City Academy Whitehawk

Mr Church’s Newsletter

15th December 2017

Children choosing to read at lunchtime in our new library!

Mrs James & Year 2

Mrs James will sadly be leaving us at the end of this term and I would like to publicly thank her for a brilliant eight years at the school. As well as being a superb class teacher, she has also had significant whole school impact with her Growth Mindset approach (ask your children about the learning animals). Mrs James starts at a new school in Horsham after the holiday and is very excited about the new challenge. I’m sure you will all join me in wishing her the very best of luck in her new role.

Mrs James asked if the following message could be sent to all parents/carers in the newsletter:

As some of you may already have heard, I am leaving CAW at the end of this term. I will be starting a new job in Horsham in January. I have worked in Whitehawk for the last eight years and have seen lots of changes during my time at the school. I am very proud to have been a part of the school’s journey and to have taught so many wonderful children. CAW is a very special school and I will miss the whole school community. I look forward to hearing about all your successes and learning adventures. Make sure you look after the learning animals!

Mrs James

While we are sad to see Mrs James leave, we are delighted to have recruited a very talented teacher to take over her new class. Mrs Maisie Baker has taught at another Aurora school, King Offa in Bexhill, and joins us for a few days before the end of this term before starting as the teacher in Goldfinch class after Christmas.

Christmas Jumpers & the final day of term

Last year’s Christmas jumper fundraiser on the final day of the Autumn Term was a huge success for Save the Children and we will repeat it this year on the last day of term (Wednesday). If your child would like to wear a Christmas jumper on the final day, we would ask for a small donation towards the Save the Children appeal. Please can they wear school trousers, school shorts, school skirts and school shoes as normal.

On the final day, the playground gates will open at 12.50pm and Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will be dismissed at 12.55pm. Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 will be dismissed at 1pm.

Please note that school is shut for INSET on Tuesday 2nd January and the first day back will be Wednesday 3rd January.

Paragon Events

Every time we hold a Paragon event, we work out the numbers of parents/carers who are able to attend. We were thrilled that 57% of children in Y1-6 had one or more parent/carers attend. Thank you for your support!

End of Term Performances

We have enjoyed some stunning performances from Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 so far. Our remaining events are on the following dates – no tickets are needed for these:

Y3: Weds 20th December 9.30am

Y4: Mon 18th December 2.15pm

Y5: Tues 19th December 9.30am

Y6: Tues 19th December 2.15pm


We are up to 86 followers on our new Facebook page. Over the next few months we will be adding more and more information to it. Please like/follow us!

Parent/Carer Consultation Evenings – Spring Term

We will be holding parent/carer consultation evenings early in the Spring Term so please make a note of the dates. Letters will come out in the first week back for the following dates and times:

Tuesday 9th January 3.30pm – 7pm

Wednesday 10th January 3.30pm – 5pm

Autumn Half Term 2018

We are aware through the parent forum that there was mixed feedback to the new Brighton & Hove two week half term break in October. While, as far as we are aware, many other Brighton & Hove schools (including Secondary Schools) plan to repeat this for 2018, we, as an academy have the option to choose whether we go back to one week half term break in October or continue with the two week break.

I would be very interested to hear from parents/carers on this as we will be making a decision in the new year. If you have a preference for either, please complete the slip below and return to the school office by Wednesday 20th December.


Autumn Half Term Break 2018

I would prefer to keep the two week Autumn Half Term break in October 2018. I understand this means that the Summer, Christmas and Easter holidays will be slightly shorter.

I would prefer to return to one week Autumn Half Term break in October 2018. I understand that this may mean the school has slightly different holidays to other local schools.

Name of child: Name of adult:

Please return to the school office by Wednesday 20th December. If you would like to make any comments please attach a separate sheet of paper or send an email to