Present:Patrick Brady (Chairman), Carol Warrington, Richard Moon, Stephen Blaney, John Leahy (Councillors), Carole Reed (Clerk), Shirley Fawcett (District Councillor), Cliff Trotter (County Councillor)

  1. Apologies –None
  2. Sign the minutes of the previous meeting – CW proposed and SB seconded that CW sign the minutes of the meeting on 22 November 2012.
  3. Declaration of interests – None declared.
  4. Highways issues –
  5. Speed survey – CT to request the survey be repeated as this one was done in August although the parish council had identified that the problems are in term time and also the position of the survey was too far down the hill from the brow where the problems arise.
  6. Provision of vehicle automated speed signs – Sicklinghall are on the list for the temporary ones – there are 26 parish councils on the list and only 6 signs available. Allocation will be done by Highways on the basis of greatest need where the speed surveys indicate that there is a problem with speeding.
  7. Potholes – the roads are in a poor state of repair and the repaired potholes are deteriorating very quickly. CT stated that proper repairs will be done in the summer and that the ones we have reported are on the list for repair.
  8. Cemetery–
  9. Review of cemetery fees – CR had done this and circulated a table of comparison with the Harrogate and Wetherby rates. Kirkby Overblow and Spofforth parish councils had been approached for their rates but Kirkby Overblow don’t administer its cemetery and Spofforth hadn’t provided them prior to the meeting. It was agreed to leave the inhabitant rates as they are and increase the non-inhabitant rates to the same level as Wetherby with effect from 1 April 2013. The category for stillborn would be removed as no charge would be made in those circumstances.
  10. Cemetery extension – no developments to report. CR is trying to find out the landowner opposite the cemetery and will report back at the next meeting.
  11. Inspections of the cemetery – these are being done, D Mackereth’s headstone looks unlevel – CR to contact P Plews to look at it.
  12. Finance
  13. Bank balances - £12.79 in the Community Account, £3831.66 in the Business Money Manager and £20110.50 with Santander. CR suggested that £500 be transferred from the BMM to the Community Account – proposed by SB and seconded by RM. SB confirmed that he had checked the bank reconciliation to the underlying records and was satisfied with it.
  14. Invoices for approval – Vision ICT £510.00 for the web site and annual support, SLCC £30.00 for the Clerk’s training manual, Pullans Landscape £244.50 for the Christmas tree and tub, Pullans Landscape £252.00 for the tree surgery at the lower pond, Clerk’s wages and expenses of £183.85 plus £44.40 due to HMRC for PAYE. SB proposed and RM seconded that the invoices presented to the meeting be approved and cheques signed by PB and CW. RM confirmed that he had checked the payroll records.
  15. Appointment of internal auditor – it was agreed that S Callinan be appointed at a rate of £120. CR to write to her making the appointment.
  16. Financial Risk Assessment – this was reviewed and no changes were necessary. It was agreed that PB and CR sign the document.
  17. Operational risk assessment – this was reviewed. No changes required to the fidelity insurance cover. CR’s training with the SLCC should improve the procedures and knowledge of the parish council.
  18. Clerks’ contract of employment and performance review – It was agreed that there be no change to the rate of pay. PB agreed to undertake an appraisal and performance review with CR and report back to the parish council at the next meeting.
  19. Planning applications – Kirkby Hallgarage roof conversion – no objections, decision pending by HBC, Crackhill Farm moving gateposts – no objections and permitted by HBC, Scotts Arms signage changes – no objections and permitted by HBC, Raventofts Farm outbuilding variation to planning obtained – no objections, to be considered by HBC on 26/03/13, Holy Family Convent and Myddleton Lodge planning enforcements on signage – both now rectified to satisfaction of planning enforcement officer.
  20. Items for next agenda – Donation to village hall fund for improvements, flower display for St Peter’s church community event in July.

Date of next meeting –23 May 2013.