St. Alban’s Episcopal Church

Cape Elizabeth, Maine

Vestry Meeting Minutes

July 11, 2017- 6:30 pm

Attending: Rev. Tim Boggs, John Hartley, Lisa Newbold, Frank Governali, Liz Davy, Mike Watson, Joan Hankinson, David Stankiewicz, Susan Hamilton

Andy Leblanc, Katie Payson, Beth Callaway

John Hartley called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.

Father Tim led an opening prayer.

The Vestry meeting minutes for June 13, 2017 were approved as amended.

Warden’s Report-

Fundraiser Update– Lisa Newbold

Lisa reviewed plans for the parish fundraiser French Dinner to be held at the church on Friday, September 29th. Highlights include:

·  New committee members and ideas will be encouraged.

·  A “Save the Date” announcement will be forthcoming.

·  Pricing of tickets was briefly discussed.

·  The plan is for the wine to be donated.

·  A one-page description of the proposed event plan will be drafted.

Summer Seminarian Holly Clark gave an update on Vacation Bible School and her first few weeks with St. Albans.

Family Promise: St.Albans role and volunteer opportunities were discussed

·  First week for St. Alban’s participation is scheduled for August 13-20th.

·  Donations of supplies will be needed. Single bed sheets, blankets, etc.

·  Volunteer training to be provided by Licensed Social Workers.

Clergy Report-Rev. Tim Boggs

A dinner for all St. Alban’s 9:30 service ministries was held at the rectory with great attendance.

A call was put out to search for new ministry leaders for Buildings and Grounds and the Preble Street Soup Kitchen.

Summer Seminarian Holly Clark will introduce a Fall Bible Study program.

There will be several adult formation programs offered in the fall. Details to come.

The part-time clergy position was discussed. Holly Clarke would like to be considered as an applicant. She would like to continue her work at St. Albans while finishing her senior year at Yale. Some details were offered as to how this might work.

The Renewal Works program is a being considered and a handout was distributed.

·  David Stankiewicz and Katie Payson have volunteered to review program materials and offer feedback as to its feasibility for St. Albans.

·  This is one step in response to the trending low attendance over the year.

·  More discussions to come at the August meeting.

There will be two supply clergy priests in July and August during the Sundays Fr. Tim will be on vacation.

Treasurer’s Report- Frank Governali

Thanks yous:

Louise Sullivan by Mike Watson

Lisa Newbold to call Suzanne Higgins

John H. to call Tim Hartsfield

John offered the closing prayer. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.