.1 type="S" maxlength="15" input="G">[1]
Title / The national programme of the Internal Security Fund for [Member State]
Version / <0.3 type="N" input="G">
First Year / <0.4 type="N" maxlength="4" input="M">
Last Year / 2020
Eligible From / 1 January 2014
Eligible To / 30 June 2023
EC Decision Number / <0.8 type="S" input="G">
EC Decision Date / <0.8 type="D" input="G">

Section 1: Executive Summary

Provide an overall summary of the entire programme, highlighting national strategies, main goals and results to be attained.

1.0 type="S" maxlength="5000" input="M">

Section 2: Baseline situation in the Member State

The baseline situation is a summary of the state of play as of December 2013 in the Member State for the fields relevant to the Fund. This section should include:

- a description of the baseline situation;

- measures undertaken so far, including measures implemented with the current Home Affairs funds[2];

- national needs, including challenges identified in relevant evaluations,

- existing national strategies; and

- national resources available.

The information must be consistent with the agreed minutes from the policy dialogue. (Article 13.1 of the Horizontal regulation)

The information must be self-contained and cannot refer to information in any attached documents or contain hyperlinks. A document may be attached with additional detail. The document will not form part of the approval decision of the Commission.

type="S" maxlength="14 000" input="M">


The information in the boxes must be self-contained and cannot refer to information in any attached documents or contain hyperlinks.

Only those priorities with EU Funding will be in the Commission approval decision.

3.1. / SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 1: Support a Common Visa Policy / ISF-B Article 3.2(a)
Provide the national strategy in this specific objective, the requirements of that strategy and the national objectives designed to meet the requirements from the baseline situation. Provide the results and desired outcome of this strategy, in particular for those key issues raised in the context of the policy dialogue.
<3.1.1 type="S" maxlength="3000" input="M"> / national priority 1: National Capacity - Visa / ISF-B Article 9.2(b)
Note: the National capacity of both Visa (+ operating support visa) and Borders (+ operating support of Borers) should be at least 25% of the national programme, or explained why not.
Issues: For this area provide a list of key issues and other issues and the main action(s) planned to address each issue.
type="S" maxlength="1300" input="M"> / Funding priorities: Briefly describe the main actions from those above that will be supported with this EU Fund.
type="S" maxlength="1500" input="M"> / national priority 2: Union Acquis - Visa / ISF-B Article 9.2(g)
Issues: For this area provide a list of key issues and other issues and the main action(s) planned to address each issue.
type="S" maxlength="1300" input="M"> / Funding priorities: Briefly describe the main actions from those above that will be supported with this EU Fund.
type="S" maxlength="1500" input="M"> / national priority 3: Consular cooperation / ISF-B Article 9.2(c)
Note: Consular cooperation + Information exchange + common Union standards should be at least 5% of the national programme, or explained why not.
Issues: For this area provide a list of key issues and other issues and the main action(s) planned to address each issue.
type="S" maxlength="1300" input="M"> / Funding priorities: Briefly describe the main actions from those above that will be supported with this EU Fund.
type="S" maxlength="1500" input="M">
Specific Action: 1 Consular cooperation / ISF- B Annex II
Specific action 1: describe how the action will be carried out and provide a justification for the budgeted amount
The lead Member State only: should list the participating Member States, including their role and possible financial re-partition if applicable.
Participating Member States should describe their role and any possible financial re-partition.
type="S" maxlength="1900" input="M">
3.2. / SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 2: Borders
Provide the national strategy in this specific objective, the requirements from that strategy and the national objectives designed to meet those requirements from the baseline situation. Provide the results and desired outcome of this strategy, in particular for those key issues raised in the context of the policy dialogue.
<3.2.1. type="S" maxlength="3000" input="M"> / national priority 1: EUROSUR / ISF-B Article 9.2a
Note: EUROSUR should be a minimum amount of 10% of the national programme or explained why not.
Issues: For this area provide a list of key issues and other issues and the main action(s) planned to address each issue.
type="S" maxlength="1300" input="M"> / Funding priorities: Briefly describe the main actions from those above that will be supported with this EU Fund.
type="S" maxlength="1500" input="M"> / national priority 2: Information exchange / ISF-B Article 9.2(d)
Note: Together consular cooperation + Information exchange + Common Union Standards should be at least 5% of the national programme, or explained why not.
Issues: For this area provide a list of key issues and other issues and the main action(s) planned to address each issue.
type="S" maxlength="1300" input="M"> 3.2. / Funding priorities: Briefly describe the main actions from those above that will be supported with this EU Fund.
type="S" maxlength="1500" input="M"> / national priority 3: Common Union Standards / ISF-B Article 9.2(e and f)
Note: Together Consular cooperation + Information exchange + Common Union Standards should be at least 5% of the national programme, or explained why not.
Issues: For this area provide a list of key issues and other issues and the main action(s) planned to address each issue.
type="S" maxlength="1300" input="M"> / Funding priorities: Briefly describe the main actions from those above that will be supported with this EU Fund.
type="S" maxlength="1500" input="M"> / national priority 4: Union Acquis - Borders/ ISF-B Article 9.2(g)
Issues: For this area provide a list of key issues and other issues and the main action(s) planned to address each issue.
type="S" maxlength="1300" input="M"> / Funding priorities: Briefly describe the main actions from those above that will be supported with this EU Fund.
type="S" maxlength="1500" input="M"> / national priority 5: Future challenges / ISF-B Article 9.2(h)
Issues: For this area provide a list of key issues and other issues and the main action(s) planned to address each issue.
type="S" maxlength="1300" input="M"> / Funding priorities: Briefly describe the main actions from those above that will be supported with this EU Fund.
type="S" maxlength="1500" input="M"> / national priority 6: National capacity – Borders / ISF-B Article 9.2b
Note: the National capacity of both Visa (+ operating support visa) + Borders (+ operating support borders) should be at least 25% of the national programme, or explained why not.
Issues: For this area provide a list of key issues and other issues and the main action(s) planned to address each issue.
type="S" maxlength="1300" input="M"> / Funding priorities: Briefly describe the main actions from those above that will be supported with this EU Fund.
type="S" maxlength="1500" input="M">
Specific Action 2. FRONTEX Equipment / ISF-B Annex II
Specific action 2: List of specific actions given, including the awarded amount for each.
type="S" maxlength="1900" input="M">
3.3 / SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 3: operating support / ISF-B Article 10
NOTE: the total of operating support cannot exceed 40% of the total ISF-Borders programme.
In order to be eligible for operating support, each Member State must confirm their compliance with the two requirements in ISF-B Article 10.2 (a) and (c). All operating support must also be in compliance with the objectives of the programme, Article 10.2(b). / [Member State] hereby confirms its compliance with the Union acquis on borders and visa.
[Member State] hereby confirms its compliance with Union Standards and guidelines for good governance on borders and visa, in particular the Schengen catalogue for external border control, the Practical Handbook for borders guards and the Handbook on visa. / national priority : operating support for VISA
Please provide a general indication for the use of operating support, including objectives and targets to be achieved as well as indication of the services and tasks that will be financed under the operating support mechanism.
type="S" maxlength="2000" input="M">
ATTACH DOCUMENT – see instructions in annex. Nb this annex will not form part of the Commission approval decision. / national priority : operating support for Borders
Please provide a general indication for the use of operating support, including objectives and targets to be achieved as well as indication of the services and tasks that will be financed under the operating support mechanism.
type="S" maxlength="2000" input="M">
ATTACH DOCUMENT – see instructions in annex. Nb this annex will not form part of the decision.
3.5. / SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 5: Preventing and combating crime/ISF-P Article 3.2(a)
Provide the national strategy in this specific objective, the requirements from that strategy and the national objectives designed to meet those requirements from the baseline situation. Provide the results and desired outcome of this strategy, in particular for those key issues raised in the context of the policy dialogue.
<3.5.1 type="S" maxlength="3000" input="M"> / national priority 1: C - prevention and combating / ISF-P Article 3.3(a)
Issues: For this area provide a list of key issues and other issues and the main action(s) planned to address each issue.
type="S" maxlength="1300" input="M"> / Funding priorities: Briefly describe the main actions from those above that will be supported with this EU Fund.
type="S" maxlength="1500" input="M"> / national priority 2: C - exchange of information / ISF- P Article 3.3(b)
Issues: For this area provide a list of key issues and other issues and the main action(s) planned to address each issue.
type="S" maxlength="1300" input="M"> / Funding priorities: Briefly describe the main actions from those above that will be supported with this EU Fund.
type="S" maxlength="1500" input="M"> / national priority 3: C - training / ISF-P Article 3.3(c)
Issues: For this area provide a list of key issues and other issues and the main action(s) planned to address each issue.
type="S" maxlength="1300" input="M"> / Funding priorities: Briefly describe the main actions from those above that will be supported with this EU Fund.
type="S" maxlength="1500" input="M"> / national priority 4: C - Victim Support / ISF-P Article 3.3(d)
Issues: For this area provide a list of key issues and other issues and the main action(s) planned to address each issue.
type="S" maxlength="1300" input="M"> / Funding priorities: Briefly describe the main actions from those above that will be supported with this EU Fund.
type="S" maxlength="1500" input="M"> / national priority 5: C - threat and risk assessment / ISF-P Article 3.3.(g)
Issues: For this area provide a list of key issues and other issues and the main action(s) planned to address each issue.
type="S" maxlength="1300" input="M"> / Funding priorities: Briefly describe the main actions from those above that will be supported with this EU Fund.
type="S" maxlength="1500" input="M">
3.6 / SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 6: Risk and crisis / ISF-P Article 3.2(b)
Provide the national strategy in this specific objective, the requirements from that strategy and the national objectives designed to meet those requirements from the baseline situation. Provide the results and desired outcome of this strategy, in particular for those key issues raised in the context of the policy dialogue.
<3.6.1 type="S" maxlength="3000" input="M"> / national priority 1: R - Prevention and Combating / ISF-P Article 3.3(a)
Issues: For this area provide a list of key issues and other issues and the main action(s) planned to address each issue.
type="S" maxlength="1300" input="M"> / Funding priorities: Briefly describe the main actions from those above that will be supported with this EU Fund.
type="S" maxlength="1500" input="M"> / national priority 2: R - Exchange of information / ISF-P Article 3.3(b)
Issues: For this area provide a list of key issues and other issues and the main action(s) planned to address each issue.
type="S" maxlength="1300" input="M"> / Funding priorities: Briefly describe the main actions from those above that will be supported with this EU Fund.
type="S" maxlength="1500" input="M"> / national priority 3: R - Training / ISF-P Article 3.3(c)
Issues: For this area provide a list of key issues and other issues and the main action(s) planned to address each issue.
type="S" maxlength="1300" input="M"> / Funding priorities: Briefly describe the main actions from those above that will be supported with this EU Fund.
type="S" maxlength="1500" input="M"> / national priority 4: R - Victim support / ISF-P Article 3.3(d)
Issues: For this area provide a list of key issues and other issues and the main action(s) planned to address each issue.
type="S" maxlength="1300" input="M"> / Funding priorities: Briefly describe the main actions from those above that will be supported with this EU Fund.
type="S" maxlength="1500" input="M"> / national priority 5: R - Infrastructure / ISF-P Article 3.3(e)
Issues: For this area provide a list of key issues and other issues and the main action(s) planned to address each issue.
type="S" maxlength="1300" input="M"> / Funding priorities: Briefly describe the main actions from those above that will be supported with this EU Fund.
type="S" maxlength="1500" input="M"> / national priority 6: R - Early warning and crisis / ISF-P Article 3.3.(f)
Issues: For this area provide a list of key issues and other issues and the main action(s) planned to address each issue.
type="S" maxlength="1300" input="M"> / Funding priorities: Briefly describe the main actions from those above that will be supported with this EU Fund.
type="S" maxlength="1500" input="M"> / national priority 7: R - Threat and risk assessment / ISF-P Article 3.3(g)
Issues: For this area provide a list of key issues and other issues and the main action(s) planned to address each issue.
type="S" maxlength="1300" input="M"> / Funding priorities: Briefly describe the main actions from those above that will be supported with this EU Fund.
type="S" maxlength="1500" input="M">
4. / Special Case: Operating support for the Special Transit Scheme (Lithuania)
Provide the national strategy for the implementation of Special Transit Scheme, the requirements from that strategy and the national objectives designed to meet those requirements. Provide the results and desired outcome with this strategy.
type="S" maxlength="3000" input="M">
Please provide indication of types of additional costs to be supported in relation to the implementation of the STS
type="S" maxlength="1300" input="M">

ISF March 2014 11